Unit one
A 22-year-old male: Last night the pain was colicky in nature, periumbilical, and rather sporadic. The patient had about five episodes of naua and vomiting associated with this pain last night. He has been anorectic, has had no bowel movements for two days, and has had no episodes of diarrhea. The pain has since migrated to the right lower quadrant and is steady in nature. He has had a temperature of 100 since yesterday. His blood pressure is 110/82. There have been no episodes of coughing with expectoration, shortness of breath, or burning in the epigastrium. The pertinent physical findings are related to the abdomen. His chest is clear. The patient was lying still in bed, trying to avoid movement as much as possible. There is extreme tenderness in the right lower quadrant, and there was no tenderness on rectal examination. Bowel sounds are markedly decread.
Unit 2
Outpatient Clinic Medical Records (9parts):
Name:吕布的老婆 Wang Ping
Sex: male 桂花开
Age: 12
Clinic Record Number: 0001
Date: Mar.27th, 2001
Chief complaint: aversion to cold, fever, body ache, a sore throat, a stuffy and running no. All the symptoms have continued for two days since the day before yesterday.
Ca history: The boy said that he felt aversion to cold and had a fever due to the sudden coldness on Mar, 25th. Then he had an ache all over and a sore throat, he had a stuffy and running no. His cough was persistent and nonproductive. He was in good health previously.
Examinations and investigations: His temperature is 38.4oC. He has a hyperaemia ph
醋布arynx [ ]充血清眸[ ]咽. His lung's respiratory sound becomes louder, but has no dry rale. He has a red tongue with slight yellow coating. His pul is floating and rapid.
Syndrome differentiation and diagnosis: common cold due to wind hot evil attacking the lungs
Method of treatment: clearing away heat, scattering wind, dispersing lung qi and removing exterior evil
Recipe: Sang Ju Decoction (Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Granule (Beverage)
Order: 1) Take the decoction once a day.
2) Have a good rest.
3) Avoid eating pungent food.
10. 中药疗效高,大都无毒性,无副作用, 是治病强身的良药。
A. Traditional Chine Drugs are highly effective and most of them have no toxicity and little or no side effects. They are also good for recuperation and building up resistance to dias.
B. Traditional Chine Drugs, most of which have no toxicity and little or no side effects, are highly effective and good for recuperation and building up resistance to dias.
11. 不同成分与不同剂量的药方用于治疗不同的疾病。
Prescriptions of different compositions and dos are ud to treat different cas.
12. 一个药方可能有两三味药,有的甚至多达十几味药。
A precription can have two or three or as many as over a dozen ingredients.
7. 草药可制成各种剂型,如浸剂、煎剂、药膏等。
Herbal medicine can be prepared in many different ways, for example infusion, decoction and ointment.
合伙合同(various forms of prescriptions, such as infusion, decoction and ointment can be prepared.)
8. 使用天然药物不仅比西药更为有效,而且也较为安全与便宜。
Natural medicine is more effective than modern drugs, as well as being safer and cheaper.
Unit Five
Unix Six
Discharge Record
2pm. 5/3/2001
中国古典美女Hu xx, male, 45 years old, worker, was admitted at 3:, March, 21, 2001. He has completely recovered after medication and was discharged at 10:, April 16, 2001, he has been in hospital for 25 days totally.
The patient was hospitalized with the complaints of fever, chillness, cough, and referred pain in the right chest for half a day accompanied by distress all over. Following administration of diaphoretic, there is the manifestation of sweat, headache related to the brain, stuffy no with thick running, intermittent cough with easy expectoration of yellow and thick sputum, dyspnea with a slight gasp, and aggravation of referred pain in the right chest by deep breath. Red tongue, yellow fur and slight greasy, wiry slippery and fast pul. T 38oC, P 82 beats/min, R 20 beats/min, BP 17. 3/12kpa. Mediate and light bubbling sound was audible from the right middle area of the lung, in the left lobe there was respiratory harshness, no enlargement of the heart area, the heart rate was 82 beats/min, the heart rhythm was regular, there was no pathogenic murmur from auscultaory area of all valves. Laboratory test: blood WBC 29800/mm3), N97%, L3%. Chest X-ray: signs of lobar pneumonia in the right middle lobe.
Admission diagnosis:
Diagnosis of TCM: wind-warm syndrome involvement of both wei and qi, stagnation of phlegm-heat in the lung.
Diagnosis of WM: lobar pneumonia, in the right middle lobe.
In the duration of hospitalization, the syndrome was differentiated as affection by wind-heat exopathogens and stagnation of phlegm in the interior transmitted to heat in accordance with the manifestations of the syndrome, tongue and pul. The medication is dispelling exopathogenic wind from the exterior, clearing away phlegm-heat and keeping the fu organs from obstruction. The prescriptions chon for the treatment is Yinqiao San (powder of Lonicera and Forsythia) and
modified Ma Xing Shi Gao Tang on combination with subordinative Qing Kai Ling for intravenous injection. The patient responded well to the treatment and recovered completely.