Unit 1 Love
1.Talk about some people you love.
2.Motherly love and fatherly love.
Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional. Mother loves the newborn infant becau it is her child, not becau the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any expectation. Fatherly love is conditional love. Its principle is "I love you becau you fulfill my expectations, becau you do your duty, becau you are like me."
3.The right way to show love for children.
First, it is certain to give your child enough food and cloth. But you should never give him or her very expensive food and cloth. As you know, it is not true that the more expensive food your child eating, the more uful nutrition you child absorbing. The right way is you should let you child eat variable food. The nutrition value is not related to the price of food. In the same time, you should let your child know it is not easy to own money to buy all the things. Parents have to pay a lot of hard work. So wasting any
kinds of food is forbidden. Second, you should pay much more love to your child. You may always tell him or her you love him deeply. You should never hit them when some thing is wrong with you children. The right way is to tell them why they are wrong and where they are wrong.
Third, pay more time with your child is much more important than anything el. Your children need you play with them and learn together. When you are beside them, they may feel safe and happy. Do not let them feel lonely even if you are very buy. When you stay with them, you may discover that life is happy and beautiful.
4.Is marriage the tomb of love.
Unit 2 Communication problems
5.In what ways are men and women different in communication.宾补
雨伞怎么画Men and women ldom mean the same things even when they u the same words.Women would tend to exaggerate the facts a little bit for effect and u various superlatives,metaphors,and generalizations.Men commonly react in an unsupportive manner,becau they mistakenly take the expressions literally.
6.Caus of misunderstandings.Ways to avoid them.
世界上古史If a man really understood a woman’s complaint,then he would argue less and be able to respond more positively.When men and women are on the verge of arguing,they generally misunderstand each other.At such times,it is important to rethink or translate what they have heard.
7.Generation gap and its solution.
Since world came into existence, there is always a generation gap fight between elders and youngsters. They both have their own beliefs, customs and way to live their life. It becomes very sturdy when both think they are right and no one gets ready to change. Generation gap is very problematic becau, it breaks many family and youngsters los respect for elders
The main factor which can resolve this generation gap is to understand other’s feelings. Elders should keep their ego on side and understand that world changes very fast and only fittest can
survive. If youngsters want to choo their career at least elders should give them a chance. Youngster want reasons for all customs, elders are forcing them to follow. If elders have genuine reasons for following customs, then youngsters should do it, this will make your parents happy. Pare
nts say no for dating, live-in relations and dressing n, especially to girls becau many suffered and exploited. Many guys died becau they are very cool and go for adventurous trips. If parents are saying something good, youngsters should follow.
8.How to increa communication in family.
Engage your brain before you open your mouth, and ask yourlf if anyone will really be rved by what you are about to say.
Be generous with appreciation and acknowledge good behavior openly.
If you are a parent and you want to make sure your child is hearing what you are saying, active listening is the remedy.
The more important the information being communicated, the more we need to slow down, taking time to make sure that the message we are nding is the same one that our loved one is receiving.
Unit 3 Born to win
9.The meaning of winning to you.Do you regard yourlf as a winner?
In my opinion, I think the meaning of winning consists of four parts: much knowledge, real happiness, richness, good society position.
10.Great winner in your eyes.
In my opinion, winning means trying one’s best to achieve the goal which he has t up. Maybe a winner is not the first , but he must be the one who carries on to the final. Take an example ,Dr Albert Schweitzer who received the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize for his philosophy of "reverence for life". It was expresd in many ways ,but most famously in his more than 50 years of work in Africa. At the age of 30, he learned that Gabon was calling for a doctor for missionary work . At that time he had owned a great reputation in philosopher theology and music , however he answered the call and re-entered the university to study for eight years towards the degree of a Medical Doctor .In 1913 ,he and his wife established a hospital in Gabon and rviced there until his death.
11.Things that help one win and things that make one lo.
A winner has the ability to propo solutions to a problem, or to stick it out until a solution is found. A lor spends a lot of time worrying about the problem and why it can't be solved instead of working to find a solution. A winner has the ability to adapt to rapidly changing scenarios while a lor often e
xpect things to go exactly as they envisioned it. A winner has the fortitude to e through the issue and to prepare for a challenge while a lor simply gives up without even making a good effort.
Unit5 Dreams
孤独患者12.Say anything that you know about night dreams.
We dream for most of the night,but we’re only able to remember our dreams if we happen to wake up while we are stil in Rapid Eye Movement.
13.Share with others any of your dreams.
Unit 6 Food
14.Food and drink you like and dislike.
I like chicken,beef, fish, vegetables,ice-cream,milk,banana,orange…
I don’t like ginger, Coriander,ˈkɔ:ri:ˌændə,Chocolates…
15.What helps to develop the eating habit?
1.keep a ady to tell youlf you are gonna eat everything that are required cau they're helpful,nutritious and can sometimes be delicious!
< have a little change in to accept the taste that the food has and adjust to it,it's beyond peradventure that you will finally get ud to,or even love it!
3. read more books about this stuff,learn something connected with nutrition.then you will start eating tho natually even without supervision cau you've know its precious function and feel your body yearning them
16.Attitudes toward western fast food.
Western fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers.
It is economical and convenient. When you go into a western fast food restaurant for meal, your food will be ready in a minute.And the environment is comfortable.Futhermore,it tastes so delicious that many kids like to eat.
However, western fast food isn’t healthy enough.First, it contains too much fat,salt,and sugar. Secon
d,hydrogenated oils leads to chronic dias.Third,it does n’t compo a balanced diet and is low in nutrition. Which damage children's intelligence.
All in all,western fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and we should eat nutritious foods.
17.Problems with food.
In addition to human u of food additives, chemical hormone and excessive u of fertilizers, pesticides and other active pollution, environment also bring a big trouble of food safety problem
Unit 7 Culture
18.Should we do in Rome asRomans do?Your opinion about cultural diversity.
19.Your opinion about Chine people celebrating western festivals.
关于下雨的作文20.Taboos in China,including tho concerning gift-giving,dressing,eating,speech,behavior,etc. Unit8 Money
21.Money,the root of all evils or the source of happiness?
两伊战争In my opinion of view, it’s not nece ssary to require everyone doing what Romans do while they are in Rome.But it’s a action that can be encouraged.In spite of the truth that everyone can hold their brief which should be respected
and understood, we are suppod to take it easy. What we do as Romans just as a conquence that we are in Rome and we pretend to be real Romans. People should be happy and enjoy this kind of precious experience.
Cultural diversity is the quality of diver or different cultures. For example, before Hawaii was conquered by Europeans, the culturally diver Hawaiian culture existed in the world, and contributed to the world's cultural diversity. Now Hawaii has been westernized; the vast majority of its culture has been replaced with Western or American culture. The phra cultural diversity can also refer to having different cultures respect each other's differences.The phra cultural diversity is sometime misud to mean the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole; but the phenomenon are multiculturalism rather than cultural diversity. The culturally destructive action of globalization is often said to have a negative effect on the world's cultural diversity.As a generation of one culture,people needs to take this responsibility to make it alive in the world.It means a lot for human beings.
22.Three things you would do if you had 100,000U.S.dollars now?
If I had 100,000 U.S. dollars now, I would do three things. First, I would go to a trip with my parents. We can travel around the whole country and have a good sighteing. Second, I want to spend some money eating different kinds of delicious food. Thild, I will u the spare money to make a donation for some poor areas. Well, I want to help lots
of children and make them go to school.
What's more, I believe I will very happy and my life will become more meaningful!
23.Should children be paid for doing houwork?
I suppo the children should be paid for doing houwork
but the frequency should be limit.
Paying for doing houwork,the children could realized
that how difficult to earn money.
The purpo of reward becau of the labour is that
children will aware they can not dependence upon their parents all the time but should create their life by their own hands
But if give money to children too frequent it will
lo its originaly mean.
besides it also can promote the enmotion between
family members
24.Is a high salary the most important feature of a job?
now there is a heat-discussion topic about the value of job.A new a diea is that heigh salary determines the job for the reason that citzen feel huge economic pressure form society.The expens of life in large-scale city is large especially. in addition ,most of chine people measure people through the quantity of wealth instead of the inside morality of person. what's wor ,many children worship wealth blindly ,as a result of that ,their parents become more attach important of the salary.In esnce,no one will refu the high salary,earn more monery also show their capacities.
howere,on the other hand,others support whether job can improve one's ability and personal relationships is most important feature of a job rather than salary.Initially,the general quantity of person is the key feature of one's career,which could not be improved by high salary but a valuable job.following this ,no one would be happy at the mercy of money,although everyone love it's strong power.Last and the most important ,the value of life can't be measured by the money,we cho job not only focusing on the salary but also many other features like interests,capacity,meanful and so on.
in the fina conclusion,as far as a job is concerned,the salary is a ciginificant facture but not the most important feature .
Unit 9 Shopping
25.Aspects you consider when you make a buying decision.
26.Few expensive clothes or many inexpensive clothes?
We're now at a period that want to be noticed.We're young and hope our lives to be colorful.Nice-loo
king clothes are perfect things that can help us become more attractive.
做梦剪头发Everyone wants to have some world-famous brand's expensive clothes.Tho fancy clothes are quite fascinating.However,the reality is,we as students do not have enough money to purcha many of the expensive clothes,sometimes we can't even afford one.What we can afford are tho inexpensive ordinary brand's clothes.But as a matter of fact the inexpensive are not always
bad-looking or in poor condition,not at all.On the contrary,inexpensive clothes provide us more choices.For their lower price,we can buy veral clothes at one time instead of just pick one expensive clothes.
Also,as a student from ordinary family,cheap clothes make my life a lot easier,since I don't need to save money for a long time to buy clothes,and worried about them being damaged.So as far as I'm concern,maybe many inexpensive clothes is a better idea,it can rich our lifestyle.But it's not a bad idea