1. 第⼀步写⼀个该类实现SplitCharacter
暧昧的话import com.itextpdf.awt.AsianFontMapper;
import *;
import pdf.*;
* 该⽅法仅对中⽂的标点符号有效
* 继承 extends PdfPageEventHelper是为了解决页码显⽰的问题
* implements SplitCharacter 实现该⽅法时为了解决中⽂标点符号出现在⾸⾏的问题
public class ChineSplitUtils extends PdfPageEventHelper implements SplitCharacter {
// line of text cannot start or end with this character
static final char u2060 ='\u2060';// - ZERO WIDTH NO BREAK SPACE
// a line of text cannot start with any following characters in NOT_BEGIN_CHARACTERS[]
static final char u30fb ='\u30fb';// · - KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT
static final char u2022 ='\u2022';// • - BLACK SMALL CIRCLE (BULLET)
static final char uff65 ='\uff65';// - HALFWIDTH KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT
static final char u300d ='\u300d';// 」 - RIGHT CORNER BRACKET
static final char uff09 ='\uff09';// ) - FULLWIDTH RIGHT PARENTHESIS
static final char u0021 ='\u0021';// ! - EXCLAMATION MARK
static final char u0025 ='\u0025';// % - PERCENT SIGN
static final char u0029 ='\u0029';// ) - RIGHT PARENTHESIS
static final char u002c ='\u002c';// , - COMMA
static final char u002e ='\u002e';// . - FULL STOP
static final char u003f ='\u003f';// ? - QUESTION MARK
static final char u005d ='\u005d';// ] - RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
static final char u007d ='\u007d';// } - RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
static final char uff61 ='\uff61';// 。 - HALFWIDTH IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP
static final char uff70 ='\uff70';// - HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK
static final char uff9e ='\uff9e';// - HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK
static final char uff9f ='\uff9f';// - HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK
static final char u3001 ='\u3001';// 、 - IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA
static final char u3002 ='\u3002';// 。 - IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP
static final char uff0c ='\uff0c';// , - FULLWIDTH COMMA
static final char uff0e ='\uff0e';// . - FULLWIDTH FULL STOP
static final char uff1a ='\uff1a';// : - FULLWIDTH COLON
static final char uff1b ='\uff1b';// ; - FULLWIDTH SEMICOLON
static final char uff1f ='\uff1f';// ? - FULLWIDTH QUESTION MARK
static final char uff01 ='\uff01';// ! - FULLWIDTH EXCLAMATION MARK
static final char u309b ='\u309b';// ゛ - KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND MARK
static final char u309c ='\u309c';// ゜ - KATAKANA-HIRAGANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK
static final char u30fd ='\u30fd';// ヽ - KATAKANA ITERATION MARK
static final char u2019 ='\u2019';// ’ - RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
static final char u201d ='\u201d';// ” - RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
static final char u3015 ='\u3015';// 〕 - RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET
static final char uff3d ='\uff3d';// ] - FULLWIDTH RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
static final char uff5d ='\uff5d';// } - FULLWIDTH RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
static final char u3009 ='\u3009';// 〉 - RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET
static final char u300b ='\u300b';// 》 - RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET
static final char u300f ='\u300f';// 』 - RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET
static final char u3011 ='\u3011';// 】 - RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET
static final char u3011 ='\u3011';// 】 - RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET
static final char u00b0 ='\u00b0';// ° - DEGREE SIGN
static final char u2032 ='\u2032';// ′ - PRIME
static final char u2033 ='\u2033';// ″ - DOUBLE PRIME
static final char[] NOT_BEGIN_CHARACTERS =new char[]{u30fb, u2022, uff65, u300d, uff09, u0021, u0025, u0029, u002c,
u002e, u003f, u005d, u007d, uff61,
uff70, uff9e, uff9f, u3001, u3002, uff0c, uff0e, uff1a, uff1b, uff1f, uff01, u309b, u309c, u30fd,
u2019, u201d, u3015, uff3d, uff5d, u3009, u300b, u300f, u3011, u00b0,
u2032, u2033, u2060};
// a line of text cannot end with any following characters in NOT_ENDING_CHARACTERS[]
static final char u0024 ='\u0024';// $ - DOLLAR SIGN
static final char u0028 ='\u0028';// ( - LEFT PARENTHESIS
static final char u005b ='\u005b';// [ - LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
static final char u007b ='\u007b';// { - LEFT CURLY BRACKET
static final char u00a3 ='\u00a3';// £ - POUND SIGN
static final char u00a5 ='\u00a5';// ¥ - YEN SIGN
static final char u201c ='\u201c';// “ - LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
static final char u2018 ='\u2018';// ‘ - LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
static final char u300a ='\u300a';// 《 - LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET
static final char u3008 ='\u3008';// 〈 - LEFT ANGLE BRACKET
static final char u300c ='\u300c';// 「 - LEFT CORNER BRACKET
static final char u300e ='\u300e';// 『 - LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET
static final char u3010 ='\u3010';// 【 - LEFT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET
static final char u3014 ='\u3014';// 〔 - LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET
static final char uff62 ='\uff62';// - HALFWIDTH LEFT CORNER BRACKET
static final char uff08 ='\uff08';// ( - FULLWIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS
static final char uff3b ='\uff3b';// [ - FULLWIDTH LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
static final char uff5b ='\uff5b';// { - FULLWIDTH LEFT CURLY BRACKET
static final char uffe5 ='\uffe5';// ¥ - FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN一个高尚的人
static final char uff04 ='\uff04';// $ - FULLWIDTH DOLLAR SIGN
static final char[] NOT_ENDING_CHARACTERS =new char[]{u0024, u0028, u005b, u007b, u00a3, u00a5, u201c, u2018, u3008, u300a, u300c, u300e, u3010, u3014, uff62, uff08, uff3b, uff5b, uffe5, uff04, u2060};
private static final SplitCharacter defaultSplitCharacter =new DefaultSplitCharacter();
public boolean isSplitCharacter(int start,int current,int end,char[] cc, PdfChunk[] ck){
// Note: If you don't add an try/catch and there is an issue with isSplitCharacter(), iText silently fails and
// you have no idea there was a problem.
char charCurrent =getCharacter(current, cc, ck);
int next = current +1;
if(next < cc.length){
char charNext =getCharacter(next, cc, ck);
for(char not_begin_character : NOT_BEGIN_CHARACTERS){
if(charNext == not_begin_character){
return fal;
for(char not_ending_character : NOT_ENDING_CHARACTERS){
if(charCurrent == not_ending_character){
return fal;
boolean isBasicLatin = Character.UnicodeBlock.of(charCurrent)== Character.UnicodeBlock.BASIC_LATIN;
return defaultSplitCharacter.isSplitCharacter(start, current, end, cc, ck);
return true;
}catch(Exception ex){
return true;
protected char getCharacter(int position,char[] cc, PdfChunk[] ck){
if(ck == null || ck[Math.min(position, ck.length -1)]== null){
return cc[position];
return(char) ck[Math.min(position, ck.length -1)].getUnicodeEquivalent(cc[position]);
ChineSplitUtils chineSplitUtils =new ChineSplitUtils();
Paragraph paragraph =new Paragraph("",fontChina18);
Chunk chunk1 =new Chunk("测试标点符号中⽂出现在⾸⾏啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,啊",fontChina18);
1. 在该类中重写onEndPage的⽅法
* 页码显⽰的设置,只是Document写完⼀个页⾯会调⽤的⽅法
public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document doc){
BaFont bfChine = null;
小学书包bfChine = ateFont(AsianFontMapper.ChineSimplifiedFont, AsianFontMapper.ChineSimplifiedEncoding_H, BaFont.NOT_EM BEDDED);
}catch(DocumentException e){
}catch(IOException e){
Font fontChina18 =new Font(bfChine,18);
StringBuffer underline =new StringBuffer();
for(int i =0;i<116;i++){
Phra pageNumberPh =new Phra(String.PageNumber()),fontChina18);
float center = PageSize().getRight()/2;//页⾯的⽔平中点
float top = PageSize().getTop()-36;
float bottom = PageSize().getBottom()+36;
/** 参数xy是指⽂本显⽰的页⾯上的哪个店。alignment指⽂本在坐标点的对齐⽅式 */
PdfWriter writer = Instance(document, OutputStream()); ChineSplitUtils pdfHeaderFooter =new ChineSplitUtils();