Data : 23 ptember 2006
REF : JCP/NL2116CNPC Int’l (Mauritania) HSE MS Asssment CloOut Notes v.2.01.doc
ASSESSMENT Liao He Petroleum Exploration/GWDC(Latter named as GWDC in this document).
1.1audit GWDC HSE MS
1.2asss current situation of HSE performance
什么是平邮1.3advi on improvement plan near future (6-12months)
1.4include role CNPC
2.1GWDC was helpful ,no holding back of information, did not try to influence my opinion in an inappropriate way
2.2CNPC should provide contractor with a(paper) copy of my report; paper copy of blank checklist given already; gives indication where to improve.
2.3Derrick was erected the day before my arrival at the camp, rig#GWDC184 was busy in preparation
搭拉2.4Upon arrival no evidence records available , only binders with blank template sheets, procedures and certificates.
2.5HSE commitment was lagging behind upon my arrival, main focus was preparation fo
r the drilling operation, this had changed during my stay.
2.6During my day had daily interviews to collect evidence form the audittee\
2.7Safety signs were placed ,emergency plan (need to be reviewed for fire fighting and H2S/Gas alarm),muster point with Red flag was located ,complete with holders to stick in name id cards for who is working at the rig site.
2.8Risk management /maintain risk register not in place.
2.9HSE coordinator need to emphasis more in safe working on the site, from lessons learned and daily safety checks
2.10HSE plan and targets not yet prented by GWDC.
3.1I arrived one day after the derrick was erected and all in fully preparation of the operation. The rig is 2 years old, drilled about 5 holes in china mainland, and arrived at thi
s first location HERON-1, for drilling his first exploration hole in Mauritania, HSE track records where not auditable upon arrival. They were kept in personal logbooks. During my stay a dedicated person Mr.Yu Hongbo GWDC drilling engineer started with the HSE management system. By maintaining HSE sheets from the records as from the start of this Heron-1 operation.
3.2 Concentrate on KISS( Keep It Smart and Simple) and SMART( Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic ,and Time bound ): concentrate on operational issues (JSA, training, PPE, drills, inspections) and simple (annual) planning and performance reviewing EMME (Employee, Machine, Method, Environment)悲伤日记
3.3GWDC HSE Manual (version 2002-Jan) appeared not being the latest version it is a file of top level general documents, procedures and work instructions but they need to start using it. The JSA(Job Safety Analys Procedure) doc. HSE-03-11 need to be completed .Missing documents discovered what I did verify during the JSA document check ‘raising the derrick’ dated 19 p-2006.
3.4It is recommended that GWDC HSE coordinator remain focud on the health and safety and environment awareness process for this operation.
3.5GWDC have to deliver risk asssment for this operation of its critical equipment. And critical process to implement this per HSE-03-12 procedure.
3.6Communication is a reason for concern :working language is English, further language: Chine , French, Arabic , Spanish, an interpreter able to communicate in the 4 languages is available. Main culture is Chine with veral other fore mentioned culture.
At this moment locals team up with Chine employees to introduce them in working on a drilling rig.
3.7there is a positive HSE attitude expresd by the GWDC Chine employees are prepared and trained before they were nt out for this project. Awaiting for Schenker local employee contractor trainings information.
3.8Contract between CNPC and GWDC as company and contractor with contract NR. CNPCIM/EXP/2006-1001 was available at the rig site.
3.9Verbally some responsibilities in regard with HSE to other contractor than GWDC such as permit to work issues were not answered as it was the responsibility of CNPC. Such anormalies can also be described in a bridging document.
80岁生日祝寿词3.10Promote co-maker ship with CNPC :both parties can benefit
3.11 Promote GWDC Rig#184 to pilot :show CNPC/GWDC that focud attention can improve HSE performance to an acceptable standard benchmarking against international companies.
5.1Health, safety and environment (HSE) policy: OK only also the date should be mentioned on the document .
5.2HSE planning for hazard identification, risk asssment and risk control: start JSA(systematic job/task risk asssments) and RA’s on non-routine (hazardous )activities
睾酮低怎么办5.3Legal and other requirements more attention need to be paid to keep free the camp and rig site free of debris and stray- carbage this for a green environment which is a required to operate in this loction. Improvement has been en during my stay.