Compliments, called as “social lubricant”, are a kind of frequently ud polite speech act,
which explicitly or implicitly attributes credit to someone other than the speaker, usually the person addresd, for some “good” (posssions, characteristic, skill, etc.) which is positively valued by the speaker and the hearer (Holmes, 1986). They are far more complicated than they appear in terms of the relation between language, society and culture. However, most of former rearches focud on English varieties, the study of compliments in other linguistic-cultural systems being so little that Chine compliments were very limitedly touched upon. The prent study attempts to carry out the study of compliment speech act in Chine culture. The author wishes it might be helpful to tho interested in this topic.
Bad on the findings and framework of previous studies on compliment speech act at home and abroad, together with the data from the Chine classical literature Hong Lou Meng and natural obrvation, this paper analyzes Chine compliment speech act in terms of mantic load carriers, syntactic patterns, topic distribution, social functions, respon strategies, as well as the implied social and cultural values beneath it.
The results indicate: Chine compliments can also be regarded as formulaic both on mantic and syntactic level. But they are characterized by the richness in words and expressions embodied by diversity of adjectives, more frequently ud adverbs & nouns and a large amount of Chine culture-bad idioms and rhetoric phenomena. More implicit compliments in Chine compliments (CCs) make the syntactic structures more original and various. CCs’ topics mainly fall into four categories: personality, ability, appearance, and posssions, among which tho have strong Chine flavor include benevolence, loyalty, filial piety, topics about “oldness” & “natural quality”, etc. CCs are mainly utilized to increa or consolidate the solidarity between speaker and hearer, can also be ud together with other speech acts to make them realized more easily, and sometimes function as flattery resulted from the motivation of the complimenter to get favorable treatment from the complimentee. Under the influence of Modesty Maxim in traditional Chine culture, Chine people intend to u Self-denigration and Disagreement Strategy when responding to compliments.
The prent paper is divided into six chapters: Chapter One introduces the objectives & s
ignificance and data source & methodology, attempts to make literature review, introduces related theories, and makes an overview of the whole structure. The next three chapters analyzes Chine compliment speech act in detail from the five aspects mentioned above. Chapter Five discuss the deep-rooted social and cultural values embedded in Chine compliments. The ending part Chapter Six makes a summary of the main findings, puts forwards some tentative suggestions for Teaching Chine as a Second Language(TCSL), points out the shortcomings of prent study and propos some advice for further study in the field.