One Saturday morning when Susan went,as usual, to Thompson's hotel, to receive the price of her mother's washing for the guests,which amounted to five dollars, she found the hotel keeper in the yard.
He was apparently in a bad temper with some dealers with whom he had been bargaining. He held in his hand an open wallet, full of bills. Hardly noticing the child as she made her request, except to swear(骂骂咧咧) at her for troubling him when he was busy, he handed her a bank note.
Glad to escape so easily, Susan rushed out of the gate, and then, pausing to pin the money safely in the folds of her worn scarf, she discovered that he had given her two,bills instead of one. She looked around. Nobody was near to share her discovery, and her first impul was joy at the unexpected prize.
“It is mine, all mine," she murmured.“I will buy mother a new coat with it, and she can give h
er old one to sister Mary,and then Mary can go to the Sunday school with me next winter. I wonder if it will buy a pair of shoes for brother Tom, too.”
At that moment she realized that the hotel keeper must have given it to her by mistake, and therefore she had no right to it,as she was always told by her mother the Golden Rule —What belongs to you is yours, and what doesn't belong to you should not be accepted.
But again the voice of temptation whispered, "He gave it, and how do you know that he did not intend to make you a prent of it? Keep it; he will never know it,even if it should be a mistake; he had too many such bills in that great wallet, so it doesn't matter if missing one.”While this conflict was going on in her mind between good and evil, she was hurrying homeward as fast as possible.
Paragraph 1:
Yet, before she came in sight of her home, she stopped.__________
Paragraph 2:
紫丹活血片糖拌番茄>坏账The hotel keeper looked at Susan..___________
大班绕口令(1)主旨:honesty,The Golden Rule
(2)时空跨度(when/where):One Saturday morning, Thompson’s hotel,way home/back to the hotel
(3)三处伏笔(clues):主旨词、复现词或让人灵 感乍现的词汇;描写人物前后的情感转变、主次人物之间 的互动或有特殊意义的事物的句子。
honesty: bills/money/prent;
Hotel keeper: bad temper → ? (soft: gentle/kind);
dealers: bargaining → ? (silent, not bargaining)
what 前情概要:
Susan went to get her mother’s laundry money from the hotel keeper, who was busy bargaining with dealers and in bad temper. Later, Susan found he paid her more than expected. Joyful about extra money, she planned how to spend it, but she remembered the Golden Rule told by her mother: honesty.
以续写第二段的开头语去衔接续写 第一段的结尾处,可以想到续写第一段的主要情节是:旅店老板与女孩见面了。续写第一段开头内容为“女孩要 到家了,突然停了下来”,针对这一内容可以提出的“四问” 如下:
Q1:Why did the girl suddenly stop?
Q2:What did she e or hear?(主要人物所看、所听)
Q3:How did she feel or think?(所感、所想)
妥协的意思Q4:What did she do?(所做)
续写第二段的“四问”以问题的圆满解决、正能量的 传递为宗旨,具体为:
Q1:What did the girl say, feel or do ?(主要人物所说、 所感、所做)
Q2:What did the hotelkeeper feel or do?(次要人物的 反应,人物之间的互动)
Q3 :How did the girl feel after returning the money?(主 要人物所感)
Q4:How did the story end up? What did the author hope to convey in the story?(采用自然结尾式、主旨靓句式、首尾呼应式、真情流露式、情景衬托式或智慧隽永式等常见 的结尾方式)
倒推 法简构续写的情节,从而快速成文。
1. Her honesty paid off as the hotel keeper praid her. She was relieved to remember in
time what her mother impresd on her - the Golden Rule(On hearing what the girl said, the dealers bargaining bitterly silenced at once, staring at each other.) (反衬法和首尾呼应法)
2. After returning the bill, she was very excited to go home and share what she did with her mother.
3. He was annoyed and shouted what on earth she was doing。
4. She was frightened to hear his loud shout but she gathered her courage and said,“I came to return the extra money you gave me.
1. She ran to Thompson s hotel and stopped breathlessly in front of the hotel keeper。
2. 精工西饼屋The girl decided to return the money to the hotel keeper.
3. She was embarrasd as she thought of the Golden Rule her mother told her.
4. “How could I do such a shameful thing?” she said to herlf.
① Embarrasd, she hesitated at thought of the Golden Rule her mother told her, turning around to e the road leading to the hotel and shuffling back.
②“How could I do such a shameful thing?” she said to herlf, with her eyes glancing down and her face blushing.
③ After returning the bill, she was very excited to go home and share what she did with her mother, her heart dancing with pride/pride swelling inside her.