East matches west •Chao-zhou
Center square
•Located in the north
of the Delta of the
Hanjiang River,
Chaozhou city is one
of the famous historic
cities. It had been the
location of Lu
prefecture and capital
of dynasties of past作文开头的方法与技巧
ages. It was named
Chaozhou originally
in the Sui Dynasty
(591 AD).
Hanjiang River
The Hanjiang River flows
through the city and eight
scenes distributed along
its both banks. There are
many valuable historic
relics in Chaozhou city,
totally about 600 units
自行车技巧and among them 42 are
classified as the state,
感恩妈妈的一段话provincial and city's key
prervation units of
cultural relics, The city's
feature is known as
"Classic Tourist City"
which receives numerous
tourists both from abroad
and home.
Our divine spot of
HanCi’s oak is in the
宝宝找数字end of the xiangziqiao It said that HanYu was
devaluated to Chao-
zhou.He offen climbed this
hill and planted oak there.
Hanjiang river’s night view
•Chaozhou City now
governs 1 district, 20
towns and 3 small
towns and has 1,411
square kilometers in
area, and 1.24 million
in population.
Chaozhou City is
暗黄皮肤如何美白surrounded by the
Golden Mountain, the
Silver Mountain and
Hanshan Mountain.鸡蛋饼