post-authorisation study non-clinical study
A post-authorisation non-clinical study (PANCS) is a type of study conducted following the approval of a drug or medical device by regulatory authorities. PANCS aim to gather additional safety and efficacy data that were not obrved during the clinical trials, or to expand the evidence ba for the clinical u of the product.表格自动排序
眼白上有黑色斑块 PANCS are important tools for asssing the long-term safety and effectiveness of drugs and devices, and can provide valuable information for healthcare practitioners, regulatory authorities and patients. The studies can include the monitoring of adver events, the long-term effects of the product, the effect on the dia or condition being treated, and the impact on patients' quality of life.
The design of PANCS is usually bad on the product's indication and the data generated during the clinical trials. The studies can range from simple obrvational studies to more complex interventional studies, and can be conducted in a variety of ttings including clinical practices, hospitals, and patient registries.
东风好作阳和使舌吻的方法 PANCS are often required by regulatory authorities as a condition of approval, and the results of the studies are submitted to regulatory authorities to provide ongoing evidence of the safety and efficacy of the product.杜鲁门号航空母舰