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河南科技大学怎么样Bud far from Stella
Anheur-Busch InBev
Bud far from Stella
The world’s mightiest beermaker needs a fresh way to grow
Snooty ale connoisurs mock Budweir’s usurped title of “King of Beers”. No one, however, quibbles that Bud’s purveyor, Anheur-Busch InBev (Abi), reigns over global brewing. The all-conquering firm now lls almost three Olympic-sized swimming pools of beer an hour—more than its three nearest rivals combined. Yet even as profits have frothed, weariness has descended upon the head that wears the crown. Abi’s prospects, once as golden as its Corona lager, have assumed the cloudier quality of a Belgian witbier.
vi . froth(又作 froth up=bubble up )
if a liquid froths, it produces or contains a lot of small bubbles on top 起泡沫
When you first open the bottle the beer will froth for a few conds.
形容发展迅速,茁壮生长,比喻意.=spring up
Abi, which is nominally bad in the Flemish city of Leuven but run out of New York, is not just much bigger than its rivals, lling one in four beers worldwide. It also generates
around half the industry’s global profits. Its gross operating margins were 40% in 2018, more than double the average for other listed brewers—and stellar by the standards of firms that peddle any kind of consumer goods. It has devoted managers, nearly all recruited out of university. The looming prence of Abi’s boss, Carlos Brito, in the company’s corridors, can feel almost eerie. Employees’ fealty to “Brito”, as the methodical Brazilian is universally known, is reminiscent of General Electric under Jack Welch.
虽然名义上,百威英博总部在比利时勒芬佛兰德斯市,但市场早已超出美国。此外,它的体量远超其他竞争对手,销量占世界啤酒销量的四分之一。它的利润也占据了全球啤酒业利润的一半。2018年,百威英博总营业利润率为40%,比其他上市酿酒公司平均利润率的两倍还多,以任何生活消费品公司的标准来衡量,都是一流的。百威英博几乎所有管理人员都有大学文凭,尽职尽责。虽然有点怪异,但你很有可能在公司的走廊里碰到百威英博的CEO卡洛斯·布里托(Carlos Brito)。众所周知,这位巴西人有条不紊,员工们对他的忠诚度之高不免让人想起杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)领导下的通用电气公司(财富五百强公司之一,总部设在美国。)
Investors’ similar devotion to the company as a whole is increasingly being tested. The first t of worries is specific to Abi.
Its agglutinated name points to a firm who trajectory has been t by financiers, not brewers. At its core is a trio of Brazilian investors best-known for later starting 3g capital, a private-equity fund which has snapped up other food firms such as Burger King and Kraft Heinz. They ud Brahma, a Brazilian beer firm they acquired in 1989, as a platform to buy up rivals the world over: Interbrew, a Belgian brewer which makes Stella Artois, in 2004; Anheur-Busch, the American owner of Budweir, in 2008; and sabMiller, its biggest remaining rival, in 2016. Mr Brito is their main lieutenant. He has led Abi since 2005 atop a Brazilian-heavy management team with a lust for trimming fat from flabby conquests.
The successful two-pronged strategy of rial acquisitions and cost-cutting appears to be nearing its limits, however. Having consolidated the fragmented beer industry—four of the ten biggest brewers in 1990 are part of its empire—no large rivals remain to be taken over without goading competition authorities. As for cost-cutting, by the end of the year will have wrung out the last of the $3.2bn of annual savings it expected from sab
注:Be near its limits = peak
At the same time, cost controls espoud by Abi and its 3g-run cousins—starting with every manager having to justify every dollar of spending anew each year—have come under scrutiny. Kraft Heinz’s shares tumbled in February after it wrote down the value of its asts by $15bn. Many took it to be a tacit admission that its cost-cutting had done the business harm. The announcement by Kraft Heinz on May 6th that it would have to restate nearly three years of results, after an internal probe unearthed “misconduct” in its procurement procedures, though not directly linked to “zero-bad budgeting” or 3g’s other distinctive management techniques, nevertheless cast a shadow over them.