2011.12.17.B2 美国经济如履薄冰——真不想迎来这愚蠢的一年
America's fragile recovery
A year of living pigheadedly
Dec 17th 2011 | from the print edition
America will be a tad cheerier than Europe in 2012-but it should be so much better still
THE euro zone is probably already back in recession. The emerging markets are starting to show signs of slowing down. Thank heavens, one might say, for America, which is finishing the year with the nearest thing to good economic news to be found on this benighted planet.[/color][/size]
Growth in the third quarter clocked in at around 2%, and in the fourth quarter it looks likely to be significantly stronger than that. Unemployment is edging downwards, the Dow is back up at around 12,000, hou sales are rising and spending on consumer durables, most notably cars, is improving at a fairly cheerful clip. Might America, as so often in the past, provide a locomotive for global growth in 2012?
Sadly not. That is partly becau the economy, on clor inspection, is less speedy than i
土鳖虫多少钱一斤t first appears. But it is also becau America’s politicians look likely to do nothing whatsoever to help growth in 2012. Indeed, the immediate priority is to stop them doing yet more harm to it.
The current rate of growth is actually pretty anaemic, amounting to no better than a return to the long-term trend. After the depths plumbed in the recession (GDP fell by 3.5% in 2009), many hoped for a more impressive bounce-back. But the damage done to individual balance-sheets is still weighing down on the recovery. Nor is that recovery generating new jobs at anything like the rate it needs to if it is to put a rious dent in unemployment and get demand moving again. America’s robust population growth means that employment has to ri by around 100,000 jobs a month merely to keep pace 幼儿礼仪
马蹄肉饼with the expanding labour force. And the main reason that the unemployment rate fell so impressively in November was not that a lot of jobs were created, but that a larger number of people became discouraged and stopped looking for work. If you add tho unhappy people back into the workforce, the true rate of unemployment is nearly a point higher than the official 8.6%; add in all tho in part-time work who want to work full time, and the rate is over 15%. And all of this, of cour, assumes that the euro does not collap; if it does, the conquences for the American banking system would make the bankruptcy of Lehman em like a picnic.
[b]For God’s sake, stop bickering
The fate of the euro is something over which Congress has no control. But it does have the power to tip the recovery back towards recession if it fails to break a political deadlock that was still unresolved as The Economist went to press.
Extensions to unemployment benefit and a job-boosting cut to the payroll tax are both t
to expire at the end of this year, unless they are renewed by Congress. Add in the exhaustion of the last funds from Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, and the implied fiscal contraction could be as much as 2.6 percentage points of GDP in the first half of the year. Cynically, given their avowed enthusiasm for cutting taxes, the Republicans in Congress are threatening to sabotage extension of the payroll tax cut by linking it to an entirely unrelated matter—approval for a new pipeline bringing oil from Canada’s tar sands to Texas’s refineries. As has become the norm in America, the negotiation ems t to continue right up until the last moment. Even authorisation of ordinary spending (the government lives hand-to-mouth, as most of this year’s budget has not been yet pasd) is being taken to the brink.
Even if this do-nothing 112th Congress manages to avoid mutilating the economy, it ems unlikely to do anything to help it. It looks clear that nothing of substance will be pasd till after the presidential election on November 6th. This is both a disgrace and a tragedy: there are plenty of ideas that could boost employment. Schemes to back small business, t up an infrastructure bank or offer assistance for firms that hire the long-term unemployed are all marooned. Federal aid to the states, all of whom are having to pass tough budgets which will further contract demand, won’t be restarted.
That leaves one, rather distant, hope: that, in the lame-duck period between the election and the next Congress, prompted by the imminent expiry of George Bush’s tax cuts at the beginning of 2013, America’s politicians will sit down and finally hammer out the grand bargain the country so desperately needs, with the tax increas delayed in exchange for nsible reforms to spending and the tax code. There is a genuine chance that will happen. But between now and then, a lot of companies and jobs could be lost.对比句子