Salinas outlines the key qualities of good management in this autobiography. He believes that decisions should be bad on facts, not opinions; that people's strengths should be exploited; and that disagreement is some times necessary. But the main point he makes is that leadership means performing well at all times and tting a good example.
In this collection of essays, top business leaders predict how business will change over the next few years. They analy changes in business and society and their effects on job markets, as well as taking a look at possible strengths and weakness of leading economi
cs and their currencies. This collection outlines a vision of tomorrow's business world and the type of leaders that will be required.
This book is a well-rearched study of the problem of leadership in global quoted companies. 160 international business leaders were asked how they added value to their companies and their answers form the main part of this book. Both managers and companies are analyd in order to show how they cope with difficult issues. A uful book for all nior managers.
100 well-known US business leaders through this century are described in this book, which analys how their fortunes were made and sometimes lost. The background, business career character and personal life of each individual are outlined, creating an impressive collection of biographies and an excellent reference work.
1、 This is an account of one business leader's experiences.
2、 This book suggests probable trends in the business world.芹菜炒肉片
3、 In this book you learn about the lives of business leaders from the past.
4、 The writer of this book gives his personal views of what makes a good business leader.
5、 This book looks at how large companies deal with various problem areas.
6、 This book is bad on interviews with business leaders.
7、 This book describes both success and failures.
Analysing the Entrepreneur
The ever-increasing attraction of under-graduate cours in business studies demonstr
ates that many young people begin their working lives determined to be a success in business. Many of them will have ambitions of becoming boss. (0) G. . That should be the question which all ambitious young business people ask themlves.
圆形的特征 Some graduates learn how to run a business in someone el's time, and then in their early thirties, start out on their own. That cour of action is relatively common and straightforward. 8 Often, however, their business flair comes at the expen of more mundane business skills such as team building and maintaining harmony.
A recent study, in which venteen successful entrepreneurs took part in in-depth interviews, as did a similar number of chief executives, concluded that honesty and strong moral principles are important characteristics of entrepreneurs who achieve lasting success. According to the various tests and lf-asssment questionnaires ud in the interviews, venty per cent of entrepreneurs have the characteristics, as oppod to only twenty-eight per cent of chief executives. 9 It would em that most entrepreneurs derve more credit than people generally give them.
This ethical style of leadership fosters a culture in which expectations are uncompromisingly high and in which people believe they will be properly rewarded for their individual contribution. 10 Employees often complain that the worst kind of boss are the ones who own the business, as they can be very intolerant of others who make mistakes.
Entrepreneurs are passionate about their work but they have not worked their way up through the organisation and tend to lack the people management qualities that chief executives have developed over long careers. 11 Of cour, it could be argued that the single-minded approach of entrepreneurs is what makes them successful; it certainly enables them to put extraordinary effort into what they do.
The study indicates that generally chief executives can match entrepreneurs in terms of drive and determination. There is one exception and that relates to taking risks. 12 The chief executive can, on the other hand, always move to another company.存钱技巧
But in the end, if there are no entrepreneurs, there is no work for chief executives. It is t
he people that start business who are the original wealth creators.
A. However, it can also result in entrepreneurs being profoundly disappointed when others fail to live up to their high standards.
B. They need to have the confidence to make everyone in the organisation believe that this is no ordinary place and no ordinary job.
C. Given the common perception that entrepreneurs are only in business to make money, this very positive finding was perhaps the most surprising.
D. They are less likely to promote teamwork and co-operation than chief executives, who are much better at reading and understanding tho around them.
E. After all, if it is your own company, you cannot walk away, and you will do anything either to keep it afloat or to help it prosper.