S/B eng.
Informed E/R of Standby Engine
Prepared for a, fore and aft
Tested bridge telegraph to the engine room. Both in efficient order.
Tried helm. She is in efficient order
Autopilot tested, in efficient order.
Adjusted the chronometer in correct time or Chronometer is adjusted in correct time
Check all hatches and lashings, All are in efficient order
Re-checked deck cargo without abnormality
Be ready for a
Tested navigational lights, signaling lights. Found in correct order. Started both anchor gears.
Tested main engine and its machinery
Engine stood by
Tried to operate M/E
R/up M/E ( or Ring up main engine)
Tested whistle in efficient order
Had finished patrol. No abnormality (has been) found
Tug and pilot (were) ordered. ETD 2000LT
Port clearance completed
Tested thrusters. Found in efficient order.
Ordered mooring hand from Dalian Mooring Operation Station
Tested both bridge consoles for M/E to ensure them in good condition
All pasnger embarked and bow & stern ramps ( were) clod and cured.
Having pasd bridge
Having pasd lock
(3)雷达量程切换到3 n mile, 处于雾航状态,报告船长
Decread radar range scale to 3 nm. Ready to navigate in fog bandk. Master reported
Informed E/R to S/B engine. Sounded fog signals in compliance with relevant rules, switched on navigational lights, changed autopilot into manual operation, continually obrved and plotted with radar, and kept watch on VHF
Sailed under the order of master to anchorage
Changed into autopilot. Master got off the bridge
Operated in the high as
Cour and speed avaliable
(9)于位置36o47’7N 123o00.’3E处换海图12000
Changed chart to No.12000 at 36o47’7N 123o00.’3E
(10)GPS船位¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E换海图139000
Changed chart to No.13900 at GPS position ¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E
(11)在¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E停车、漂航、防盗。
Measures take as topping engine, drifting, protectiong of piracy in the POSN ¢36o47’7N λ123o00.’3E
(12)在距镇海角真方位299O、距离2.37nm船首向045o 处核对锚位正常。
Checked ANCH/POSN at TB 299o HDG045o DIST 2.37m from Zhen Hai Horn, in correct position
(13)起雾,能见度1’.0 ~ 2’.0 。通知船长按中远雾中锚泊规定,①有关莲的诗句调雷达至最佳状态 ②打开驾驶台门窗 ③ 施放雾号并守听VHF同时向附近船舶发布信息 ④开亮锚灯
Fog tting in. Visibility (was) decread to 1.5 ~2.0nm. Master (has been) informed. (She was) manoeuvred in compliance with COSCO anchoring rules ①Radar optimized into best conditions; ②Bridge windows opened ③ Fog signals sounded for warning shipping in the vicinity, and VHF watch kept; and④anchor light switch on.
Relead on fog navigation measure
(15)丽水学院分数线起雾了,采取如下措施, 通知机舱备车 ② 船长请上驾驶台 ③ 按章施放雾号 ④ 加强了望把雷达和VHF 调至最佳状态 ⑤ 改自动舵为手动舵 ⑥跳水兔的正宗做法四川采取安全航速
The fog t in. Take the following measures. , Informing E/R to standby engine. ②asking master to go on the bridge ③ nding out fog signals in accordance with the fog navigation rules ④ enhancing man watch at bow and stern and adjusting VHF to the best condition ⑤ changing AUTOPILOT into manual operation ⑥using safe speed in lieu of a speed
Weigh up port anchor and starboard cable (was) hove in to 3 shackles to await pilot
Cour variably as per captain’s order
Steered by master’s instruction
Steered by pilot’s order
Transit narrow waters under the command of Master
(21)网页打不开黄白嘴灯塔在西正横5nm 处
HUANGBAIZUI L.H ab’m W dist. 5nm
(22)大沽口灯塔在西南正横2 nm处
DAGUKOU lighthou abeam south 2nm off
Set P.Log (patent LOG)
(24)航向正南, 计程仪工作
Steered south and t P.log
P log stopped
Cour altered to north at sight of 550nm in the P.log
Fog t in. Sent a lookout sailor to bow
Sent a sailor look out to stern
(29)派一名水手到大桅了望 (在桅杆上了望在帆船时代十分常见,但现在很少用)
Sent a sailor on the mast for lookout
Sailed at her harbor speed. Fishing boats in her vicinity
(31)在0800 ~ 1000时派了望者到船头
Sent a man lookout to bow from 0800~ 1000 AM
Sighted fairway buoy, Maneuvered her slowly inward to harbor in the den fog
Den fog t in, fog signals (were) sounded in strict compliance with the Fog Navigation Rules