Deciding on a topic
As a college student of science and technology,you are often required to write a literature review about a certain topic,or a 1500-word term paper.In either ca,the writing is a complex process which involves choosing a topic,arching for relevant materials,and compiling a reference list.茶油炒土鸡Hence the first thing you need to do is to choo a rearch topic.
A topic is what the essay or rearch paper is about.Choosing a topic for your literature review or rearch paper requires careful consideration.A topic that is too specialized or the general may bring many problems in terms of the time you can devote to the rearch or the sources of information available on the topic.How do you choo a topic which is possible to rearch?There are four principles:
1)Interesting.If a topic holds your interest,you will most likely working on it.However,you should also be aware of the interest of your readers.For example,if your readers are from different disciplines or academic backgrounds,your topic should not be too specific.
2)Important.You also have to consider the value of the topic you are likely to choo,both academic and social.And essay without practical or theoretical value will probably not attract readers.
3)Manageable.Narrow down your topic to make your paper manageable.For example,if you want to discuss the history of a dia,it may not be possible for you to cover all the important ideas in a 1500-word essay.
4)Adequate.You have to ask the question:Can the topic I have chon be rearched?One criterion is that you mast make sure that there are adequate source materials available on the topic.Avoid a topic that has very limited information about it,for it is difficult to carry out your rearch without previous studies.
Formulating a rearch question 清明>明打一成语
A rearch question is a statement that identifies the focus of your topic.It is the question that your study or your paper wants to answer.For example,you may develop it into the following rearch questions if your topic is “Electronic Threats of a Computer”.
1)What kind of electronic threats may our computer face?
2)What are the major characteristics of tho threats?
3)How can we cope with tho threats?
A rearch question,therefore,rves two purpos:
1)It identifies the specific objectives your rearch or your paper will address.You can check whether your answer it completely when you finish your study or your paper.
2)It determines the size of your rearch or the length of your paper.Obviously your paper will be shorter if you answer the third question only(How can we cope with tho threats?).
关于李白的简介Hence raising rearch questions will make your topic more specific,more tangible and more focud.
Writing a working title
A working title refers to the title you think of initially for the essay which you are going to write,which may be changed as you read more articles and become more involved in the rearch.
一个标题是指你想象的你要写的文章的标题的最初的样子。随着你阅读更多的文章,研究的更多 ,这可能会改变。
A good title must briefly but accurately reflect the main ideas of the essay or indicates the topic you will be discussing in the essay.It is important,therefore,to decide which type of essay you intend to produce before you begin to think about a title.Two things influence the type of essay:method and content.The former will u key words like compare,analyze,contrast,discuss,evaluate,study and asss,and the latter will include th
e key words like caus,effects,advantages,benefits,effectiveness and so on apart from the words reflecting the subject matter like computer hackers,lung cancer,nuclear power plant,energy and so on.复活托尔斯泰权杖国王正位Hence a typical title is compod of :1)subject matter+2)key words of the method+3)key words of the content