一、一般名词术语 General
铁道车辆 rolling stock, railway vehicle, railway car
客车 carriage, pasnger car
货车 wagon, freight car
特种车 special car
钢木车 steel-wood car
全金属车 all metal car
全钢车all steel car
二轴车 two-axle car
四轴车 four-axle car
六轴车 six-axle car
转向架式车 bogie car
关节式车 articulated car
动车 motor-car
拖车 trailer
控制车 controlling car
动车组 powered car train-t
合造车 combined car
简易客车 simply equipped coach
代用客车 substitute pasnger car
双层客车 double-deck coach
母车 car with axle generator
子车 car without axle generator
座车 at coach
硬座车 mi-cushioned at coach
软座车 cushioned at coach, soft at coach
卧车 sleeping car
硬卧车 mi-cushioned berth sleeping car
软卧车 cushioned berth sleeping car
餐车 dining car
行李车 luggage van,baggage car
邮政车 mail van,postal car
了望车 obrvation car
公务车 rvice car,private car相反数是什么意思
文教车 culture and education car
医疗车 hospital car
卫生车 ambulance car
试验车 test car
维修车 maintenance car
宿营车 dormitory van,train crew car
轨道检查车 track inspection car
轨道探伤车 rail faults detection car
隧道摄影车 tunnel-photographing car
限界检查车 structure gauge detection car
检衡车 track scale test car
发电车 generator car
锅炉车 boiler car
救援车 relief car
敞车 open-top car,gondola car
棚车 covered wagon,box car
平车 flat car
罐车 tank car
守车 caboo, brake van
煤车 coal car
砂石车 gravel car
矿石车 ore car
漏斗车 hopper car
水泥车 cement car
保温车 thermal car
隔热车 insulated-cover wagon,insulated box car
加冰冷藏车 ice-cooled refrigerator car
冷冻板冷藏车 eutectic-ice-cooled refrigerator car
加温车 heater car
冷藏加温车 refrigerator and heater car
机械冷藏车 mechanical refrigerator car
单节机械冷藏车 mono-unit mechanical refrigerator car
机冷货物车 mechanical refrigerator freight car
机冷发电车 mechanical refrigerator generating car梁思成
机械冷藏车组 mechanical refrigerator car train-t
通风车 ventilated car
家畜车 live stock car, stock car
活鱼车 fish car
零担办公车 office car for peddler train
毒品车 posion car
集装箱车 container car
长大货物车 heavy-duty car,high capacity car
凹底平车 depresd center flat car
落下孔车 well car, well-hole car
双联平车 twinned flat car
钳夹车 schnabel car
自动倾翻车 side dump car
除雪车 sweeper, snow plow
长钢轨车组 long rail car train-t
电站车组 power station car train t
车辆纵向 longitudinal direction of car
车辆横向 transver direction of car
车端 end of car
一位端 “B” end of car
二位端 “A” end of car
一位侧 No.1 position side
二位侧 No. 2 position side
轴位 position of axle
轮位 position of wheel
梁位 position of sill
车钩中心线高 hright fron top of rail to coupler center
车辆长度 length of car
车辆宽度 width of car
车辆最大宽度 max. width of car
车辆高度 height of car
车辆最大高度 max. height of car
车体长度 length over ends of car body
底架长度 length of underframe
罐体长度 length of tank barrek
车体宽度 width over sides of car body
底架长度 underframe width
车体内长 inside length of car body
车体内宽 inside width of car body
车体内侧面高 inside height of car body
车体内中心高 inside height from floor to roof centre
地板面高 height of floor from rail top
车辆定距(心盘中心距) length between bogie pivot centers
车辆全轴距 total wheel ba of car
车辆定距比 ratio of car body length to length between bogie centres
换长 equivalent length
旁承间隙 side bearing clearance
自重tare weight
载重 loading capacity
整备品重 rvicing weight
总重 gross weight
自重系数coefficient of tare weight, tare-to-load capacity
每延米重load per meter of track
簧上重量suspended weight, weight above spring
簧下重量non-suspended weight, weight under spring
构造速度design speed
通过最小曲线半径 min. radius of curvature negotiated
动力系数coefficient of kinetic force房地产销售说辞
振动舒适度comfortable quality of vibration
平稳性指标(振动舒适度指标)index of running stability
倾复稳定性curity of over turing from track
脱轨稳定性curity of derailment
空车empty car
轴数number of axle
车辆标记lettering and marking of car
车辆型号model of car
车辆号码rial number of car
定员ating capacity
技术履历簿technical ancestry book
吊座hanger bracket
连接板connecting plate
补强板reinforcing plate
隔板partion plate
撑板staying plate
托板supporting plate
固定板fastening plate
压板pressing plate
吊板hanging plate
支承板bearing plate
调整板adjusting plate
限制板locating plate
挡板baffle plate
防跳板anticreep plate
护板shield plate
防尘板dust guard plate
磨耗板wear plate
防火板fireproof plate
盖板cover plate
腹板web plate
翼板flange plate
地板floor plate
顶板roof plate
墙板side plate
装饰板decorating plate
根据位置不同所用板plate ud in other place
节流板moderating plate,limiting plate