序号 | 术语中文 | 术语英文 | 缩写 |
1 | 客户争取成本 | Acquisiti on Cost | |
2 | 广告屏蔽软件 | 工作个人鉴定Ad-block ing software | |
3 | 可定地址媒体 | Addressable media | |
4 | 广告-收费混合模式 | Advertis in g-subscripti on mixed revenue model | |
5 | 竞价广告 | Ad-Words | |
6 | 关联营销 | Affiliate market ing | |
7 | 匿名电子现金 | Anonym ous electric cash | |
8 | 应用服务提供商 | Applicati on Service Provider | ASP |
9 | 互联网应用服务提供商 | Applicati on Service Provider | ASP |
10 | 授权承诺 | Authority to bind | |
11 | 自动清算所 | Automated cleari ng hou | ACH |
12 | 横幅广告 | Banner ad | |
13 | 行为细分 | Behavioral gme ntati on | |
14 | 账单显示 | Bill pre ntme nt | |
15 | 电子公告牌 | Board System | BBS |
16 | 品牌延伸 | Brand leveragi ng | |
17 | 浏览器/服务器模式,即B/S结构 | Browr/Server | B/S |
18 | 商业智能 | Busin ess In tellige nee | BI |
19 | 业务流程专业 | Busin ess process pate nt | |
20 | 企业对企业的电子商务 | Busin ess to Busin ess | B2B |
21 | 企业对消费者的电子商务 | Bus in ess to Customer | B2C |
22 | 企业对政府的电子商务 | Busin ess to Gover nment熊猫吃竹子图片 | B2G |
23 | 商业机构对行政机构 | Busin ess-to-adm ini strati ons | B2A |
24 | 呼叫中心 | Call cen ter | |
25 | 商品目录模式 | Catalog model | |
26 | 平类管理公司 | Category man ager | |
27 | 公益营销 | Cau market ing并联电阻公式 | |
28 | 认证机构 | Certification Authority | CA |
29 | 分销渠道管理 | Channel distribution manager | |
30 | 中国金融认证中心 | China Financial Certificate Authority | CFCA |
31 | 客户过滤机 | Clie nt/rver architecture | |
32 | 客户机端电子钱包 | Client-side electronic wallet | |
33 | 协同商务 | Collaborative Commerce | C-Commerce |
34 | 协同处理 | Collaborative Process ing | |
35 | 交易服务 | Commerce Service | |
36 | 局部外包 | Comp onent outsourc ing | |
37 | 消费者对行政机构 | Con sumer-to-admi nistratio ns | C2A |
38 | 内容管理 | Content Man ageme nt | |
39 | 转化率 | Conversion Rate | CR |
40 | 每次动作成本 | Cost Per Actio n | CPA |
41 | 每点击成本 | Cost Per Click | CPC |
42 | 销售分成 | Cost Per Sales | CPS |
43 | 每千人成本 | Cost Per Thousa nd | CPT |
44 | 客户生命周期 | Customer life cycle | |
45 | 客户关系管理 | Customer Relati on ship Man ageme nt | CRM |
46 | 客户关系管理 | Customer Relati on ship Man ageme nt | CRM |
47 | 赛佰空间 | Cyberspace | |
48 | 决策支持系统 | Decisi on Support System | DSS |
49 | 分布式数据网 | Distributed Data Network | DDN |
50 | 重复消费 | Double-spe nding | |
51 | 电子商务随需应变 | E-Bus in ess on Dema nd | EBOD |
52 | 电子数据装配线 | Electr onic Asmbly Line of Data | EALD |
53 | 电子业务 | Electro nic Busin ess | EB |
54 | 电子商务 | Electro nic Commerce | EC |
55 | 电子数据交换 | Electr onic Data In tercha nge | EDI |
56 | 电子数据交换 | Electr onic Data In tercha nge | EDT |
57 | 电子数据处理 | Electr onic Data Process ing | EDP |
58 | 电子邮件营销 | Electro nic Direct Market ing | EDM |
59 | 电子邮件营销 | Electro nic Direct Market ing | EDM |
60 | 电子资金转账 | Electr onic Funds Tran sfer | EFT |
61 | 电子贸易 | Electro nic Trade | ET |
62 | 电子集市 | E-Marketplace | |
63 | 企业资源计划 | En terpri Resource Planning | ERP |
64 | 企业资源规划 | En terpri Resource Planning | ERP |
65 | 电子米购软件 | E-procureme nt software | |
66 | 扩展标记语言 | Exte nded Markup Lan guage | EML |
67 | 外部网(外联网) | Extra net | |
68 | 快速风险投资 | Fast ven turi ng | |
69 | 服务费用模式 | Fee-for-rvice revenue model | |
70 | 文件传输协议 | File Tran sfer Protocol | FTP |
71 | 防火墙 | firewall | |
72 | 固定费率访问 | Flat-rate access | |
73 | 帧中继 | Frame Relay | FR |
74 | 经常问到的问题 | Freque ntly Asked Questi ons | FAQ |
75 | 订单履行公司 | Fulfillme nt man ager | |
76 | 全球信息基础设施金牛和天秤 | Global Information Infrastructure | GII |
77 | 全球定位系统 | 节日作文 Global Position System | GPS |
78 | 医院信息系统 | Hospital Information System | HIS |
79 | 第二方交易中心 | Independent exchange | |
80 | 第三方行业电子集市 | In depe ndent in dustry marketplace | |
81 | 仃业共冋电子集市 | In dustry con sortia-sp on sored marketplace | |
82 | 信息技术 | In formatio n Tech no logy | IT |
83 | 综合业务数字网 | In tegrated Services Digital Network | ISDN |
84 | 国家标准化组织 | Intern ati onal Stan dard Orga ni zati on | |
85 | 互联网内容服务提供商 | Internet Content Provider | ICP |
86 | 互联网内容服务提供商 | Internet Content Provider | ICP |
87 | 互联网平台服务提供商 | Internet Platform Provider | IPP |
88 | 互联网服务提供商 | Internet Service Provider | ISP |
89 | 亡国 互联网服务提供商 | Internet Service Provider | ISP |
90 | 清算经纪公司 | Liquidati on broker | |
91 | 局域网 | Local Area Network | LAN |
92 | 城域网 | M Area Network | MAN |
93 | 管理服务商 | Man aged rvice provider | MSP |
94 | 管理信息系统 | Man ageme nt In formatio n Systems | MIS |
95 | 制造资源计划 | Manu facturi ng Resource Plan | MRP II |
96 | 多对多的沟通模式 | Many-to-ma ny com muni cati ons model | |
97 | 营销组合 | Marketi ng mix | |
98 | 电子伪装 金蝉养殖 | Masqueradi ng/spoofi ng | |
99 | 物料需求计划 | Material Request Pla n | MRP |
100 | 微观营销 | Micromarketi ng | |
101 | 移动电子商务 | Mobile Commerce ( M-Commerce | |
102 | 国家信息基础结构 | National Information Infrastructure | NII |
103 | 国家信息基础设施 | Natio nal In formatio n In frastructure | NII |
104 | 下一代 Internet | Next Gen erati on Internet | NGI |
105 | 个人数字助理 | Pers onal Digital Assista nt | PDA |
106 | 钓鱼攻击 | Phish ing expediti on | |
107 | 零售终端系统 | Poi nt of Sale | POS |
108 | 专属电子集市 | Private compa ny marketplace | |
109 | 公开密钥体系 | Public Key In frastructure | PKI |
110 | 客户维系成本 | Reta ined costs | |
111 | 投资报酬率 | Retur n On In vestme nt | 新年幽默祝福语ROI |
112 | 简单访问协议 | Sample Object Access Protocol | SOAP |
113 | 搜索引擎优化 | Search Engine Optimizatio n | SEO |
114 | 安全代理协议 | Secure Age nt Protocol | SAP |
115 | 女全电子交勿 | Secure Electr onic Tran sact ions | SET |
116 | 安全电子交勿协议 | Security Electro nic Tran sact ion | SET |
117 | 安全套接层协议 | Security Socket Layer | SSL |
118 | 一次性卡 | Sin gle-u card | |
119 | 擎天柱广告 | Skyscraper ad | |
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