1. 收信人:To whom it may concern 并以逗号结束
2. “特此证明”翻译为:“This is to certify that ...”并且放在证明正文的开头。
民国21年3. 男性用Mr. 女性用Ms.
4. 落款人即证明人:姓名,头衔(院长,首席执行官等等),工作单位部门
5. 证明人签字的地方,盖上公章。
July 11, 1986
To Whom It May Concern,
This is to certify that Mr. Shu duly pasd the qualification examination as a Mechanical Engineer and has been granted a certificate, Taikong No. 6314 dated February 3, 1982 to this effect by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
K. A. Wang
Director General
ne, the concept of a letter
That letter is shown to someone's identity, experience and other indolent condition and prove an event history, truth special-purpo letter.
In two, the types of letter
From writer to differentiate, can be divided into organizational name certification letter and personally issued a letter. A letter from the u point of view, it can be classified as material is deposited into the file letter, that lost documents such as indolent condition true letter as proof of the u of letters and documents.
Three, the role of letter
Letter to understand and study the relevant personnel and incident true indolent condition, having important certificate, reference.
Four, the structure and writing a letter
A letter generally consists of the title, title, body, end date, signature and veral components.坐飞机要买保险吗
Letter format reference
Certificate for the cla( such as graduation certificate, degree certificate, marriage certificate, notarized ) provide ID and original certificate can be, the other clamust provide the ID card, residence booklet, letter (for birth, through notarization must provide a photo.).
Letter of reference format is as follows:
I units x x x x country apply to visit ( or ttled, at their own expen to study, public school ... ... ), is introduced to you handle the following notarization:
1 birth certificate:
X ( gender ) in dated in X Province XX City ( or county ) was born. The father is x x x x x x x, mother is.