Yield and chemical composition of the esntial oil of ro-scented geranium (Pelargonium species) grown in the prence and abnce of weeds
商务接待期刊名称: Flavour & Fragrance Journal
作者: B. R. Rajeswara Rao,A. K. Bhattacharya
年份: 2015年
期号: 第3期
秋天的作品关键词: ro‐scented geranium; Pelargonium sp.; Geraniaceae; herbage yield;
坐月子可以吃什么>学生课堂表现esntial oil yield; chemical composition; weed competitionlogo介绍
摘要:The changes in herbage yield, esntial oil yield and chemical composition of the esntial oil of ro-scented geranium ( Pelargonium sp.) cv. Bourbon were investigated in the prence and abnce of weeds during different periods of crop growth. The crop, which was kept weed-free for the first 30 or
炸茄盒的做法60 days after planting, or which was not kept weed-free for the first 90 or 120 days after planting, suffered greater yield loss (herbage yield 40.6–58.3%, oil yield 46.9–65.0%) than the crop which was kept weed-free for the first 90 or 120 days after planting or for the last 90 or 120 days before harvesting. Therefore, the ro-scented geranium crop should be kept weed-free, either during the first 90 days after planting or during the last 90 days before harvesting, to obtain high herbage and esntial oil yields. The