(Identical with ASTM Specification A480/A480M-96except that certification is mandatory and clarified heat treatment require-
ments in12.1.)
1.1This specification covers a group of general requirements that,unless otherwi specified in the purcha order or in an individual specification,shall apply to rolled steel plate,sheet,and strip,under each of the following specifications issued by ASTM: Specifications A167,A176,A240/A240M,A263,
A264,A265,A666,A693,A793,and A895.
1.2In ca of any conflicting requirements,the requirements of the purcha order,the individual mate-
rial specification,and this general specification shall prevail in the quence named.
1.3The values stated in either inch-pound units or
SI units are to be regarded parately as standard. Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore,each system must be ud independently of
the other.Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification.
1.4This specification and the applicable material specifications are expresd in both inch-pound and SI units.However,unless the order specifies the applicable “M”specification designation(SI units),the material shall be furnished in inch-pound units.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:
A167Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate,Sheet,and Strip
855A176Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium Steel Plate,Sheet,and Strip
A240/A240M Specification for Heat-Resisting Chro-mium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet,and Strip for Pressure Vesls
A262Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergran-
ular Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels
A263Specification for Corrosion-Resisting Chromium Steel-Clad Plate,Sheet,and Strip
A264Specification for Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel-Clad Plate,Sheet and Strip
A265Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Ba Alloy-Clad Steel Plate
A342Test Methods for Permeability of Feebly Magnetic Materials
A370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Test-
ing of Steel Products
A666Specification for Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip,Plate,and Flat Bar
A693Specification for Precipitation-Hardening Stainless
and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate,Sheet,and Strip
A700Practices for Packaging,Marking,and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Domestic Shipment
A751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
A763Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergran-
ular Attack in Ferritic Stainless Steels
A793Specification for Rolled Floor Plate,Stainless Steel
A895Specification for Free-Machining Stainless Steel Plate,Sheet,and Strip
A923Test Methods for Detecting Detrimental Interme-tallic Phas in Wrought Duplex Austenitic/Ferritic Stainless Steels
98 98SA-480/SA-480M1998SECTION II
E112Test Methods for Determining the Average
Grain Size
E140Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals(Relation-
ship Among Brinell Hardness,Vickers Hardness,
Rockwell Hardness,Rockwell Superficial Hardness,
Knoop Hardness,and Scleroscope Hardness)
2.2Federal Standard:
Fed.Std.No.123Marking for Shipment(Civil Agencies)
2.3Military Standards:
MIL-STD-129Marking for Shipment and Storage
MIL-STD-163Steel Mill Products,Preparation for Ship-
ment and Storage
2.4AIAG Standard:
B-5Primary Metals Identification Tag Application
2.5ANSI Standard:
Accredited Standards Committee X12,(ANSI ASC X12)
3.1.1Plate,sheet,strip,and cold work as ud
in this specification apply to the following:—material3⁄16in.[5.00mm]and
over in thickness and over10in.[250mm]in width.
Finishes for plate are actually shown in Section10.—material under3⁄16in.[5.00mm]
in thickness and24in.[600mm]and over in width.
Finishes for sheet are actually shown in Section8.—cold-rolled material under3⁄16
in.[5.00mm]in thickness and under24in.[600mm]
in width.Finishes are detailed in Section9for strip,
and strip edges in Section11for Cold-Rolled Strip. work—the changing of mechanical
properties by work hardening.
4.Ordering Information
4.1It is the responsibility of the purchar to specify
all requirements that are necessary for material ordered
under this specification.Such requirements may include,
but are not limited to,the following:
4.1.1Quantity(weight and number of pieces),
4.1.2Name of material(stainless steel),
4.1.4Finish(e Section8for Sheet,Section9
for Strip,and Section10for Plates).In the ca of
polishedfinishes,specify whether one or both sides
are to be polished,
4.1.5Temper(if the applicable material specifica-
tion requires this detail),
4.1.6Form(plate,sheet,or strip),
4.1.7Dimensions(thickness,width,length), shall be ordered to decimal
or fractional thickness.The u of the gage number
is discouraged as being an archaic term of limited
ufulness not having general agreement on meaning.
The gage number shall not be a basis for rejection.,width,and length,when appli-
cable,should be ordered in the same units,for example,
0.060in.by48in.by120in.(1.52mm by1219mm
手上纹身图片4.1.8Edge,strip only(e Section11for Cold-
Rolled Strip),
4.1.9Type,refer to the applicable material specifi-
4.1.10Specification designation and date of issue,
4.1.11Additions to specification or special require-
4.1.12Restrictions(if desired)on methods for
determining yield strength(e appropriate footnote
to mechanical properties table of the basic material
4.1.13Marking requirements(e Section21),
4.1.14Preparation for delivery(e Section21),and
4.1.15Magnetic permeability test(when required).
Refer to Section16.
丰饶之海NOTE1—A typical ordering description is as follows:200pieces,
stainless steel sheets,0.060in.by48in.by120in.,Type410No.
2Bfinish,ASTM A176-XX.
5.1The steel shall be manufactured/produced by the
following or as specified in the applicable material
5.1.1The steel shall be made by one of the following process:electric-arc,electric-induction,or other suitable process.
5.1.2If a specific type of melting is required by the purchar,it shall be so specified on the purcha order.
6.Heat Analysis
6.1An analysis of each heat shall be made by
the steel producer to determine the percentages of the elements specified in the applicable material specifica-tion.This analysis shall be made from a test sample taken during the pouring of the melt,or from the in-process product later in the manufacturingflow.The chemical composition thus determined shall conform
to the applicable material specification.
6.2Methods and practices relating to chemical analysis shall be in accordance with Test Methods, Practices,and Terminology A751.
6.3The steel shall not contain an unspecified element for the ordered grade to the extent that the steel conforms to the requirements of another grade
for which that element is a specified element having
a required minimum content.For this requirement,a grade is defined as an alloy described individually and identified by its own UNS designation in a table of chemical requirements within this specification or any specification listed within the scope as being covered
by this specification.
7.Product Analysis
7.1Product analysis(formerly check analysis)may
be made by the purchar to verify the identity of the吴印咸
finished material reprenting each heat or lot.Such analysis may be made by any of the commonly accepted methods that will positively identify the material.乌镇西栅景区
7.2The chemical composition determined in accord-ance with7.1shall conform to the limits of the material specification within the tolerances of Table A1.1,unless otherwi specified in the applicable material specifica-tion or the purcha order.The allowable variation of
a particular element in a single sample for product analysis may be either above or below the specifi
ed range.However,percentages must exhibit the same tendencies in all samples;that is,the veral determina-tions of any individual element in a heat may not vary both above and below the specified range.
8578.Finish for Sheet
8.1The types offinish available on sheet products are:
8.1.1No.1Finish—Hot-rolled,annealed,and descaled.
8.2.1No.2D Finish—Cold-rolled,dullfinish.
8.1.3No.2B Finish—Cold-rolled,brightfinish. Annealed Finish—A bright cold-rolledfinish retained byfinal annealing in a controlled atmosphere furnace.
8.1.4No.3Finish—Intermediate polishedfinish, one or both sides.
8.1.5No.4Finish—General purpo polished finish,one or both sides.
8.1.6No.6Finish—Dull satinfinish,Tampico brushed,one or both sides.
8.1.7No.7Finish—High lusterfinish.
8.1.9TR Finish—Cold-worked to obtain specified properties.
NOTE2—Explanation of Sheet Finishes:
No.1—Thisfinish is produced by hot rolling to specified thickness followed by annealing and descaling.It is generally ud in industrial applications,such as for heat and corrosion resistance,where smooth-ness offinished is not of particular importance.
No.2D—Produced on either hand sheet mills or continuous mills by cold rolling to specified thickness,annealing,and descaling.The dullfinish may result from the descaling or pickling operation or may be developed by afinal light cold-rolled pass on dull rolls. The dullfinish is favorable for retention of lubricants on the surface in deep drawing operations.Thisfinish is generally ud in forming deep-drawn articles which may be polished after fabrication.
No.2B—Commonly produced the same as2D,except that the annealed and descaled sheet receives afinal light cold-rolled pass on polished rolls.This is a general purpo cold-rolledfinish.It is commonly ud for all but exceptionally difficult deep drawing applications.Thisfinish is more readily polished than No.1or No. 2D Finish.
Bright Annealed Finish is a bright cold-rolled highly reflectivefinish retained byfinal annealing in a controlled atmosphere furnace.The purpo of the atmosphere is to prevent scaling or oxidation during annealing.The atmosphere is usually comprid of either dry hydrogen or a mixture of dry hydrogen and dry nitrogen(sometimes known as dissociated ammonia).
No.3—For u as afinish-polished surface or as a mifinished-polished surface when it is required to receive subquentfinishing operations following fabrication.Where sheet or articles made from it will not be subjected to additionalfinishing or polishing operations, No.4finish is recommended.
SA-480/SA-480M1998SECTION II
No.4—Widely ud for restaurant equipment,kitchen equipment, store fronts,dairy equipment,etc.Following initial grinding with coarr abrasives,sheets are generallyfinished last with abrasives approximately120to150grit.
No.6—Has a lower reflectivity than No.4finish.It is produced
by Tampico brushing No.4finish sheets in a medium of abrasive
and oil.It is ud for architectural applications and ornamentation where high luster is undesirable;it is also ud effectively to contrast
with brighterfinishes.
No.7—Has a high degree of reflectivity.It is produced by buffing
afinely ground surface,but the grit lines are not removed.It is
chiefly ud for architectural or ornamental purpos.
No.8—The most reflectivefinish that is commonly produced.It
is obtained by polishing with successivelyfiner abrasives and buffing extensively with veryfine buffing rouges.The surface is esntially
free of grit lines from preliminary grinding operations.Thisfinish
is most widely ud for press plate,as well as for small mirrors
and reflectors.
TR Finish—Thefinish of products resulting from cold-working an annealed and descaled or bright-annealed product sufficiently to obtain mechanical properties higher than that normally obtained. Appearance will vary depending upon the amount of cold work required and the alloy ordered.
8.1.10Sheets can be produced with one or two sides polished.When polished on one side only,the other side may be rough ground in order to obtain the necessaryflatness.
9.Finish for Strip
9.1The various types offinish procurable on cold-rolled strip products are:
9.1.1No.1Finish—Cold-rolled to specified thickness,annealed,and descaled.
9.1.2No.2Finish—Same as No.1Finish, followed by afinal light cold-roll pass,generally on highly polished rolls.
9.1.3Bright Annealed Finish—A bright cold-rolledfinish retained byfinal annealing in a controlled atmosphere furnace.
9.1.4TR Finish—Cold-worked to obtain specified properties.
9.1.5Polished Finish—Stainless steel strip is also available in polishedfinishes such as No.3and No.4,which are explained in Note2.
NOTE3—Explanation of Strip Finishes:
No.1—Appearance of thisfinish varies from dull gray mattefinish
to a fairly reflective surface,depending largely upon composition. Thisfinish is ud for verely drawn or formed parts,as well as
for applications where the brighter No.2Finish is not required, such as parts for heat resistance.
858No.2—Thisfinish has a smoother and more reflective surface, the appearance of which varies with composition.This is a general purpofinish,widely ud for houhold and automotive trim, tableware,utensils,trays,etc.
Bright Annealed Finish—See Note2.
TR Finish—See Note2.
10.Finish for Plates
10.1The types offinish available on plates are:
10.1.1Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled,and Annealed or Heat Treated—Scale not removed,an intermediate finish.U of plates in this condition is generally confined to heat-resisting applications.Scale impairs corrosion resistance.
10.1.2Hot-Rolled or Cold Rolled,and Annealed or Heat Treated,and Blast Cleaned or Pickled—Condition andfinish commonly preferred for corrosion-resisting and most heat-resisting applications,esntially
a No.1Finish.
10.1.3Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled,and Annealed or Heat Treated,and Surface Cleaned and Polished—Polishfinish is generally No.4Finish.
10.1.4Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled,and Annealed or Heat Treated,and Descaled,and Temper Pasd—Smootherfinish for specialized applications.
10.1.5Hot-Rolled or Cold-Rolled,and Annealed or Heat Treated,and Descaled;and Cold-Rolled,and Annealed or Heat Treated,and Descaled,and Option-ally Temper Pasd—Smoothfinish with greater freedom from surface imperfections than in10.1.4. 11.Edges for Cold-Rolled Strip
11.1The types of edges available on strip prod-ucts are:
11.1.1No.1Edge—A rolled edge,either round or square as specified.
11.1.2No.3Edge—An edge produced by slitting.
11.1.3No.5Edge—An approximately square edge produced by rolling orfiling after slitting. 12.Heat Treatment
12.1The heat treatments shown in Table A1.2and described in this ction are to be followed unless otherwi specified in the applicable material specifica-
tion.Heat treatment thermal cycles shall be parate from other processing cycles.
12.2Austenitic Types:
12.2.1The material shall be solution annealed
to meet the mechanical property requirements of the applicable material specification unless otherwi stated
in the material specification.
12.2.2Except as indicated in Table A1.2,Series 300,XM-15,S30415,S30815,S31725,S31726,and
S32615austenitic chromium-nickel steels,when speci-
fied on the purcha order,shall be capable of meeting
the test for resistance to intergranular corrosion specified
12.2.3For grades stabilized with titanium or colum-bium,refer to Note4.
NOTE4—Solution-annealing temperatures above1950°F[1066°C] may impair the resistance to intergranular corrosion after subquent exposure to nsitizing conditions in the stabilized grades,Types
347H,348,and348H.When intergranular corrosion is of concern,
the purchar should specify the corrosion test of15.2(to be conducted on nsitized specimens).The manufacturer may,may if necessary,u a lower temperature resolution anneal or a stabilization anneal after a high temperature solution anneal in order to meet corrosion test requirements.Consideration should be given to the corrosive media before using a stabilization anneal at less than 1800°F[982°C],as such treatment may not be equally effective for
all media.
12.2.4For the stabilized H types,it is noted that
the heat treatment requirements shown in Table A1.2 differ as a function of whether the material was cold worked or hotfinished.与朱元思书教案
校园板报12.2.4.1As evidence that the materials are ade-quately solution annealed309H,309HCb,310H,and 310HCb shall exhibit a grain size of six or coarr as determined in accordance with Test Methods E112.
12.2.5The chromium-mangane-nickel types (201,202,S20103,S20400,S20153,S21800,XM-17, XM-18,XM-19,XM-29,and XM-31)shall be solution annealed to meet the mechanical property requirements
of the applicable material specification and,to exhibit adequate resistance to intergranular corrosion(e15.2). For S20161,the heat treatment is specified in Table
A1.2. that some of the types may contain high carbon content that can adverly affect resistance to intergranular corrosion.
12.3Duplex Types—The duplex types shall be solution annealed in accordance with Table A1.2.
12.4Martensitic and Ferritic Types:
12.4.1The chromium steels(S32803,400Series, S40945,S41045,S41050,S41500,S44400,S44635, S44660,S44700,S44735,S44800,XM-27,and XM-33)shall be heat treated in such a manner as to satisfy all the requirements for mechanical and bending properties specified in the applicable material specifica-tion and(except for400ries,S41050,and S41500) to provide for adequate resistance to intergranular attack.
12.4.2For S41500,heat to1750°F[955°C]mini-mum,air cool to200°F[93°C]or lower prior to any optional intermediate temper and prior to thefinal temper.Thefinal temper shall be between1050°F [566°C]and1150°F[621°C].
13.Test Specimens
13.1Tension Test:
13.1.1Tension test specimens shall be taken from finished material and shall be lected in either or both longitudinal and transver direction.The tension test specimen shall conform to the appropriate ctions of Test Methods and Definitions A370,unless otherwi specified in the applicable material specification or agreed upon by the ller and the purchar.
13.1.2The testing speed between the yield strength and the fracture of the specimen shall be conducted at a constant strain rate between1⁄8in.[3.18mm]and 1⁄
in.[12.70mm]inclusive,per inch[25.40mm]of gage length per minute,or at a crosshead speed that will give a strain rate within this range.For the purpos of this specification,the rate of strain may be determined by a strain-rate pacer,indicator,or controller,or by dividing the unit elongation by the elapd time from yield strength to fracture.
13.2Hardness Test—Hardness tests may be made on the grip ends of the tension specimens before they are subjected to the tension test.
13.3Bend Test:
13.3.1Bend test specimens(when required)shall be taken fromfinished material and shall be lected in the transver direction or as indicated in the applicable material specification or as agreed upon by the ller and the purchar.In the ca of transver bend test specimens,the axis of bend shall be parallel to the direction of rolling.
13.3.2Bend test specimens from sheet and strip product shall be the full thickness of the material and
SA-480/SA-480M1998SECTION II approximately1in.[25.4mm]in width.The edges of
the test specimen may be rounded to a radius equal
to one half the specimen thickness.
13.3.3The width of strip for which bend tests
can be made is subject to practical limitations on the
length of the bend test specimen.For narrow strip,the following widths can be tested:
Minimum Strip Width
and Minimum Specimen
Length for Bend
Strip Thickness,in.[mm]Tests,in.[mm]
0.100[2.5mm]and under1⁄2[2.7mm]
0.140[3.5mm]and over11⁄2[38.1mm]
Bend test specimens may be of any suitable length
over the specified minimum lengths.
13.3.4Bend test specimens taken from plates shall
be in full thickness of the material up to and including
1⁄2in.[12.7mm]in thickness,of suitable length,and
between1and2in.[25.4and50.8mm]in width. The sheared edges may be removed to a depth of at lea
st1⁄8in.[3.2mm]and the sides may be smoothed with afile.The corners of the cross ction of the specimen may be broken with afile,but no appreciable rounding of the corners may be permitted.
13.3.5In the ca of plates over1⁄2in.[12.7mm]
in thickness,bend test specimens,machined to1in. [25.4mm]nominal width by1⁄2in.[12.7mm]nominal thickness and at least6in.[152.4mm]in length,may
be ud.One surface,to be the outside surface in bending,shall be the original surface of the plate; however,surface preparation by light grinding is permit-ted.The edges may be rounded to a1⁄16in.[1.6mm] radius.When permitted by agreement between the ller and the purchar,the cross ction may be modified
to1⁄2in.[12.7mm]nominal square.
13.3.6In the ca of plates over1in.[25.4mm]
in thickness,bend tests must be agreed upon between
the ller and the purchar.
13.3.7The bend test specimen shall withstand cold bending through the angle specified in the applicable material specification without cracking on the outside
of the bent portion.
13.4The bend may be made over a diameter equal
to the number of thickness offlat stock shown in
the applicable material specification or over a single piece offlat stock equal to the number of thickness
860shown in the applicable material specification;or as shown as follows:
13.4.1Material up to and including3⁄8in.[9.5 mm]in thickness shall be bent over a piece(or pieces) offlat stock that has the same nominal thickness of the material being tested(1T),allowing the test material to form its natural curvature.
13.4.2Material over3⁄8in.[9.5mm]and up to and including1in.[25.4mm]in thickness shall be bent over a piece(or pieces)offlat stock equalling two times the thickness of the material being tested (2T),allowing the test material to form its natural curvature.
14.Number of Tests
14.1Unless otherwi specified by the applicable material specification or by agreement between the ller and the purchar,the following number of tests are to be performed.
14.1.1In the ca of plate,sheet,and strip produced in coil form,two or more hardness tests(one from each end of the coil);one bend test,when required; one permeability test,when required;and one or more tension tests shall be made on specimens taken from each coil.If the hardness difference between the two ends of the coil exceeds5HRB,or equivalent,or if the material is temper rolled,tensile properties must be determined on both coil ends.
14.1.2In the ca of plate,sheet,or strip produced in cut lengths,one tension test;two tension tests if the material is temper rolled(one tension test for single piece lots);one bend test when required,and one or more hardness tests shall be made on each100or less pieces of the same heat and nominal thickness rolled parately or continuously and heat treated within the same operating period,either as a lot or continuously. NOTE5—The term continuously,as applied to heat treatment,is meant to describe a heat-treating operation in which one cut length follows another through the furnace.Intersperment of different melts is permissible if they are of approximately the same nomin
al thickness and are heat treated in the same operating period and under the same conditions(time and temperature).
14.1.3One intergranular corrosion test,when re-quired,shall be lected from each heat and thickness subjected to the same heat treatment practice.Such specimens may be obtained from specimens lected for mechanical testing.