(Identical with ASTM Specification A530/A530M-96.)
1.1This specification covers a group of requirements
which,with the exceptions of Sections 4.3,12,19,
and20,are mandatory requirements to the ASTM pipe
product specifications noted below unless the product
specification specifies different requirements,in which
ca the requirement of the product specification shall
1.2Sections4.3or6are mandatory if the product
specification has a requirement for product analysis or
flattening tests.
1.3Section20is mandatory if the product specifica-
tion has a hydrostatic test requirement without defining
the test parameters.
1.4Section12is for information only.
1.5In ca of conflict between a requirement of the
product specification and a requirement of this general
requirement specification,only the requirement of the
product specification need be satisfied.
Title of Specification Designation A
Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-A106
Temperature Service
Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless A312/A312M
Steel Pipe
Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-A333/A333M
Temperature Service
Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High-A335/A335M
Temperature Service
Title of Specification Designation A
Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-A358/A358M
网页版qq在线聊天Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High-
Temperature Service
Carbon and Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and A369/A369M
Bored Pipe for High-Temperature Service
Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for U With A376/A376M
High-Temperature Central-Station Service
撒贝宁资料Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for U With A381
High-Pressure Transmission Systems
Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe Specially A405
Heat Treated for High-Temperature Service
Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe A409/A409M
for Corrosive or High-Temperature Service
Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for A426
High-Temperature Service
Austenitic Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for A430/A430M
High-Temperature Service
Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for A451
High-Temperature Service
Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Cold-A452
Wrought Pipe for High-Temperature Service
Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for Atmospheric A524
and Lower Temperatures
Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel A608
High-Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application
at High Temperatures
Centrifugally Cast Carbon Steel Pipe for High-A660
Temperature Service
Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for A671
Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures
Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-A672我被感动了作文
Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures
Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe,Electric-Fusion-A691
Welded for High-Pressure Service at High
Seamless,Welded Ferritic,and Martensitic A731/A731M
Stainless Steel Pipe
SA-530/SA-530M1998SECTION II
Title of Specification Designation A Seamless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic
Stainless Steel Pipe A790/A790M
Single-or Double-Welded Austenitic Stainless
Steel Pipe A813/A813M
Cold-Worked Welded Austenitic Stainless
Steel Pipe A814/A814M Centrifugally Cast Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless
Steel Pipe for Corrosive Environments A872
A The designations refer to the latest issue of the respective specifica-tions.
1.6The values stated in either inch-pound units or
SI units are to be regarded parately as standard. Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore,each system must be ud independently of
the other.Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification.The inch-pound units shall apply unless the“M”designation (SI)of the product specification is specified in the order. NOTE1—The dimensionless designator NPS(nominal pipe size)
has been substituted in this standard for such traditional terms as “nominal diameter,”“size,”and“nominal size.”
2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:
A370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Test-
ing of Steel Products
A450/A450M Specification for General Requirements
for Carbon,Ferritic Alloy,and Austenitic Steel Tubes
A700Practices for Packaging,Marking,and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Domestic Shipment
A751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
D3951Practice for Commercial Packaging
E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data
to Determine Conformance with Specification
2.2ANSI Standards:
B36.10Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
B36.19Stainless Steel Pipe
2.3Military Standards:
MIL-STD-271Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Metals
MIL-STD-792Identification Marking Requirements for Special Purpo Equipment
2.4Federal Standards:
Fed.Std.No.183Continuous Identification Marking of Iron and Steel Products
2.5Steel Structures Painting Council:
SSPC-SP6Surface Preparation Specification No.6Com-mercial Blast Cleaning
3.1The steel shall be made from any process.
3.2If a specific type of melting is required by the purchar,it shall be stated on the purcha order.
3.3The primary melting may incorporate parate degassing or refining and may be followed by condary melting,using electroslag remelting or vacuum remelt-ing.If condary melting is employed,the heat shall
be defined as all of the ingots remelted from a single primary heat.
3.4Steel may be cast in ingots or may be strand cast.When steel of different grades is quentially strand cast,identification of the resultant transition material is required.The producer shall remove the transition material by an established procedure that positively parates the grades.
4.Chemical Composition
4.1Chemical Analysis—Samples for chemical analysis and method of analysis shall be in accordance with Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology A751.
4.2Heat Analysis—An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the steel manufacturer to determine the percentages of the elements specified.If condary melting process are employed,the heat analysis shall
be obtained from one remelted ingot or the product of one remelted ingot of each primary melt.The c
hemical composition thus determined,or that determined from
a product analysis made by the tubular product manufac-turer shall conform to the requirements specified.
4.2.1For stainless steels ordered under product specifications referencing this specification of general requirements,the steel shall not contain an unspecified element,other than nitrogen,for the ordered grade to
the extent that the steel conforms to the requirements
of another grade for which that element is a specified element having a required minimum content.For this requirement,a grade is defined as an alloy described individually and identified by its own UNS designation
in a table of chemical requirements within any specifica-
tion listed within the scope as being covered by this specification.
4.3Product Analysis—Product analysis requirements and options,if any,are contained in the product specifi-cation.
5.Mechanical Requirements
5.1Method of Mechanical Tests—The specimens and the mechanical tests required shall be in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370,especially Annex A2thereof.
5.2Specimens shall be tested at room temperature.
5.3Small or subsize specimens as described in Test Methods and Definitions A370may be ud only when there is insufficient material to prepare one of
the standard specimens.When using small or subsize specimens,the largest one possible shall be ud.
6.Tensile Requirements
6.1The material shall conform to the requirements
as to tensile properties prescribed in the individual specifications.
6.2The yield strength corresponding to a permanent offt of0.2%of the gage length or to a total extension
of0.5%of the gage length under load shall be deter-mined.
6.3If the percentage of elongation of any test speci-men is less than that specified and any part of the fracture is more than3⁄4in.[19.0mm]from the center
of the gage length,as indicated by scribe marks on
the specimen before testing,a retest shall be allowed. 7.Permissible Variation in Weight for
Seamless Pipe
7.1The weight of any length of amless pipe NPS
12and under shall not vary more than10%over and 3.5%under that specified.For sizes over NPS12,the weight of any length of pipe shall not vary more than 10%over and5%under that specified.Unless otherwi specified,pipe of NPS4and smaller may be weighed
in convenient lots;pipe in sizes larger than NPS4 shall be weighed parately.
8.Permissible Variations in Wall Thickness
8.1Seamless and Welded(nofiller metal added)—The minimum wall thickness at any point shall not be more than12.5%under the nominal wall thickness
949specified.The minimum wall thickness on inspection is shown in Table X1.1.
8.2Forged and Bored—The wall thickness shall not vary over that specified by more than1⁄8in.[3.2 mm].There shall be no variation under the specified wall thickness.
8.3Cast—The wall thickness shall not vary over that specified by more than1/16in.[1.6mm].There shall be no variation under the specified wall thickness.
9.Permissible Variations in Inside Diameter 9.1Forged and Bored,and Cast—The inside diameter shall not vary under that specified by more than1/16in.[1.6mm].There shall be no variation over the specified inside diameter.
10.Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter 10.1Variations in outside diameter,unless otherwi s
pecified,shall not exceed the limits prescribed in Table 1.The tolerances on outside diameter include ovality except as provided for in10.2and10.2.1.
10.2Thin-wall pipe usually develops significant oval-ity(out-of-roundness)duringfinal annealing,straight-ening,or both.Thin-wall pipes are defined as having
a wall thickness of3%or less of the outside diameter.
10.2.1The diameter tolerances of Table1are not sufficient to provide for additional ovality expected in thin-wall pipe and are applicable only to the mean of the extreme(maximum and minimum)outside diameter readings in any one cross-ction.However,for thin-wall pipe the difference in extreme outside diameter readings(ovality)in any one cross-ction shall not exceed1.5%of the specified outside diameter.
11.Permissible Variations in Length
11.1Seamless and Welded(nofiller metal added)—If definite cut lengths are ordered,no length of pipe shall be under the length specified and not more than 1⁄
in.[6mm]over that specified.
11.2Forged and Bored,Cast,and Cast Cold-Wrought—If definite cut lengths are ordered,no length of pipe shall be under the length specified and not more than1⁄8in.[3mm]over that specified.
98SA-530/SA-530M1998SECTION II
11.3For pipe ordered to random lengths,the lengths
and variations shall be agreed upon between the manu-
facturer and purchar.
11.4No jointers are permitted unless otherwi
agreed upon.
12.Standard Weight
12.1A system of standard pipe sizes has been
approved by the American National Standards Institute
as ANSI B36.10and B36.19.The standard sizes do
not prohibit the production and u of other sizes of
pipe produced to the various specifications referenced
to this Specification.
12.2For nonstandard sizes of pipe,the calculated
weight per foot,shall be determined from the following
W p C(D−t)t(1)
C p10.69[0.0246615],
W p weight,lb/ft[kg/m],
D p specified or calculated(from specified inside
diameter and wall thickness)outside diameter,
t p specified wall thickness,in.(to3decimal
places)[mm to2decimal places].
NOTE2—The weights given in the American National Standards
and the calculated weights given by Eq.(1)are bad on the weights
for carbon steel pipe.The weight of pipe made of ferritic stainless
steels may be about5%less,and that made of austenitic stainless
steel about2%greater than the values given.
13.1Unless otherwi specified,the pipe shall be
furnished with plain ends.All burrs at the ends of the
pipe shall be removed.
14.1Thefinished pipe shall be reasonably straight.
14.2For metal-arc welded pipe,the maximum devia-
tion from a10ft[3.0m]straightedge placed so that
both ends are in contact with the pipe shall be1⁄8in.
[3.2mm].For metal-arc welded pipe with lengths
shorter than10ft[3.0m],this maximum deviation
shall be pro-rated with respect to the ratio of the actual
length to10ft[3.0m].
15.Repair by Welding
15.1Repair by welding of defects in amless pipe
(including centrifugally cast and forged and bored)and
of plate defects in welded pipe and,when specifically
stated by the product specification weld am defects
in welded pipe,shall be permitted subject to the approval
of the purchar and with the further understanding
that the composition of the depositedfiller metal shall
be suitable for the composition being welded.Defects大盘怎么看
shall be thoroughly chipped or ground out before weld-
ing and each repaired length shall be reheat treated or
stress relieved as required by the applicable specifica-
tion.Each length of repaired pipe shall be tested
hydrostatically as required by the product specification.
15.2Repair welding shall be performed using proce-
dures and welders or welding operators that have been
qualified in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vesl Code,Section IX.
16.1If the results of the mechanical tests of any
group or lot do not conform to the requirements specified
in the individual specification,retests may be made on
additional lengths of pipe of double the original number
from the same group or lot,each of which shall conform
to the requirements specified.Only one retest of any
group or lot will be permitted.Nonconformance will
be cau for the rejection of the group or lot.
16.2Any individual length of pipe that meets the
test requirements is acceptable.Individual lengths that
do not conform to the test requirements may be resub-
mitted for test provided the reason for nonconformance
is established and the nonconforming portion removed.
17.1If individual lengths of pipe lected to reprent
any group or lot fail to conform to the test requirements,
the group or lot reprented may be reheat treated and
resubmitted for test.The manufacturer may reheat treat
the pipe,but not more than twice,except with the
approval of the purchar on the basis of satisfactory
metallurgical evidence that the cau of failure of
the test is curable and the quality of the material is
18.Test Specimens
18.1Test specimens shall be taken from the ends
offinished pipe prior to any forming operations,or being cut to length.They shall be smooth on the ends and free from burrs andflaws,except for specimens
for theflattening test when made from crop ends.
18.2Specimens cut either longitudinally or trans-verly shall be acceptable for the tension test.
18.3If any test specimen showsflaws or defective machining,the specimen may be discarded and another substituted.
19.Flattening Test Requirements
19.1Seamless and Centrifugally Cast Pipe—A ction of pipe not less than21⁄2in.[63mm]in length shall beflattened cold between parallel plates in two steps.During thefirst step,which is a test for ductility,
黄金保证金no cracks or breaks on the inside,outside,or end surfaces,except as provided for in19.3.4,shall occur until the distance between the plates is less than the value of H calculated as follows:
H p(1+e)t/(e+t/D)(2) where:
H p distance betweenflattening plates,in.[mm],
t p specified wall thickness,in.[mm],
D p specified or calculated(from the specified inside
diameter and wall thickness)outside diameter,
e p deformation per unit length(constant for a given
grade of steel;0.07for medium carbon steel
(maximum specified carbon0.19%or greater),
0.08for ferritic alloy steel,0.09for austenitic
steel,and0.09for low-carbon steel(maximum
specified carbon0.18or less)).
During the cond step,which is a test for soundness,
theflattening shall be continued until the specimen breaks or the opposite walls of the pipe meet.
19.2Welded Pipe—A ction of welded pipe not less than4in.[100mm]in length shall beflattened cold between parallel plates in two steps.The weld shall be placed90°from the direction of the applied force(at the point of maximum bending).During the
first step,which is a test for ductility,no cracks or breaks on the inside or outside surfaces,except as provided for in19.3.4,shall occur until the distance between the plates is less than the value of H calculated
by the Eq.(2).During the cond step,which is a
精致反义词951test for soundness,theflattening shall be continued until the specimen breaks or the opposite walls of the pipe meet.
19.3Seamless,Centrifugally Cast,and Welded Pipe:
19.3.1Evidence of laminated or defective material or weld that is revealed during the entireflattening test shall be cau for rejection.
19.3.2Surface imperfections not evident in the test specimen beforeflattening,but revealed during the first step of theflattening test,shall be judged in accordance with thefinish requirements.
19.3.3Superficial ruptures resulting from surface imperfections shall not be a cau for rejection.
19.3.4When low D-to-t ratio tubular products are tested,becau the strain impod due to geometry is unreasonably high on the inside surface at the six and twelve o’clock locations,cracks at the locations shall not be cau for rejection if the D to t ratio is less than10.
20.Hydrostatic Test Requirements
20.1Except as provided in20.2and20.3,each length of pipe shall be tested by the manufacturer to a hydrostatic pressure which will produce in the pipe wall a stress not less that60%of the minimum specified yield strength for carbon and ferritic alloy steel pipe, or50%of the specified minimum yield strength for austenitic alloy steel pipe.The test pressure or stress shall be determined by the followin
g equation:
P p2St/D or S p PD/2t(3) where:
P p hydrostatic test pressure in psi or MPa,
S p pipe wall stress in psi or MPa
t p specified nominal wall thickness,nominal wall thickness corresponding to specified ANSI
schedule number,or1.143times the specified
minimum wall thickness,in.[mm],and
D p specified outside diameter,outside diameter
corresponding to specified ANSI pipe size,or
outside diameter calculated by adding2t(as
defined above)to the specified inside diameter,
20.1.1The hydrostatic test pressure determined by the equation shall be rounded to the nearest50psi [0.5MPa]for pressures below1000psi[7MPa],and to the nearest100psi[1MPa]for pressures1000psi