片名:泰 坦 尼 克 号
距离13公尺 应该看得见了
Thirteen meters. You should e it.
Okay, take her up and over the bow rail.
和平二号 我们要到船头了 跟好
Okay, Mir- 2, we're going over the bow. Stay with us.
好了 安静 我们开始录影了
Okay, quiet. We're rolling.
Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a
still gets me every time.
To e the sad ruin of the great ship,
一九一二年四月十五日 凌晨两点半
where she landed at 2:30 in the morning of April 15,
after her
from the world above.
老板 你太夸张了吧
You're so full of shit, boss.
Dive six.
Here we are again on the deck of Titanic.
Two and a half miles down.
3,821 meters.
The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch.
这窗户九寸厚 万一玻璃破裂
The windows are nine inches thick and if
it's sayonara in two microconds.
好了 狗屁放够了
All right, enough of that bullshit.
Just put her down on the roof of the officers' quarters like yesterday.
和平二号 我们要降在大梯上方了
Okay, Mir- 2, we're landing right over the Grand Stairca.
You guys t to launch?
机器人出动 好 查理
Yeah, Brock, launching Dunkin now. Go, Charlie.
- 放出缆绳 - 放出缆绳
- All right, tether out. - Tether out.
布洛克 沿船舱往下放
Okay, Brock, we're dropping down along the hull.
知道了 沿着一等舱登船口下去
Yeah, roger that. Okay, drop down, and go into the first- class gangway door.梅干菜的做法大全>小学英语同步辅导
看看D层 接待大厅和餐厅
I want you guys working the D deck reception area and the dining saloon.
Copy that.
- 放出缆绳 - 放出缆绳
- Tether out. - Tether out.
往左边 往左边
Okay, now left. Now left. Left, left.
小侦探出动 沿着楼梯往下
Snoop Dog is on the move. We're headed down the stairwell.
下到B层 路易斯
Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck.
A deck.个人信息表格模板
- 缆绳放长一点 - B层 到里头去
- Give me some rope, Captain. - B deck. Get in there.
- 小心门框 小心 - 我看见了
- Watch the door frame. Watch it. - I e it. I got it.
没事啦 放轻松点 老板
We're good. Just chill, boss.
好 转弯
Okay, make your turn.
- 收绳子 - 转弯 小心墙
- Cable out, Captain. - Make your turn. Watch the wall.
布洛克 我们看到钢琴了 听到没?
Brock, we're at the piano. You copy?
Copy that.
就在那里 就在那里
Right there.
- 就是那道房门 - 看见了
- That's it. That's the bedroom door. - I e it.
到了 到了 找到了
We're in. We're in, baby. We're there.
这张床就是 姓霍的那个王八蛋睡的
That's Hockley's bed. That's where the son of a bitch slept.
Oops. Somebody left the water running.
等一下 回到右边
Hold it. Just a cond. Go back to the right.
衣柜的门 靠近点
That wardrobe door. Get clor.
古徽州- 有什么发现吗 老板? - 我想看看底下
经典英语美文- You're smelling something, boss. - I want to e what's under it.
Give me my hands, man.
All right.
- 轻点 不然可能会散掉 - 好的
- Take it easy. It might come apart. - Okay.
好 掀开 翻过来
Okay, go. Flip it over. Go. Turn over.
继续 继续
Keep going. Go.
好 放下
Okay, drop it.
宝贝 你看到没有 老板?
Oh, baby. Are you eing this, boss?
挨挨挤挤的拼音兄弟们 今天发薪水
It's payday, boys.
Cha- ching!
- 鲍比 我们找到了 - 我们找到了
- We did it, Bobby. - We brought it back.
哥们 好样的
Oh, yeah! You the man!
谁最行啊? 说啊 说啊
Who's the best, baby? Say it.
是你 路易斯
You are, Lewis.
- 鲍比 雪茄拿来 - 这儿
- Bobby, my cigar. - Right here.
Okay, crack her open.
血压低怎么回事Let me get around. Hang on.
- 拿到了没 - 到手了
- You getting it? - Got it.
No diamond.
You know, boss, this same thing happened
and his career never recovered.
Turn the camera off.
Brock. The partners would like to know how it's going.
戴夫 巴瑞 不在保险箱里
Hey, Dave. Barry, hi. Look, it wasn't in the safe.
但别担心 可能在其他地方
Don't worry about it. There are still plenty of places it could be.
是的 地狱里
Hell, yes.
地板上 他母亲的房间里
The floor debris in the suite, the mother'
- 船上的保险柜里 - 或是在百慕达三角
- The purr's safe on C deck. - Jimmy Hoffa's briefca.
A dozen other places.
兄弟们 对我的直觉多少有点信心嘛
Guys, look, you just got to trust my instincts. I know we're clo.
要一个一个排除 我相信快找到了
We just got to go through a little process of elimination.
Hang on a cond.
- 让我看看 - 可能有发现了
- Let me e that. - We might have something here, guys.
- 项链的照片呢? - 回头再跟你说
- Where's the photograph of the necklace? - We'll call you right back.
I'll be goddamned.
布洛克·罗威特 以从事海地寻宝闻名
Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold.
好的 回头说
It's okay, I'll feed you in a minute.
他利用俄国潜艇 探索最有名的沉船
He has chartered Russian subs to reach the most famous shipwreck