The SD4953 provide the designer with the best combination of fast switching, ru ggedized device design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness.
The SOP-8 package is u niversally preferred for all commercial-indu strial su rface mou nt applications and su ited for low voltage applications su ch as DC/DC converters.
* Simple Drive Requ irement BV DSS- 30 V
* Lower on-resistance R DS(ON)53 mΩ* Fast Switching I D- 5 A Package Dimensions
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Drain-Sou rce Voltage V DS-30 V
Gate-Sou rce Voltage V GS+/- 16 V Continu ou s Drain Cu rrent1I D @T A=25℃-5 A Continu ou s Drain Cu rrent1I D @T A=70℃-4 A
Pu ld Drain Cu rrent2I DM-20 A
Total Power Dissipation1P D @T A=25℃ 2 W Linear Derating Factor0.02 W/℃
o perating Ju nction and Storage Temperatu re Range Tj, Tstg-55~+150 ℃Thermal Data
Parameter Symbol Value Unit Thermal Resistance Ju nction-ambient1Max.Rthj-amb62.5℃/W
Electrical Characteristics (Tj = 25℃unless otherwi specified)
古代酒Source-Drain Diode
Notes: 1. Surface Mounted on FR4 Board, t≦10c.
2. Pul width≦300us, duty cycle≦2%.
Characteristics Curve
Fig 1. Typical Output Characteristics Fig 2. Transfer Characteristics
Fig 3. Transconductance v.s. Drain Current Fig 4. On-Resistance v.s. Junction Temperature
Fig 5. Breakdown Voltage v.s. Junction Temperature
Fig 6. Body Diode Forward Voltage v.s. Source Current
Fig 7. Maximum Safe Operating Area
Fig 8. Gate Threshold Voltage v.s. Junction Temperature