Di gix’s Whitepaper: The Gold Standard in CryptoAsts (English / 中文)
prepared by:
Anthony C. Eufemio <ace@dgx.io>
Kai C. Chng <kcchng@dgx.io>
Shaun Djie <shaundjie@dgx.io>
January 2016
招聘自我评价Version 1.03
Digix provides a u ca for the tokenisation and documentation of physical asts through its
Proof of Ast (PoA) protocol. The PoA protocol utilis Ethereum and the InterPlanetary
古代人的日常生活Files System (IPFS) to track an ast through its chain of custody. This allows for the open and public verification of an ast’s existence without a centralid databa. Digix also offers an API allowing other applications to be built on top of our ast tokenisation rvice.
Technical Overview:
Product Life Cycle
1 "[English] White Paper ∙ ethereum/wiki Wiki ∙ GitHub." 2014. 29 Dec. 2015
2 B enet, Juan. (September 11 2015) "The IPFS Project How it works". IPFS
Key Products
1.Proof of Ast (PoA) Ast Cards
PoA Ast Cards consist of the below information permanently uploaded onto the
decentralid databa:
Time Stamp of card creation
SKU of the gold bar
Bar Serial number
Chain of Custody digital signatures (Vendor, Custodian, Auditor)
Purcha Receipt
Audit Documentation
果园里有什么水果Depository Receipt
Storage fees due
PoA Ast Cards are kept in an Ethereum Wallet.
2.Digix Tokens (DGX)
Dgx Tokens are minted via a Minter Smart Contract. Each DGX token reprents 1g of Gold and divisible to 0.001g. For every PoA Card that is nt to the Minter Smart
Contract, DGX tokens will be issued in return. For instance, a 100g PoA Card nt to the Minter Smart Contract returns 100 DGX tokens to the ur.怎样养君子兰
西柚的营养价值Digix Tokens are held in an Ethereum Wallet.
Key Process
座右铭诗句There are 3 modular process that Digix us to provide a proof of existence and fungibility for an a
st, 1 for redemption of physical asts, and 1 that encourages Ða pp Development. Tho process consist of:
1.Proof of Ast (PoA) Verification p rocess which records and provides an audit trail of
an ast on Ethereum to create PoA Ast Cards. The ast cards are certified using
quential digital signatures from the entities in the chain of custody, namely, the
Vendor, Custodian, Auditor, which are further validated with proof of purcha and
depository receipts provided and uploaded onto IPFS for permanent record (Fig i).
Figure i: Digix Ast Registration Process
The PoA Verification contains a sub process for regular audits as shown in (Fig ii).
Figure ii: Audit Process
2.Minter Smart Contract t o create fungible DGX tokens, that accepts or holds PoA Ast
Cards in exchange for DGX tokens (Fig iii).
Figure iii: Minting Digix Gold Ast Cards into Digix Gold Tokens