清点人数 Give me a count! 南边三楼,人齐了 Tier 3 south, clear! 二楼 245 囚室的人不见了 Man missing on tier 2, cell 245! 杜福雷! Dufresne! 快出来!不要耍花样 Come out. You're holding up the show! 别要我下来打爆你的头 Don't make me come down or I'll thump your skull for you! 他妈的,你不要耽误我,我还有很多事要做 Damn it, you're putting me behind! I got a schedule to keep.苯沸点 你最好是病了或者死了 You'd better be sick or dead in there. I shit you not! 你听到了吗? You hear me? 哦,我的天啊 Oh, my Holy God. 查问这里的每一个犯人 I want every man on this cellblock questioned. -从他的好朋友开始 -谁? - Start with that friend of his. - Who? 他! He! 打开 237 号的门 Open 237. 你什么意思,“他不在这了”?别跟我说这种话 What do you mean, "He just wasn't here"? Don't say that to me. 别再这样说 Don't tell me that again. 但是长官,他真的不在那里 But sir, he wasn't. 我看得见!你认为我瞎了吗? I can e that, Haig! Think I'm blind? 这就是你想说的吗? Is that what you're saying? -我瞎了吗? -没有!长官 - Am I blind, Haig? - No, sir!
那你呢?你瞎了吗? What about you. You blind? -告诉我这是什么? -昨晚的查房记录 - Tell me what this is. - Last night's count. 你看到杜福雷的名字吗?我确定,就在那里 You e Dufresne's name there? I sure do. Right there. “杜福雷” "Dufresne." 他熄灯的时候 He was i
n 还在囚室里的 ...at lights out. 因此今早他也应该在的 Reasonable he'd be here in the morning. 我要找到他 I want him found. 不是明天,不是早饭后,是现在 Not tomorrow, not after breakfast. Now! 是的,长官 Yes, sir. 快走 Let's go. Move your butts. 站好 Stand. 好? Well? 好什么? Well, what? 你俩出双入对,亲密像做贼似的 I e you two all the time. You're thick as thieves, you are. 他肯定对你说过些什么 He must have said something. 没有,先生 No, sir, Warden. 什么都没说 Not a word. 主啊,这是个奇迹 Lord, it's a miracle! 人就像屁一样在风中消失得无影无踪 Man vanished like a fart in the wind. 什么都没留下 只剩下窗台上的石头 ...but some damn rocks on a windowsill. 和那墙上的一对巨波,问问她吧 And that cupcake on the wall.属鸡今年几岁了>后脑勺胀痛 Let's ask her. 也许她知道些什么 Maybe she knows. 你想说些什么? What say there, fuzzy-britches? Feel like talking? 我想不是的 Guess not. 她有何特别吗? Why should she be any different? 六个月宝宝食谱这是一个阴谋 This is a conspiracy. 肯定是的 That's what this is. 一个该死的大阴谋 One big, damn conspiracy! 人人有份参与的 And everyone's in on it! 包括她 Including her! 在 1966 年 安迪杜福雷从肖申克监狱…… ...Andy 逃了出去 ...from Shawshank Prison. 他们只能找到泥塘中的囚衣…… All they f
怎么做陀螺ound was a muddy t of 一块肥皂…… ...a bar 和一个很旧的手槌 ...and an old 几乎快被削成一小块 ...damn near worn down to the nub. 我 曾 认 为 用 手 槌 要 六 百 年 才 能 掘 通 的 隧 道 I had thought it'd take a man 600 years to tunnel through the wall with it. 安迪用不到二十年就办到了 Old Andy did it in less than 20. 安迪很喜欢地质学 Oh, Andy loved geology. 我能想像这归功于他一丝不苟的本性 I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature. 有一段冰河时期在这 An ice 百万年的山脉就会在那里形成 ...million years of mountain building there.
地质学是计算压力和时间的 Geology is the study of pressure and time. 需要的只是这些,真的 That's all it takes, really. 压力…… ……和时间 ...and time. 还有一张大海报 That and a big goddamn poster. 就像我说的那样 Like 监狱里的人都会找事情来消磨时间 ...in prison, a man will do anything to keep his mind occupied. 看起来安迪的爱好是把他的墙搬运到广场上 Seems Andy's favorite hobby was toting his wall out into the 每次一把 ...a handful at a time. 我猜在汤姆被杀后 I guess after Tommy 安迪觉得他在此呆得已够久了 ...Andy decided he'd been here long enough. 尽快,我要回家了 Lickety-split. I want to get home. 我马上就好了 I'm just about finished,
sir. 今晚有三笔存款 Three deposits tonight.洗羽绒服 安迪照他的吩咐 Andy did like he was told. 把鞋擦得闪闪发亮 Buffed tho shoes to a high mirror-shine. 警卫完全没有注意到 The guards simply didn't notice. 我也没有 Neither did I. 我是说真的 I mean, 谁会留意别人穿的鞋子呢? ...how often do you really look at a man's shoes?