原产地证书 英文版 English

更新时间:2023-06-29 04:32:08 阅读:19 评论:0

Original (Duplicate/Triplicate)
Reference No.
1. Products consigned from (Exporter's business name,
    address, country)
(Combined Declaration and Certificate)
2. Products consigned to (Consignee's name, address,
      FORM E
  Issued in ______________
See Overleaf Notes
3. Means of transport and route (as far as known)
4. For Official U
    Departure date
Preferential Treatment Given
    Vesl's name/Aircraft etc.
Preferential Treatment Not Given (Plea
state reason/s)
    Port of Discharge
Signature of Authorid Signatory of the Importing
5. Item
6. Marks and
7. Number and type of
8. Origin criteria
9. Gross
10. Number and
    numbers on
    packages, description of
    (e Overleaf
    weight or
      date of
    products (including quantity
    other quantity
    where appropriate and HS
    and value
    number of the importing
11. Declaration by the exporter
12. Certification
      The undersigned hereby declares that the above
      It is hereby certified, on the basis of control
      details and statement are correct; that all the products
      carried out, that the declaration by the
      were produced in
      exporter is correct.
      and that they comply with the origin requirements
      specified for the products in the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA for the products exported to
(Importing Country)
Place and date, signature of
Place and date, signature and stamp of
authorid signatory
产品市场调研报告certifying authority
□  Issued Retroactively              □    Exhibition
□  Movement Certificate              □  Third Party Invoicing

1.    Parties which accept this form for the purpo of preferential treatment under the ASEAN-CHINA Free Trade Area Preferential Tariff:
INDONESIA                LAOS                MALAYSIA
MYANMAR                PHILIPPINES            SINGAPORE
THAILAND                VIETNAM   
2.    CONDITIONS: The main conditions for admission to the preferential treatment under the ACFTA Preferential Tariff are that products nt to any Parties listed above:
(i) must fall within a description of products eligible for concessions in the country of destination;
(ii) must comply with the consignment conditions that the products must be consigned directly from any ACFTA Party to the importing Party but transport that involves passing through one or more intermediate non-ACFTA Parties, is also accepted provided that any intermediate transit, transshipment or temporary storage aris only for geographic reasons or transportation requirements; and
(iii) must comply with the origin criteria given in the next paragraph.
3.    ORIGIN CRITERIA: For exports to the above mentioned countries to be eligible for preferential treatment, the requirement is that either:
(i) The products wholly obtained in the exporting Party as defined in Rule 3 of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;
(ii) Subject to sub-paragraph (i) above, for the purpo of implementing the provisions of Rule 2 (b) of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA, products worked on and procesd as a result of which the total value of the materials, parts or produce originating from non-ACF
TA Parties or of undetermined origin ud does not exceed 60% of the FOB value of the product produced or obtained and the final process of the manufacture is  performed within territory of the exporting Party;
(iii) Products which comply with origin requirements provided for in Rule 2 of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA and which are ud in a Party as inputs for a finished product eligible for preferential treatment in another Party/Parties shall be considered as a product originating in the Party where working or processing of the finished product has taken place provided that the aggregate ACFTA content of the final product is not less than 40%; or
(iv) Products which satisfy the Product Specific Rules provided for in Attachment B of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA shall be considered as products to which sufficient transformation has been carried out in a Party.
如何挑选古琴If the products qualify under the above criteria, the exporter must indicate in Box 8 of this form the origin criteria on the basis of which he claims that his products qualify for prefere
ntial treatment, in the manner shown in the following table:
Circumstances of production or  manufacture in the first country named in Box 11 of this form
Inrt in Box 8
(a) Products wholly produced in the country of exportation (e paragraph 3 (i) above)
(b) Products worked upon but not wholly produced in the exporting Party which were produced in conformity with the provisions of paragraph 3 (ii) above
Percentage of single country content, example 40%
(c) Products worked upon but not wholly produced in the exporting Party which were produced in conformity with the provisions of paragraph 3 (iii) above
Percentage of ACFTA cumulative content, example 40%
(d) Products satisfied the Product Specific Rules (PSR)
4.    EACH ARTICLE MUST QUALIFY: It should be noted that all the products in a consignment must qualify parately in their own right. This is of particular relevance when similar articles of different sizes or spare parts are nt.
5.    DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCTS: The description of products must be sufficiently detailed to enable the products to be identified by the Customs Officers examining them. Name of manufacturer, any trade mark shall also be specified.
6.    The Harmonid System number shall be that of the importing Party.
7.    The term “Exporter” in Box 11 may include the manufacturer or the producer. In the ca of MC the term “Exporter” also includes the exporter in the intermediate Party,
8.    FOR OFFICIAL USE: The Customs Authority of the importing Party must indicate (  ) in the relevant boxes in column 4 whether or not preferential treatment is accorded

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