cctv英语takedown造句简单带翻译 -回复
1. The police managed to takedown the notorious drug dealer in a dramatic raid. (警方成功在一次惊险的突袭中抓住了恶名昭彰的毒贩。)
2. The boxer delivered a powerful takedown to his opponent in the third round. (拳击手在第三回合给对手施加了一个强有力的摔跤动作。)
竹颂萝卜饺子馅怎么做好吃3. The website received a takedown notice for copyright infringement and had to remove the offending content. (该网站因版权侵权收到了一份去除通知并被迫删除相关内容。)
加州戴维斯分校4. The MMA fighter ud a variety of takedowns to dominate his opponent in the octagon. (MMA选手在八角笼中运用多种摔跤动作主导了比赛。)欧洲的良心
均匀反义词5. The cybercurity team was able to quickly takedown the phishing website before it could cau any damage. (网络安全团队迅速关闭了钓鱼网站,确保它没有造成任何损害。)退位减法