lesson 5 课外补充练习
I. Words explanation:
1. fallacy年假计算公式
A. religious belief
B. fal belief
C. bankruptcy
D. dropping
2. incredulous
A. unbelieving
B. increasing
C. industrious
D. unimproved
A. a carpet
B. a piece of bread
我想念歌词 C. a small, light knife
D. a rising market
A. determinate
B. flagitious
C. prestigious
D. discerning
A. emotional shock
B. mental work
C. the state of not having enough
D. a reinforced structure for obrvers
A. take shelter
B. prevert from
C. lo hair
D. keep company with
A. of a person who likes music
B. of a person who pays attention to unimportant news
C. of a person who stress on sports
D. of a person who emphasizes trivial points of learning
A. insist on
B. cea
C. heckle
D. castrate
A. property
B. portions
C. massages
D. dimensions
A. homeless child
B. wandering musician
C. countryman
D. smuggler
A. convincing
党风廉政建设 B. encouraging
C. pledging
D. sweating
12. blubber
A. speak quickly
谁语争锋 B. talk repeatedly
C. say with sobs
D. say with hiccups
13. modulate
A. make achange in the tone
B. cau to do or believe sth
C. make or become soft
D. change the place or position
森系婚礼A. being famous for
B. being shameful
C. being honest
D. being refud
A. sad
B. honest
拓展英语 C. penitent
D. overjoyed
rearch是什么意思 16.wax
A. grow bigger or greater
B. become less or smaller
C. drop heavily
D. cover with thick coating
A. large group of plants