Analysing the interaction between emission trading and renewable electricity support in TIMES痛经的主要原因
期刊名称: Climate Policy里脊肉怎么做
作者: Fais, Birgit,Blesl, Markus,Fahl, Ulrich, Vo?, Alfred羽毛球双打
年份: 2015年儒林外史第一回
期号: 第3期
关键词: carbon emissions trading;policy interactions;bottom-up
approaches;energy systems;renewable energy;
摘要:As the number of instruments applied in the area of energy and climate policy is rising, the issue of policy interaction needs to be explored further. This article analys the interdependencies between the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and the German feed-in tariffs (FITs) for renewable electricity in a quantitative manner using a bottom-up energy system model. Flexible modelling approa
ches are prented for both instruments, with which all impacts on the energy system can be evaluated endogenously. It is shown that national climate policy measures can have an effect on the supranational emissions trading system小龙虾吃什么
by increasing emission reduction in the German electricity ctor by up to 79MtCO2
in 2030. As a result, emission certificate prices decline by between 1.9€/tCO2 and
6.1€/tCO2 and the burden