I approve wholeheartedly that…人死了为什么要守夜
I totally agree with the statement that…
微波炉做蛋糕的方法 Thus, I totally believe that…
倒影大厅 I am a believer of the argument that…
I firmly believe that…
For my part, I am in favor of their argument…
I prefer to …
I can not picture/ imagine a world/ life without…
It my belief that…
It is my firmly held opinion that…
While many individuals complain that… I firmly believe that…
One my think that… but in fact…
It is widely believed/ accepted that…
It is universally acknowledged that…
There is no doubt that…四川的大学排名
It is undeniable that…
It is an undeniable fact that…
No one can deny the fact that…
We should not overlook the fact that…
A benefits B in a lot of aspects.
A is of great importance for B.
Therefore, I hold that A weigh heavier than B.
The advantages of A outweigh its disadvantages.
A’s advantages carries more weight than its disadvantages.
However, in comparison, A is more effctive in doing sth.
I think it is far more better for us to do sth.
Another reason I’d like to bring up is that…