Chapter 7 Language, Culture and Society[注:第六章无测试题]
I. Choo the best answer. (20%)
1. _______ is concerned with the social significance of language variation and language u in different speech communities.
罗大力A. Psycholinguistics
李时珍活了多少岁B. Sociolinguistics
C. Applied linguistics
D. General linguistics
2. The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its __________.
A. u of words
B. u of structures
C. accent
D. morphemes森林防火安全
3. __________ is speech variation according to the particular area where a speaker comes from.
A. Regional variation
桃李满园春B. Language variation
C. Social variation
D. Register variation
4. _______ are the major source of regional variation of language.
A. Geographical barriers
B. Loyalty to and confidence in one’s native speech
C. Physical discomfort and psychological resistance to change
D. Social barriers
5. _________ means that certain authorities, such as the government choo, a particular speech variety, standardize it and spread the u of it across regional boundaries.
A. Language interference
B. Language changes
C. Language planning
D. Language transfer
6. _________ in a person’s speech or writing usually ranges on a continuum from casual or colloquial to formal or polite according to the type of communicative situation.
A. Regional variation
B. Changes in emotions
C. Variation in connotations
D. Stylistic variation
7. A ____ is a variety of language that rves as a medium of communication among groups of people for diver linguistic backgrounds.
A. lingua franca
B. register
C. Creole
D. national language
8. Although _______ are simplified languages with reduced grammatical features, they are rule-governed, like any human language.
A. vernacular languages
B. creoles
C. pidgins
D. sociolects
9. In normal situations, ____ speakers tend to u more prestigious forms than their ____ counterparts with the same social background.
浙江旅游必去十大景点A. female; male
B. male; female
C. old; young
D. young; old
10. A linguistic _______ refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the “polite” society from general u.
A. slang
B. euphemism
C. jargon
D. taboo
II. Decide whether the following statements are true or fal. (10%)
11. Language as a means of social communication is a homogeneous system with a homogeneous group of speakers.
12. The goal of sociolinguistics is to explore the nature of language variation and language u among a variety of speech communities and in different social situations.
13. From the sociolinguistic perspective, the term “speech variety” can no t be ud to refer to standard language, vernacular language, dialect or pidgin.
14. The most distinguishable linguistic feature of a regional dialect is its grammar and us of vocabulary.
15. A person’s social backgrounds do not exert a shaping inf luence on his choice of linguistic features.
吃什么会回奶16. Every speaker of a language is, in a stricter n, a speaker of a distinct idiolect.
17. A lingua franca can only be ud within a particular country for communication among groups of people with different linguistic backgrounds.
18. A pidgin usually reflects the influence of the higher, or dominant, language in its lexicon and that of the lower language in their phonology and occasionally syntax.
19. Bilingualism and diglossia mean the same thing.
20. The u of euphemisms has the effect of removing derogatory overtones and the disassociative effect as such is usually long-lasting.
III. Fill in the blanks. (20%)
21. The social group isolated for any given study is called the speech __________.
22. Speech __________ refers to any distinguishable form of speech ud by a speaker or group of speakers.
23. From the sociolinguistic perspective, a speech variety is no more than a __________ variety of a language.
24. Language standardization is also called language __________.
25. Social variation gives ri to __________ which are subdivisible into smaller speech categories that reflect their socioeconomic, educational, occupational background, etc.
26. __________ variation in a person’s speec h or writing usually ranges on a continuum from casual or colloquial to formal or polite according to the type of communicative situation.
27. A regional dialect may gain status and become standardized as the national or __________ language of