阳光小美女Little Miss Sunshine (2006)中英剧本
三万元奖金的获得者为The winner of a ,
路易斯安那州小姐艾丽卡·斯瓦兹is Miss Louisiana, Erika Schwarz.杠杆股票
新一轮的美国小姐为堪萨斯州小姐And the new Miss America is
塔拉·多恩·贺兰Tara Dawn Holland!
路易斯安那州小姐艾丽卡·斯瓦兹is Miss Louisiana, Erika Schwarz.
新一轮的美国小姐为堪萨斯州小姐塔拉·多恩·贺兰And the new Miss America is Miss Kansas, Tara Dawn Holland!
世界上有两种人There are two kinds of people in this world
成功者和失败者winners and lors.
在你们每个人的心中Inside each and every one
你们内心深处at the very core of
都有一名成功者等着被觉醒is a winner waiting to
被解开束缚冲向世界and unleashed upon the world.
通过我的九步曲"拒绝失败"计划With my ninestep "Refu to Lo"
你会得到必要的工具和洞察力you now have the necessary tools and
知道地样把导致你失败的恶习抛在脑后and the knowhow to put your losing habits
让你梦想成真and to go out and make your dreams come true.
不要犹豫No hesitating.
不要抱怨No complaining.
不要找借口And no excus.
我要你们走向世界I want you to go out in
我要你们成功and I want you to be winners!
谢谢Thank you.
谢谢Thank you.
我已经上路了I'm on my way.
我不知道还要多久我不知道I don't know how long.I don't know!
理查他没有别的地方可去Richard, he has nowhere el to go.
我没在抽烟没有啦I'm not smoking.I'm not!
我已经到医院了行回见Look, I'm at the hospital.Yeah, okay. Bye.
胡佛小姐你弟弟没事Miss Hoover?Your brother's fine.
你不能让他拿到尖利的东西刀剪子I need you to keep him away from sharp objectsknives, scissors.
如果你家里有药品镇静剂之类要收藏好If you have medications, depressants in your hou, keep them cure.
我希望他能在这多呆几天但是我明白医疗保险啦I'd prefer to keep him, butI know. The insurance.
你想见见他吗You want to e him?
嗨弗兰克Hey, Frank.
真高兴你还在I 'm so glad you're still here.
你高兴就好Well, that makes one of us.
一股强烈的低气压正从新墨西哥经过 A strong low pressure system pasdacross
带来的降水会让天气稍稍凉爽bringing with it a little moisture that will cool things off a bit.
阿尔布开克地区的气温甚至可能会下降五到十度We may even e a fiveto degree drop in temperatures in Albuquerque.
降雨量不会增加过多There will be no significant accumulations of rainfall
你想谈谈吗Do you want to talk or no?
不想Nearly nothing, but statewide %No.
走这边我们安排你和德维恩同住Down here.We have you with Dwayne.
德维恩弗兰克叔叔来了Dwayne, hi.Uncle Frank's here.
他不介意的弗兰克我们谈过了He doesn't mind, Frank.We talked.
我知道我知道但我们不能让你一个人睡医生吩咐的WhaI know. I know. But we can't have you sleeping alone. The doctor said.
抱歉非这样不可I 'm sorry.I have to insist.
你们会相处愉快的他很安静You'll get along fine.He's really quiet.
这是你的小床And here's your cot.
拜托了弗兰克Plea, Frank.
谢谢Thank you.
我准备开饭I'm gonna start dinner.
你收拾好就出来吧You can come out when you're ttled.
还有呃门别关上这很要紧And, uh,just leave the door open.That's important.
德维恩宝贝车里有一桶鸡肉Dwayne, honey, there's a bucket of chicken in the car.
你拿回来好吗我来做个沙拉Can you get it?And, uh, I'll make a salad.
奥丽芙干嘛Olive? Yeah?
爷爷是和你在一起吗对Is Grandpa with you? Yeah.
你们在干嘛排练What are you guys doing? Rehearsing.
好十分钟之后开饭好Okay, well, dinner in minutes. Okay.
普遍性和特殊性嗨嗨弗兰克来了Hi. Hi. Frank's here.
哦天斯坦·格罗斯曼打过电话吗Oh, God.Did, uh, Stan Grossman call?
自己看答录机Well, check the machine.
德维恩拜托车里的鸡肉 Dwayne, plea, come on.The chicken. It's in the car.
能摆一下碗吗今天我们用纸餐具Will you t the table?We'll do paper plates tonight.
鼓舞的反义词是记得奥丽芙拿了阳光小小姐亚军的事Remember Olive was runnerup in the Little Miss Sunshine?
他们刚打来电话嗨你姐姐的电话They just called right nowHey, it's your sister!
嗨我是理查·胡佛请找斯坦·格罗斯曼Hi. Richard Hoover for Stan Grossman, plea.
那有办法联系到他吗Any way to reach him or
我就是想问问出书的事到底搞得怎么样了Well, I'm just wondering if this darn book deal is
done or not.
行你能让他周末给我电话吗Okay, could you plea just have him call me any time over the weekend?
他有我手机号码要是定下来了就告诉我一声He has my cell number.Just to let me know we're on.
行吗谢谢再见Okay? Thank you. Bye.
斯坦·格罗斯曼那边怎样了他去斯科特斯德了So what happened with Stan Grossman? He's in Scottsdale.
那他怎么不打电话Why didn't he call?
我自己操心就成了行吧Will you let me worry about this, plea?
德维恩你去看看弗兰克吧告诉他开饭了Dwayne, can you check on Frank?Tell him it's dinner time.
奥丽芙开饭了Olive! Dinner time!
什么晚饭What? Dinner?
你怎么不说话What, you don't talk anymore?
独唱情歌为什么不说Why not?
你能说话但不想说You can talk.Youjust choo not to?
那是尼采吗Is that Nietzsche?
你不肯说话是因为弗里德里克·尼采You don't speak becau of Friedrich Nietzsche.
厉害Far out.
弗兰克你可以坐在德维恩边上Frank,you can sit here next to Dwayne.
沙拉在这我去给大家拿雪碧Here's the salad, and I'm gonna run and get Sprite for everyone. 奥丽芙出来吃饭了Olive, come on!Dinner time!
那你平时和谁一起玩So who do you hang out with?
谁也没有No one?
那你家人呢What about your family?
弗兰克嗨Frank! Hey!
理查很高兴见到你Richard. e you.
我去叫奥丽芙Let me get Olive.水果面膜
奥丽芙爸你们开动吧Olive? Dad? You guys, go on and start.
走啦我们就来Let's go! We're coming.
弗兰克来点雪碧好Frank, some Sprite? Yes.
大家都得吃点沙拉And I want everyone to have at least a little salad.
谢谢雪儿Thanks, Sheryl.
雪儿我注意到德维恩不说话了So, Sheryl, I couldn't help noticing Dwayne has stopped speaking.
嗯他呀发了哑誓Oh, yeah, he's taken a vow of silence.
你发了哑誓You've taken a vow of silence?
对他要参加空军学院当飞行员Yeah. He's gonna join the AirForce Academy,become a
不达目的就不开口说话and he's taken a vow of silence until he reaches that goal.
开玩笑吧嗨弗兰克叔叔You're kidding? Hi, Uncle Frank.
嗨奥丽芙哇你可真是长大了Oh, hey, Olive.Wow, you're gettin' big.
简直像个真人了Almost like a real person.
你手怎么了奥丽芙What happened to your arms? Olive.
没事我出了点小事故没大碍的That's all right.I hada little accident. I'm okay.
排练得怎么样了宝贝挺好How's the, uh, routine coming, honey? It's good.
是吗什么时候表演给我们看看Yeah? When are you gonna show it to us?
不好说爷爷说了算I don't know.It's up to Grandpa.
再等两天还得继续练习A couple of days.It still needs work.
什么玩艺又是鸡肉天天吃他妈的鸡肉What's that? Chicken?Every night it's the fuckin' chicken!
天杀的就不能有哪天爸Holy God Almighty! It is possible just onceDad!
哪天吃点别的什么天天都他妈的鸡肉we could get something to eat around here that's not the goddamn fucking chicken?
喂爸我是说Hey, Dad! Dad! I'm just sayin'
天了你要是想自己做饭欢迎Christ. When you want to start cooking your own food,you're welcome.
当年在夕阳红养老院那可你喜欢呆在养老院就不该搞到自己被踢出来At Sunt Manor, you knowIf you like Sunt Manor,you shouldn't have got kicked out.
上帝啊For God's sakes.
你什么时候开始发哑誓的So when did you start with the vow?
九个月了弗兰克他一句话也没说过Been nine months, Frank.He hasn't said a word.
一句话没说我觉得这说明他很有意志力Not one. I think it shows tremendous discipline.
理查真的Richard. I really do.
真的我觉得德维恩值得我们学习Really. I think we could learn something from Dwayne.
德维恩有目标有梦想Dwayne has a goal.He has a dream.
可能不是你我的梦想It may not be my dream,may not
但他努力追求这个目标有信心有专注but he's pursuing it with great conviction and focus.事实上这让我想起九步曲计划In fact, I was thinking about the nine steps
啊唷帮帮忙Oh, for crying out loud!
不怎么组词德维恩执行了其中至少七步为了实现他个人的追求目标And how Dwayne's utilizing ven of them in his personal quest to lffulfillment.
理查拜托Richard, plea.
说说而已我已经改变看法同意你们了Well, I'm just saying I've come around.
我认为他需要我们的支持I think he could u our support.
怎么回事How did it happen?
什么怎么回事你的事故How did what happen? Your accident.
宝贝来Honey, here.
噢没事除非你不想说Oh, no, it's okay.Unlessyou object.
没有啦我赞成诚实我就是想你知道啦你说了算No, I'm prohonesty here.I just think,
you know, it's up to you.
不必客气Be my guest.
奥丽芙弗兰克叔叔并没有真的出事故Olive, um, Uncle Frank didn't really have an accident. 事实上是他企图自杀What happened ied to kill himlf.
真的为什么You did? Why?
抱歉我觉得这种谈话不合适I'm sorry. I don't think this is an appropriate conversation.海市蜃楼什么意思
宝贝让弗兰克叔叔吃完饭再说好吧嘘Honey, let's let Uncle Frank finish his dinner, okay? Shh.
你为什么要自杀Why did you want to kill yourlf?
别回答弗兰克No, don't answer the question, Frank.
理查理查他不会回答的弗兰克Richard! Richard! He's not gonna answer the question. Frank.
我想自杀是因为别听他的I wanted to kill mylfDon't listen to him.
我很不快乐他脑子有病I was very unhappy. He's sick in his head.
理查抱歉我觉得这种对话Richard! I'm sorry! I don't think it's an
存款利息计算公式不该让七岁小孩听到她迟早会明白的for a venyearold. She's gonna find out anyway.
好吧接着说弗兰克Okay. Go on, Frank.
你为什么不快乐Why were you unhappy?
嗯有很多原因Um, well, there are a lot of reasons.
主要是我爱的人不爱我Mainly, though, I fell in love with someone who didn't love me back.谁Who?
我的一个研究生我很爱他One of my gradstudents.I was very much in love with him.
是个男孩你爱上了一个男孩It was a boy?You fell in love with a boy?
对的的确是很是多傻啊Yes, I did. Very much so. That's silly.
没错是挺傻的非常非常傻You're right. It was silly.It was very, very silly.
除了"傻"还有别的词可以形容呢爸There's another word for it. Dad.
于是那时候你就打算自杀倒不至于So, that's when you tried to kill yourlf? Well, no.
我爱的那个男孩爱上了别人拉里·苏格曼The boy that I was in love with fell in love with another manLarry Sugarman.
谁是拉里·苏格曼拉里·苏格曼嘛可能是Who's Larry Sugarman? Larry Sugarman is,
美国第二最负盛名的普鲁斯特研究专家the cond most highly regarded Proust scholar in the U.S.
谁是第一名那就是我了Who's number one? That would be me, Rich.
真的嗯Really? Mmhmm.
于是那时候你就打算自杀So that's when.
那还不至于事情是这样的No. What happened was I was a
我有点失落所以说了些可能不该说的话so I said some things that I shouldn't
做了些可能不该做的事and I did some things that I shouldn't
结果我就被解雇了and subquently I was fired from
只好搬出公寓去住旅馆and forced to move out of my apartment and move into a motel.
于是那时候你就还不是And that's when you tried toWell, no.