南平旅游L5 树干式记忆
相帮>iso文件孕妇保险More and more foreign young ladies, mostly South Korean women, have made bookings for plastic surgeries in Chine plastic surgery organizations recently. Why undergo plastic surgeries in China instead of in South Korea? A South Korean woman said that an operation performed by a South Korean expert would cost almost three times more than one done by a Chine expert with identical qualification, professional background and experience, and South Korea's plastic surgeries show a tendency to produce a "unified" and "formulaic" im-age and are apt to produce beauties of similar appearance. She choos to undergo a plastic surgery in China in pursuit of individual beauty. Moreover, she hopes to develop her career in China, and the plastic surgery would satisfy some demand of her future work. Another woman frankly admitted that after coming to China, she has found a Chine boyfriend who loves her very much and supports her plastic surgery plans, and she hopes for beauty with "Chine feature" after the procedures.