Guidance on Registration
Documents(one copy for each) for name approval application of foreign (including Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao) invested enterpris
1. The "application for name pre-approval of foreign invested enterpris" signed by all investors; 全体投资人签署的《外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书》;
2. Photocopies of qualification certificates of all investors; 全体投资人的资格证明复印件;
3. Other relevant documents and certificates; 其他有关文件、证件;
Documents for registration of establishment of a Foreign-, Hong Kong-, Macao- or Taiwan-Invested enterpri (one copy for each)
For registration of establishment of a Foreign-Invested company
1、"The establishment registration application Form for foreign invested Enterpris" by the legal reprentative to be appointed 拟任法定代表人签署的《外商投资的公司设立登记申请书》
2、The approval document issued by the approval authority (one duplicate of official reply and approval certificate); 审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1)
3、Articles of association公司章程
4、The notification of name pre-approval 《名称预先核准通知书》
5、Proof of subject qualification or proof of identification as a natural person for investors 投资者的主体资格证明或自然人身份证明
6、Photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for directors, supervisors and managers董事、监事和经理的任职文件及身份证明复印件
7、Photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for legal reprentative法定代表人任职文件和身份证明复印件
8、Investment verification certificates issued by a legally established investment verification authority依法设立的验资机构出具的验资证明
9、Where a shareholder has made his/her capital contribution with nom-currency properties for the fi
rst time, documents proving the completion of property transfer procedures shall be submitted.股东首次出资是非货币财产的,提交已办理财产权转移手续的证明文件
10、Certificate of company domicile公司住所证明
11、The minutes of the inaugural asmbly;创立大会的会议记录
12、Pre-approval document or certificate;前置审批文件或证件
13、Letter of authorization for rvice of legal documents 法律文件送达授权委托书
14、Other relevant documents and certificates;其它有关文件
For registration of establishment of a Foreign-Invested enterpri (non-company)
1、"The application from signed by the pending legal reprentative";拟任法定代表人签署的《(非公司)外商投资企业设立登记申请书》
2、The approval document issued by the approval authority (one duplicate of official reply and approval certificate);审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1)
3、Contract and articles of ass
ociation; 合同、章程
4、"The notification of name pre-approval" 名称预先核准通知书
5、Investor's legal business certificate and credit certificate;投资者的合法开业证明和资信证明
6、Photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for legal reprentative and members of Joint management committee法定代表人、联合管理委员会委员任职文件原件及身份证明复印件
7、The certificate of using the new domicile;住所使用证明
8、Investment verification certificates issued by a legally established investment verification authority依法设立的验资机构出具的验资证明
9、Pre-approval document or certificate;前置审批文件或证件
10、Other relevant documents and certificates;其它有关文件
For registration of cancellation of a Foreign-Invested company
1、"The cancellation registration application form for foreign invested enterpris" signed by the responsible person of the liquidation team 清算组负责人签署的《外商投资的公司注销登记申请书》
2、The approval document issued by the original approval authority agreeing the cancellation; 原审批机关同意注销的批准文件
3、Resolution or decision made in accordance with laws依法作出的决议或者决定
4、Liquidation report that has been recorded and confirmed in accordance with laws经依法备案、确认的清算报告
5、Certificate for registration of cancellation issued by taxation and customs authorities税务和海关部门出具的完税证明
6、Certificate for registration of cancellation of branches分公司的注销登记证明
7、The original and the duplicate business licen营业执照正、副本
8、Other relevant documents and certificates;其它有关文件
For registration of cancellation of a Foreign-Invested enterpri (non-company)
1、"The cancellation registration application form for foreign invested enterpris";
2、The approval document issued by the original approval authority agreeing the cancellation;
3、Resolution or decision made in accordance with laws
4、Reports confirming the ttlement of credits and liabilities or documents formulated by liquidation team that are responsible for ttlement of credits and liabilities
5、Duty-paid certificates issued by taxation authority and customs;
6、Certificates showing cancellation of its branches (administrative offices);
7、The original and the duplicate business licen, as well as the official stamp
8、Other relevant documents and certificates
2、 原审批机关同意注销的批准文件
3、 依法作出的决议或决定
4、 清理债权债务完结的报告或者清算组织负责清理债权债务的文件
5、 税务和海关出具的完税证明
6、 分支(办事)机构已注销的证明
7、 营业执照正、副本和公章
8、 其它有关文件
Cancellation of modification registration of foreign invested enterpris
1. "Application Form for Cancellation of Modification Registration of Foreign Invested Enterpris" signed by the legal reprentative of the company;
2. Written judgment of the people's court;
3. The former approval letter for the application of modification registration;
4. Photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen;
5. Other relevant documents;
The modification (for record) registration application form for foreign invested enterpris
Modification of company name
1、"The modification (for record) registration application form for foreign invested enterpris";
2、Resolution or decision made in accordance with laws
3、The photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen
4、The notification of name pre-approval;
5、The amendment to the Articles of Association or the revid Articles of Association signed by the legal reprentative of the company;
6、Other relevant documents;
Modification of company domicile
小米粥图片1. "The modification (for record) registration application form for foreign invested enterpris";
2、Resolution or decision made in accordance with laws
3、The Amendment of Articles of Association or the Revid Articles of Association signed by the legal reprentative
4、The certificate of using the new domicile;
5、The photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen
6、Other relevant documents;
2、依法作出的决议或决定 长白山介绍
Modification of the legal reprentative
1、"The modification (for record) registration application form for foreign invested enterpris";
2、Resolution or decision made in accordance with laws
3、The appointment document of the new legal reprentative and the dismissal document of the former legal reprentative;
4、The registration form of the new legal reprentative;
5、The photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen
6、The approval document issued by the approval authority;
7、Other relevant documents;
Modification of gross investment and registered capital
1. "The modification (for record) registration ap
plication form for foreign invested enterpris";病句类型及例句
2. Approval document and certificate issued by the approval authority (one duplicate);
3、Resolution or decision made in accordance with laws
4、The modification agreement for contract and articles of association;
5、The Amendment of Articles of Association or the Revid Articles of Association signed by the legal reprentative
6、Investment verification certificates issued by a legally established investment verification authority
7、Sample newspaper that publishes the capital reduction announcement and debt repayment report or debt assurance certificate
8、The photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen
9、Other relevant documents;
Modification of the paid-in registered capital
1. "The modification (for record) registration application form for foreign invested enterpris";
2. Certificate of investment verification issued by an investment verification entity established according to the law;
3. Photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen;
4. Other relevant documents;
Modification of time and forms of investment (new investment)
1. "The Modification (for record) Registration Application Form for Foreign Invested Enterpris" signed by the legal reprentative of the company;
2. Approval document issued by the approval authority (one duplicate of the official reply and the approval certificate); 男孩子青春期
3. Resolution or decision made according to the law;
4. The amendment to the Articles of Association or the revid Articles of Association signed by the legal reprentative of the company;
5. Photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen;
6. Other relevant documents;
Modification of business period
1. "The modification (for record) registration application form for foreign invested enterpris"; 杜甫石壕吏
2. Approval document and certificate issued by the approval authority (one duplicate);
3、Resolution or decision m
ade in accordance with laws
4. The modification agreement for contract and articles of association;
5、The Amendment of Articles of Association or the Revid Articles of Association signed by the legal reprentative
6、The photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen
7、Other relevant documents;
Modification of business scope
1. 1. "The modification (for record) registration application form for foreign invested enterpris";
2. Approval document issued by the approval authority (one duplicate of the official reply and the approval certificate);
3. Resolution or decision made according to the law;
4. The modification agreement for contract and articles of association;
5. The amendment to the Articles of Association or the revid Articles of Association signed by the legal reprentative of the company;
6. Photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen;
7. Prior approval documents or certificates;
8. Other relevant documents;
Modification of share ownership
1、"The modification (for record) registration application form for foreign invested enterpris";
2、Approval document and certificate issued by the approval authority (one duplicate);
3、Resolution or decision made according to the law;
4、The modification agreement for contract and articles of association;
5、The amendment to the Articles of Association or the revid Articles of Association signed by the legal reprentative of the company;
6、The share transfer agreement;
7、Statement acquiring the approval of other investors to allow the transfer in accordance with laws
8、The proof of subject qualification of the transferee;
9、Certificate of financial standing of the transferee;
10、Letter of attorney for the rving of legal documents;
11、The photocopy of the duplicate of the business licen
12、Other relevant documents;