
更新时间:2023-06-29 06:19:40 阅读: 评论:0

国家教育部  Ministry of Education (MOE)
在德育、智育、体育、美育都得到发展  to develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically/ to develop one’s morality, intelligence, physique as well as artistic appreciation
促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展 ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics
切实减轻中小学生过重的课业负担 effectively reduce too heavy homework assignments for primary and condary school students
关于孝道的作文培养外语水平较高,文化知识较好的毕业生 bring up students who excel in foreign language proficiency as well as in other academic
培养复合型人才 produce students with inter-disciplinary knowledge and well-rounded abilities
培养独立析和解决问题的能力 cultivate ability to analyze and solve problems independently
培养和吸引各类人才特别是高层次急需人才 we should train and attract more people with experti in all fields, especially people of a high caliber and with experti badly need in China
虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind
学前教育 preschool education /Infant school education
初等教育Primary / elementary education
中等教育 condary education
饮料怎么画高等教育 higher education/ tertiary education外甥打灯笼照旧
成人教育 adult education
职业教育 vocational education
职业技术教育 vocational and technical education
素质教育 quality-oriented education/education for all-around education
在职培训 on-the-job training/in rvice training
再就业培训 reemployment training
九年制义务教育 the nine-year compulsory education
有中国特色的社会主义教育体制 the socialist educational system with Chine characteristics
希望工程 Project Hope
辍学儿童 drop-outs
超龄儿童--- over-age child
学龄儿童 school-age children
扫盲 elimination/eradication of illiteracy
中国青少年发展基金会 China Youth Development Foundation(CYDF)
格式化什么意思知识经济劳动歌曲 knowledge-bad economy
高考 the entrance examinations for regular colleges and universities
应试教育 examination-driven education
填鸭式教育 cramming/spoon-feeding method of teaching
启发式教育 method of elicitation
招生 to enroll/ enrollment
教育适度超前发展 the appropriate development of future-oriented education
面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来 to meet the needs of modernization, the world and the future
终身教育体系 a system of lifelong education
远程教育 distance learning
优化专业设置 optimize the division of disciplines
落实高校办学自主权 to allow institutions of higher learning to make operating decisions
高校后勤服务社会化 a system of independent operation of support rvices in universities and colleges
制止学校乱收费 to curb arbitrary charges levied by schools
联合国开发计划署 the United Nations Development Program(UNDP)
联合国儿童基金会 the United Nations Children’s Fund(UNCF)
联合国科教文组织 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)
科教兴国 developing/rejuvenating/revitalizing China through science and education
民办大学 non-government-run colleges and universities
民办教师 citizen-managed teachers
勤工助学 work-for-study program
性别歧视 gender stereotyping
开放大学 the Open University
“受教育长才干”计划 “Education to Empower” project
中华人民共和国教育法Education Law of the People's Republic of China
教育改革发展纲要the Outline for Educational Reform and Development
教育体制改革Reform on educational system
深化与加快教育发展deepened to accelerate educational development.
学校教育制度a school education system
教育形式Forms of education
修业年限/学习年限Length of schooling/period of schooling
招生对象(条件)Admission requirements
培养目标Educational objects
采取各种措施保障适龄儿童、少年就学Adopt every measure to ensure children and juveniles of school age to go to school
职业教育制度vocational education system
成人教育制度adult education system
学业证书制度schooling credentials system
国家教育考试制度national examination system of education.
学位制度academic degree system
教育督导制度educational inspection system
教育评估制度educational asssment system
教育机构educational institutions
制定教育发展规划formulate plans for educational development
组织机构和章程organized institution and constitution
组织实施教育教学活动organizing and conducting educational activities
招收学生或其它受教育者recruiting students or other education receivers
对受教育者颁发相应的学业证书awarding corresponding schooling credentials upon education receivers
贯彻国家的教育方针implementing the state directives on education
执行国家教育教学标准practicing the state educational and teaching/learning standards
维护受教育者、教师及其它职工的合法权益safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the education receivers, teachers and other staffs
依法接受监督submitting to supervision according to law
教育职员制度an educational staffs system for the management
专业技术职务聘任制度professional-skills-bad posts employment system

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