Tracking 电痕
Terminal 接线端
Termination 接线头
Flexible cords 软线
Cord anchorage 线箍
Clamp type 夹紧型
End caps 端帽
Resistive element shoulder电阻轴臂
Fu contact clip 熔断器触夹
Contact 触头
Moulded-on plug 模压插头
Fud plug 熔断器插头
Screwtype terminal 螺钉型接线端
Pillar terminal 柱型接线端
Screw terminal 螺钉型接线端
Stud terminal 螺栓型接线端
Multiple socket-outlet多位插座睡佛
Adaptor 转接器
shutter 保护门 飞机(香港叫法)
变压器 火牛(香港叫法)
弹簧 弹弓(香港叫法)
有些扁的电容 扁仔(香港叫法)
Socket contact 插套 夹仔 又分别叫火线夹仔、中线夹仔、水线夹仔
Contact force 夹紧力 插拨力
单相两极可拆线插头 Single-pha Two-pole Rewirable Plug
单相两极不可拆线插头 Single-pha Two-pole Non-rewirable Plug
单相两极带接地可拆线插头 Single-pha Two-pole Rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact
单相两极带接地不可拆线插头 Single-pha Two-pole Non-rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact
三相四极可拆线插头 Three-pha Rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact
三相四极不可拆线插头 Three-pha Non-rewirable Plug with Earthing-contact
单相两极双用明装插座 Single-pha Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet
单相两极双用暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet
单相两极带接地明装插座 Single-pha Surface-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact
单相两极带接地暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact
三相四极明装插座 Three-pha Surface-type Socket-outlet Earthing-contact
三相四极暗装插座 Three-pha Flush-type Socket-outlet Earthing-contact
带保护门单相两极双用明装插座 Single-pha Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Shutter显卡性能图
带保护门单相两极双用暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Shutter
带保护门单相两极带接地明装插座 Single-pha Surface-type Shuttered Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact
带保护门单相两极带接地暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Shuttered Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact
带开关单相两极双用明装插座 Single-pha Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Switch
带开关单相两极双用暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole Socket-outlet with Switch
带开关单相两极带接地明装插座 Single-pha Surface-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact with Switch
带开关单相两极带接地暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Two-pole Socket-outlet with Earthing-contact with Switch
单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座 Single-pha Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole, Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet
单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole, Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet
带保护门单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座 Single-pha Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet with Shutter
带保护门单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing- contact Socket-outlet with Shutter
带开关单相两极双用、两极带接地明装插座 Single-pha Surface-type Flat-and-round Two-pole , Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Socket-outlet with Switch
带开关单相两极双用、两极带接地暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-
strainedpole , Two-pole-and-earthing- contact Socket-outlet with Switch
可拆线移动式插座 Rewirable Portable Socket-outlet
团团是谁不可拆线移动式插座 Non-rewirable Portable Socket-outlet
可拆线移动式多位插座 Rewirable Portable Multiple Socket-outlet
不可拆线移动式多位插座 Non-rewirable Portable Multiple Socket-outlet
加长电线组件 Cord Extension Set
单相两极双用、两极带接地地板暗装插座 Single-pha Flush-type Flat-and-round Two-pole, Two-pole-and-earthing-contact Floor-recesd Socket-outlet
器具插座 Socket-outlet for Appliances
电线组件 Cord t
功能件 (Functional Module) 指示灯 with indicate light
明装按钮开关 Surface-type Push-button Switch
暗装按钮开关 Flush-type Push-button Switch
明装拉线开关 Surface-type Cord-operated Switch
暗装拉线开关 Flush-type Cord-operated Switch钱怎么赚
明装旋转开关 Surface-type Rotary Switch
暗装旋转开关 Flush-type Rotary Switch
暗装跷板式单极开关 Flush-type Rocker Single-pole Switch
明装跷板式单极开关 Surface-type Rocker Single-pole Switch
暗装跷板式两极开关 Flush-type Rocker Double-pole Switch
明装跷板式两极开关 Surface-type Rocker Double-pole Switch
暗装跷板式三极开关 Flush-type Rocker Three-pole Switch
明装跷板式三极开关 Surface-type Rocker Three-pole Switch
暗装跷板式三极加中线开关 Flush-type Rocker Three-pole plus Switched Neutral Switch
明装跷板式三极加中线开关 Surface-type Rocker Three-pole plus Switched Neutral Switch
暗装跷板式双控开关 Flush-type Rocker Two-way Switch
88年属什么的明装跷板式双控开关 Surface-type Rocker Two-way Switch
烤箱烤牛排的做法暗装跷板式有公共进入线的双控开关 Flush-type Rocker Two-circuit Switch with a Common Incoming Line Switch
明装跷板式有公共进入线的双控开关 Surface-type Rocker Two-circuit Switch with a Common Incoming Line Switch