(CP) Confirmation Prototype 确认样车
Final Status 最终状态
(J1) Job 1 整车投产
(PT) P/T Design Complete 动力传动系统设计结束
PT(P/T) Power Train 动力传动系统
(ST) Surface Transfer 表面参数传递
Change Cut-Off 更改完成
Launch Readiness 投产准备就绪
Launch Sign-Off 投产验收
Program Approval 项目批准
Proportions & Hardpoints 比例与固定点
Product Readiness 产品准备就绪
Pre Milestone 1 SI前里程碑1
Pre Milestone 2 SI前里程碑2
Strategic Confirmation 策略确认
Strategic Intent 策略意向
Strategic Planning 策略计划
(SP) Structural Prototype 样车结构
(TTO) Tool Try-Out 工装设备试运行
Global 8D Eight disciplinary Actions G8D (福特公司解决问题的标准方法)
14D More Detailed than Global 8D (ud to contain and resolve stop-shipment/recall problems) 更详细的细节(包括并解决停止运货/召回问题)
1MIS One Month in Service 投入使用1个月
1PP First Production Proveout 第一次试生产
2PP Second Production Proveout 第二次试生产
3MIS Three Months in Service 投入使用3个月
4P Production Process Proveout Program 生产程序验证项目
AAA American Automobile Association 美国汽车工业联合会
ABS Affordable Business Structure 可承受商业结构
ABS Anti skid brake system 防抱死制动系统
AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group 机动车工业行动小组
AIC Accelerated Implementation Centre 快速实施中心
AIM Automated Issues Matrix 问题结构图
AIMS Automated Issues Matrix System 问题结构图系统
AME Advanced Manufacturing Engineering 先进制造工艺
AMPPE Advanced Manufacturing Pre-Program Engineering 先进项目前制造工艺
ANOVA Analysis of Variance 多样性分析
AP Attribute Prototype 设计样车
APEAL Automotive Performance Execution and Layout 机动车性能实施与规划
APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先进产品质量计划
ASQ American Society for Quality 美国质量协会
AV Apprair Variation 评估者的多样性
AVT Advance Vehicle Technology 先进车辆技术
AWS Analytical Warranty System 分析性的保修系统
AXOD Automatic Transaxle Overdrive Transmission 自动变速驱动桥超速档传动系
B&A Body & Asmbly Operations (New Term: Vehicle Operations)
BCG Business Consumer Group 消费者工作组
BIC Best in Class 等级中的最佳 职业发展期望
BIS Body Shop Information System 车身工作间信息系统
BLI Business Leadership Initiative 领导层初始意向
BOM Bill Of Materials 零件清单
BTB Bumper-to-Bumper 保险杠到保险杠
BTS Build-To-Schedule 按日程建造
BUR Business Unit Review 业务小组讨论
CAS Capacity Analysis Sheet 能力分析表
C/E Cau & Effect 成因及影响
CA Customer Attribute 消费者特性
CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计
CAE Computer Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程
CAP Corrective Action Plan 纠正行动计划
CBG Consumer Business Group 消费者业务小组
督公湖CC Critical Characteristic 评价特性
CC Courtesy Copy 抄送
CC Carbon Copy 副本
CCC Customer Concern Classification 客户问题分类
CDS Component Design Specification 零件设计参数
CET Campaignable Events Team 召回情况小组
CETs Common External Tariff 普通关税
CETP Corporate Engineering Test Procedures 公司工程测试程序
CFR Constant Failure Rate 连续故障率
CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing 计算机综合制造
CIWG Continuous Improvement Work Group 持续改进工作组
CL Centerline 中心线
CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine 协调测量设备
CMMS Common Material Management System 通用材料管理系统
CMMS3 Common Manufacturing Management System-3 通用制造管理系统-3
Code X Pre-build focusing on exterior components 制造前关注的外部零件
Code Y Pre-build focusing on interior components 制造前关注的内部零件
CP Common Position 通用位置 丰碑歌词
Cp Relates the allowable spread of the specification limits to the measure of the actual variation of the process.
CPE Chief Program Engineer 首席项目工程师
Cpk Measures the process variation with respect to the allowable specification, and takes into account the location of the process average
CPU Cost Per Unit 单位成本
CQDC Corporate Quality Development Center 公司质量开发中心
氡怎么读音CQIS Common Quality Indicator System 一般质量指标系统
CR Concern Respons 问题回复
CRT Component Review Team 零件讨论组
CSA Corporate Security Administrator 公司安全管理员
CSI Customer Service Index 客户服务指数
DCO Duty Cycle Output 责任循环结果
DCP Dynamic Control Planning 动态控制计划
DDL Direct Data Link 直接数据连接
Df Degrees of Freedom 自由度
DFA Design for Asmbly 总成设计
DFM Design for Manufacturability 制造能力设计
DFMEA Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式影响分析设计
DFR Decreasing Failure Rate 故障下降率
DMA Databa Maintenance Administrator 数据库维护管理人员
DOE Design of Experiment 试验设计
DOM Dealer Operations Manager 经销商业务经理
DP Design Parameters 参数设计
DQR Durability Quality and Reliability 耐久性质量与可靠性
DTD Dock to Dock 码头至码头
DTD Design to Delivery 设计到交付