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13 December 2012
EMA/CHMP/ CVMP/ SWP/169430/2012
Committee for medicinal products for human u (CHMP)
Committee for medicinal products for veterinary u (CVMP)
Guideline on tting health bad exposure limits for u in risk identification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared facilities
Draft Agreed by Safety Working Party
December 2012
Adoption by CVMP for relea for consultation
November 2012
Adoption by CHMP for relea for consultation
13 December 2012
Start of consultation
08 January 2013
End of consultation (deadline for comments)
30 June 2013
Comments should be provided using this template. The completed comments form should be nt to SWP-H@ema.europa.eu
Shared facilities, risk identification, exposure limits
温州火车站Guideline on tting health bad exposure limits for u in risk identification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared facilities
Executive summary
When different medicinal products are produced in shared facilities, the potential for cross-contamination becomes an issue for concern. Hence, residues of an active substance which remain after cleaning of production equipment and other product contact surfaces may contaminate other medicinal products produced in the same facility. Active substances provide a medicinal benefit to the intended patient or target animal; however as a cross over contaminant, they provide no benefit to the patient or target animal and may even po a risk. Hence, the prence of active substance contaminants should be restricted to a level that can be considered safe for all populations. The derivation of a threshold value (permitted daily exposure (PDE) or threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) should be the result of a structured scientific evaluation of all available pharmacological and toxicological data including both non-clinical and clinical data. In cas where scientific data does not support threshold values for safety (e.g., allergenic potential from highly nsitising materials) or where the risk cannot be adequately controlled by operational and/or technical measures, dedicated facilities are required for manufacturing of the high-risk medicinal products.
当在共享设施生产不同的药用产品时,潜在交叉污染将成为关注的一个问题。因此,在生产设备与其它产品接触表面清洁后的残留物,残留原料药,可能污染用相同设施生产的其它药品。原料药为患者或目标动物提供预期医疗好处;然而,作为交叉污染,其没有向病人或目标动物提供任何好处,甚至可能会带来风险。因此,应限制原料药污染物在一个对所有人群认为是安全的水平。阈值(每日允许暴露 (PDE) 或毒理学相关阈值 (TTC))应来自结构化的对包括非临床和临床数据的所有药理学与毒理学数据科学评价。当科学数据不支持安全阈值(例如,来自高敏感物料潜在致敏)或风险不能通过操作,和/或,技术措施充分或其他有效办法的情况下,需要为这些高风险药品生产提供专用设施。
1. Introduction (background)
Due to the perceived risk, certain class of active substances have previously been required to be manufactured in dedicated or gregated lf-contained facilities including, “certain antibiotics, certain hormones, certain cytotoxic and certain highly active drugs”. Pharmaceuticals not considered to be covered under the criteria were addresd by a cleaning validation process involving reduction of the concentration of residual active substance to a level where the maximum carryover from the total equipment train would result in no greater than 1/1000th of the lowest clinical do of the contaminating substance in the maximum daily dosage of the next product to be manufactured. This criterion was applied concurrently with a maximum permitted contamination of 10 ppm of the previous active substance in the next product manufactured. Whichever of the criteria resulted in the lowest carryover, constituted the limit applied for cleaning validation. However, the limits do not take account of the available pharmacological and toxicological data and may be too restrictive or not restrictive enough. Hence, a more scientific ca by ca approach is warranted for all class of pharmaceutical substances.
In order to accommodate a more scientific approach, Chapters 3 and 5 of the GMP guideline have been revid and refer to a “toxicological evaluation” for establishing threshold values for risk identification. The objective of this guideline is to recommend an approach to review and evaluate pharmacological and toxicological data of individual active substances and thus enable determination of safe threshold levels as referred to in the GMP guideline.
In cas where scientific data does not support threshold values (e.g. allergenic potential from highly nsitizing materials) or where the risk cannot be adequately controlled by operational and/ or technical measures, dedicated facilities are required for manufacturing the high risk medicinal products.
2. Scope
This guideline applies to all human and veterinary medicinal products, including investigational medicinal products, and all active substances that are intended for manufacture in premis ud for the manufacture of other products or active substances.
The scope of the prent guideline is to ensure the safety of human patients and target animals expod to residual active substances via medicinal products as well as consumers potentially expod to residual active substances in products derived from treated food producing animals. Moreover, this document aims to recommend an approach for deriving a scientifically bad threshold value for individual active substances to be applied for risk identification. This guideline also outlines how the data on which the threshold value is derived should be prented in the risk asssment report in order to achieve a clear and harmonious approach across pharmaceutical industry.
3. Legal basis
This guideline should be read in conjunction with:
EudraLex - Volume 4 Good manufacturing practice (GMP) Guidelines, Chapter 3 and 5.
Update on the revision of Chapters 3 and 5 of the GMP guide: “Dedicated Facilities” EMA/INS/GMP/809387/2009.   
Note for Guidance on Impurities: Residual Solvents (CPMP/ICH/283/95 in conjunction with CPMP/ICH/1507/02, CPMP/ICH/1940/00 corr, CPMP/QWP/450/03, EMEA/CVMP/511/03 and CPMP/QWP/8567/99).
杂质指南:残留溶媒注释(CPMP/ICH/283/95CPMP/ICH/1507/02一道, CPMP/ICH/1940/00更正, CPMP/QWP/450/03, EMEA/CVMP/511/03CPMP/QWP/8567/99)
VICH GL18(R): Impurities: Residual solvents in new veterinary medicinal products, active substances and excipients (EMA/CVMP/VICH/502/99-Rev.1).
VICH GL18(R):杂质:在新兽药、原料药和辅料中残留溶媒(EMA/CVMP/VICH/502/99-第一版)
Guideline on the Limits of Genotoxic Impurities (EMEA/CHMP/QWP/251344/2006 and CPMP/SWP/5199/02).
4. Determination of health bad exposure limits
The procedure propod in this document for determination of health bad exposure limits for a residual active substance is bad on the method for establishing the so-called Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) as described in Appendix 3 of ICH Q3C (R4) “Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents” and Appendix 3 of VICH GL 18 on “residual solvents in new veterinary medicinal products, active substances and excipients (Revision)”. The PDE reprents a substance-specific do that is unlikely to cau an adver effect if an individual is expod at or below this do every day for a lifetime.
本指南建议基于健康的一个原料药暴露限度的判定是一个建立在ICH-Q3C(R4)“杂质:残留溶媒” 附件4中及VICH-GL18“新兽药、原料药与辅料残留溶媒(修订)”附件3中描述的所谓的每天允许暴露值方法的基础。每天允许暴露值(PDE)代表一个物质-特定剂量,如果一次性或在生命周期内每天暴露在该剂量下或低于该计量,不可能造成不良影响。
Determination of a PDE involves (i) hazard identification by reviewing all relevant data, (ii) identification of “critical effects”, (iii) determination of the no-obrved-effect level (NOEL) of the findings that are considered to be critical effects, and (iv) u of veral adjustment factors to account for various uncertainties. Appendices 3 of the ICH Q3C and VICH GL 18 guidelines prent the following equation for the derivation of the PDE:
每天允许暴露值(PDE)确定包含:(i)通过审核所有相关数据辨识危险源,(ii)辨识“关键影响”,(iii)确定无明显损害作用水平(NOEL),及(iv)使用个调整因素来确定多种不确定性。 ICH-Q3C附件3VICH-GL18指南用下列公式来计算每天允许暴露值(PDE)
In relation to the establishment of carryover limits that can be accepted in veterinary medicinal products, it would in principle, be possible to u the PDE approach to establish different limits for different target species. However,巴洛龙 this would be highly impractical. Conquently, it is considered午餐吃什么好 pragmatic that PDEs should be derived using the assumption that it is the human patient that will be expod. The level of contamination that can be accepted is then calculated from the human PDE, even when the product that will be contaminated is a veterinary medicinal product. This is considered to reprent a pragmatic approach and is in line with the approach taken in VICH GL 18, in which human PDEs are ud to calculate residual solvent limits applied for veterinary medicinal products.
The derivation of carryover limits 西装礼仪will need to take account of the do to be administered, which will be influenced by the body weight of the species to be treated. In order to facilitate this the PDE should be calculated on a mg/kg bw basis (i.e. using a weight adjustment figure of 1) rather than on a per person basis.
Alternative approaches to the NOEL such as the Benchmark do may also be ud.
Data requirements for hazard identification
Hazard identification is the qualitative appraisal of the inherent property of a substance to produce adver effects. For hazard identification, a review of all available animal and human data should be performed for each compound. Data for hazard identification would include non-clinical pharmacodynamic data, repeat-do toxicity studies, carcinogenicity studies, studies of genotoxicity in vitro and in vivo, reproductive and developmental toxicity studies as well as clinical data on therapeutic and adver effects. The availability of data for an active substance will vary depending on the stage of development and indication. If data ts are incomplete, the identified gaps need to be critically assd with regard to the uncertainty impact this might have on deriving a reliable health bad exposure limit.

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标签:生产   药品   暴露   原料药   限度
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