Eric Roberts Handout #20
CS106A October 8, 1999
CS106A Graphics Contest
Submission deadline: Wednesday, October 20
ssd硬盘The graphics programs you can write using the tools from Chapter 7 are more exciting than some of the other programs you have en in this class, but the problems in Assignments 3 and 4 only scratch the surface of what you can do with the libraries. To give you a chance to explore the depths of the graphical capabilities of C, we are plead to announce the CS106A Graphics Contest.
204英语二Each of you is eligible to submit one entry for the contest, where an entry consists of a program that us the graphics library described in Chapter 7. In addition to the features defined in the graphics.h interface, you may—and indeed should, if you want to compete with the strongest entries—u the extended library defined by the extgraph.h interface, which appears in full at the end of this handout.
Selection criteria
As in the Karel contest, entries will be judged by the CS106A staff (e official rules below), and a prize will be awarded in each of two categories:
正面教育•Aesthetic merit. This prize is awarded bad on the aesthetic value of the graphical image produced.
•Algorithmic sophistication. This prize is bad on the difficulty of the underlying programming task and the sophistication of the displayed images.
In both categories, programming style will be part of the evaluation. Plea note that you don’t have to specify a category; all entries will be eligible for either prize.
The grand prize in each of the categories will be that we will replace whatever individual score most negatively affects your grade—which may be an assignment, the midterm, or the final—with a 100% in the computation of the final grade. As in the Karel contest, we rerve the right to award additional runner-up and honorable mention prizes. As announced in Handout #13, everyone who submits a “rious” entry gets a chance in a random drawing at the end of the quarter for an additional grand prize.
Official rules
1.Only students registered in CS106A are eligible to submit entries in the contest.好听的歌词
2.Only one entry per person will be accepted.
3.All entries must be submitted to the box outside my office (Gates 180) by 5:00P.M. on
Wednesday, October 20. Late entries will not be accepted.摘帽子
4.Each submission must consist of a Macintosh disk containing a C program using the
graphics library, which may u features from either graphics.h or extgraph.h.
Remember to label the disk with your name. In addition, you may submit a short narrative, not to exceed 250 words, describing your entry.
5.Contest entries should be nsitive to Stanford’s individual and cultural diversity.
Programs or narratives that have the effect of perpetuating negative stereotypes will not be considered for prizes.
脸上有血丝6.Contest entries will be evaluated initially by Eric Roberts and Rob Baesman. The best
entries will then be evaluated by reprentatives of the entire cour staff, who will choo the winners in each category.
The Extended Graphics Interface