Your final | grade | for | the | cour | is B. | A | respectable grade. | Far superior | to | the | ||||||||||||
"Gentleman's C" that rved as the norm a couple of generations ago. But in tho days | ||||||||||||||||||||||
A's were rare: only two out of twenty-five, as I recall. Whatever our norm is, it has shifted | ||||||||||||||||||||||
upward, | with | the | result that | you | are probably | disappointed | at | not | doing | better. | I'm | |||||||||||
certain that nothing I can say will remove that feeling of disappointment, particularly in a | ||||||||||||||||||||||
climate where grades determine eligibility for graduate school and special programs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Disappointment. It's the stuff bad dreams are made of: dreams of failure, inadequacy, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
loss of position and good repute. The esnce of success is that there's never enough of it | ||||||||||||||||||||||
to go round in a zero-sum game where one person's winning must be offt by another's | ||||||||||||||||||||||
losing, one person's joy offt by another's disappointment. You've grown up in a society | ||||||||||||||||||||||
where winning is not the most important thing | —it's the only thing. To lo, to fail, to go | |||||||||||||||||||||
under, | to go broke | —the | are deadly | sins | in | a world where | prosperity | in | the | prent is | ||||||||||||
en as a sure sign of salvation in the future. In a different society, your disappointment | ||||||||||||||||||||||
might be something you could shrug away. But not in ours. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
My | purpo | in | writing | you | is | to | put | your | disappointment | in | perspective | by | ||||||||||
considering exactly what your grade means and doesn't mean. I do not propo to argue | ||||||||||||||||||||||
here that grades are unimportant. Rather, I hope to show you that your grade, taken at | ||||||||||||||||||||||
face value, is apt to be dangerously misleading, both to you and to others. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
As | a symbol | on | your | college | transcript, | your | grade | simply | means | that | you | have | ||||||||||
successfully completed a specific cour of study, doing so at a certain level of proficiency. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The level of your proficiency | has been | determined by | your | performance | of | rather | ||||||||||||||||
conventional | tasks: | taking | tests, | writing | papers | and | reports, | and | so forth. | Your | ||||||||||||
performance is generally assumed to correspond to the knowledge you have acquired and | ||||||||||||||||||||||
will retain. But this assumption, | as we both | know, | is questionable; | it | may well be | that | ||||||||||||||||
you've actually gotten much more out of | the cour than your grade indicates —or | less. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Lacking | more | preci | measurement | tools, | we | must | interpret | your | B | as a rather | fuzzy | |||||||||||
symbol at best, reprenting a questionable judgment of your mastery of the subject. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
李逵杀虎Your grade does not reprent a judgment of your basic ability or of your character. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Courage, kindness, wisdom, good humor | —the are the important characteristics of our | |||||||||||||||||||||
species.炒饭大全 | Unfortunately | they are | not | part | of | our curriculum. | But | they | are | important: | ||||||||||||
crucially so, becau they are always in short supply. If you value the characteristics in | ||||||||||||||||||||||
yourlf, you will be valued | —and far more so than tho who identities are measured | |||||||||||||||||||||
only by little marks on a piece of paper. Your B is a price tag on a garment that is quite | ||||||||||||||||||||||
parate from the living, breathing human being underneath. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The | student | as performer; | the | student | as human 建筑工程技术 | being. | The | distinction | is one | we | ||||||||||||||||||
should always keep in mind. I first learned it years ago when I got out of the rvice and | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
went back to college. There were a lot of us then: older than the norm, in a hurry to get | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
our degrees and move on, impatient | with the | tests and rituals | of | academic | life. Not | an | ||||||||||||||||||||||
easy group to handle. | 恒言 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
One | instructor | handled | us | very | wily, | it ems to me. On Sunday | evenings | in | ||||||||||||||||||||
particular, he would make a point of stopping in at a local bar frequented by many of the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GI-Bill students. There | he would | sit and | drink, | joke, | and | swap stories | with | men | in | his | ||||||||||||||||||
class, men who had but recently put away their uniforms and identities: former platoon | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
rgeants, bomber pilots, corporals, captains, lieutenants, commanders, majors | —even a | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
lieutenant colonel, as I recall. They enjoyed his company greatly, as he theirs. The next | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
morning he would walk into class and give the same men a test. A hard test. A test on | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
which he usually flunked about half of them. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Oddly enough, the men whom he flunked did not rent it. Nor did they rent him | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
for shifting | suddenly | from | a | friendly | gear | to | a | coercive | one. Rather, | they | loved | him, | ||||||||||||||||
worked harder and harder at his cour as the mester moved along, and ended up with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a good grasp of his | subject —economics. | The | technique | is still | rather difficult | 马关条约的内容 for | me to | |||||||||||||||||||||
explain; but | I believe | it | 邯郸注册公司 | can | be described | as one | in | which | a clear | distinction | was made | |||||||||||||||||
between | the | student | as classroom | performer | and | the | student | as human | being. A good | |||||||||||||||||||
distinction | to make. | A | distinction | that | should | put | your | B | in | perspective | —and | 茶字书法图片大全your | ||||||||||||||||
disappointment. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Perspective. | It is | important | to | recognize | that | human | beings, | despite | differences | in | ||||||||||||||||||
class and educational labeling, are fundamentally hewn from the same material and knit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
together by common bonds of fear and joy, suffering and achievement. Warfare, sickness, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
disasters, public and private | —the are the larger coordinates of life. To recognize them is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
to recognize that social labels are basically irrelevant and misleading. It is true that the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
labels are necessary in the functioning of a complex society as a way of letting us know | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
who should be trusted to do what, with the result that we need to make distinctions on | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
the basis of grades, degrees, rank, and responsibility. But the distinctions should never | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
be taken riously in human terms, either in the way we look at others or in the way we | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
look at ourlves. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Even in | achievement | terms, | your | B label | does not mean | that | you | are permanently | ||||||||||||||||||||
defined as a B achievement person. I'm well aware that B students tend to get B's in the | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cours they take later on, just | as A | students | tend to get A's. But academic | work | is a | |||||||||||||||||||||||
narrow, | neatly | defined | highway | compared | to | the unmapped | rolling | country | you | will | ||||||||||||||||||
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