The disabled woman was left out of the trip.The decead person was humble and faithful.The young vet had come across veral cas of pneumonia.Sunday became a quiet, sorrow evening.The ailing mother was generous and honest.
She was waiting for the bus to arrive.She was interested in watching the film.You have not uttered a word since morning.You might enjoy a cup of tea.He was excited to be part of the party.He was anxious to meet her favorite actorShe was distresd when she failed the test.He was plead to have his application approved.He was eager to say goodbye to his classmates.You might find it necessary to carry an umbrella.You could have won the race if you had prepared in advance.He was prepared to quit the job if her nemesis was to become the CEO.
Walking in a thorny bush can be stressful.Marking assignments can be challenging.Getting married is exciting.Taking my daughter out is fun.Wandering across the street is awkward.Getting a good grade was the result of hard work.Doing an assignment for her friends was the only way to earn a living.Attending extra class wasn’t enough to better her grades.Washing clothes is tedious.Starring at the visitors all d
ay did not earn her a living.
I moved to the city to work on a government project.He planned protests to nd a message to the authorities.I tried to convince him, but he couldn’t listen.The institution decided to reduce the workers’ pay.To prepare a meal, you need to have all the ingredients in place.She needs counling to change her behavior.He needs to work out on his weakness.I tried to stop the boys from fighting, but my effort ended in vain..He could have made it, but he was not aggressive enough.He has to improve if he has to be promoted to the next class.She has to prepare supper on time if she wants to stand a chance to do the assignment.
Eliud, the most famous marathoner, can run 42 kilometers in less than two hours.My thought, submitting all the assignments in a PDF format, was welcomed by the lecturer.Chela, my favorite football club, is doing well in the competition.A lion, the king of the jungle, is feared by all animals.My hou girl, the helper of the family, is also part of my family.Her pet, Golden Retriever, was her everything.My boyfriend, the love of my life, is also a workmate.Christiano Ronaldo, the most famous footballer of all time, is the most adored.
Being aware of the situation, I wish I had never told her the truth.We are eager to start a new chapter, having completed the previous one yesterday.I’m more than happy, knowing the number of guests that have confirmed to attend the ceremony.Painted light-blue, the old car emed new.Stolen with my computer, my watch is nowhere to be found.
He beat the odds to win the top award.The screwdriver was on the chair.I didn’t sleep for a while.He was surrounded by dogs.We stayed indoors due to bad weather.She wrote an interesting article.She knew it was as a result of neglecting duties.We didn’t talk for a while.We parted ways a long time ago.He doesn’t e eye to eye with her younger sister.益肝灵
嗤之以鼻的拼音The harvest declined with excessive sunlight.