I. Introduction……………………………………………………..1
II. Holden’s Refusal of Growing up……………………………….3
A. the Phony World in Holden’s Eyes…………………………3
B. Holden’s Struggle between Childhood and Adulthood……..4
C. His Escaping from the Reality……………………………….6我要留言
分甘同味考大学III解九连环. the Caus of Holden’ Refusal to Grow up……………………6胆结石中药
A. The Modernization of American Society……………………6.
B. his Isolation from Society……………………………………7
IV. Conclusion………………………………………………………8
An Analysis of Holden’s Character in The Catcher in the Rye
Abstract: This paper analys the personality of the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, who is a controversial character. In this paper, the author analys the personality of Holden Caulfield from two aspects: ⑴ Holden Caulfield is a sincere person, what he arch for is trueness or innocence, and what he detests most is hypocrisy. ⑵ Holden refus to grow up. Besides, this article will briefly try to find some caus of his personality.
Key Words: innocent, lost, escapement
I. Introduction
The catcher in the rye is the written by J. D. Salinger. J. D. Salinger becomes one of the most prominent Post-World ii American novelists, after it was published in 1951. The novel immediately becomes very popular in America soon after its publication and has been reprinted again and again. From time to time, Salinger is quite popular to audience of students, students’ intellectuals, instructors, and generally literary, nsitive, and sophisticated young people who respond to him with a consciousness that he speaks for them and virtually to them, in a language that is peculiarly honest and their own, with a vision of things that captures their most cret judgments of the world.
天安门英语The catcher in the rye narrates a ries of picaresque adventures of a sixteen-year-old boy in the New York for three days. It belongs to the American initiation story and has a very important status in the literature. American initiation story is a novel genre, which attaches great importance to growing up problems of the adolescence, but has its own features in terms of narrative structure, plot and protagonists. The protagonist Holden Caulfield became a quite legendary character, and his awareness of adolescent is just like the most nsitivity young Americans.
Since its publication, the catcher in the rye is a controversial literary work. Some very famous literary critics including John Aldridge, Maxwell Geismar, Leslie Fiedler, Grederick Gwymn even doubted at the value of the catcher in the rye. This situation lasts until Warren French publishes his first work on Salinger: J. D. Salinger. Additional critics of the catcher in the rye concentrated on the language, narrative structure, and cultural continuity compared with The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the education or initiation of an adolescent, and Holden’s awareness crisis.
And this paper will analyze the character of Holden in the catcher in the rye. And the reasons why his character is like this. After Post-World War, more and more young people faced on the main-adolescence growing up crisis in the America. During adolescence, boys and girls go through the biological, psychological, and social changes necessary to prepare themlves to meet the challenges of becoming adults. Someone explains it more exactly, “adolescence is a process of achieving the attitudes and beliefs needed for effective participation in society.” But, they didn’t suit the changes from young to the marital adult. Holden is such kind of adolescent; he fails in school us vulgar expr
essions, gets drunk… He may be thought to have some vulgar or not very high moral standards. The common characteristics of teenagers may not match the idealistic conception of adolescents. On one hand, Holden finds the innocence of children and wants to be a protector of the innocence; on the other hand, he must be growing up and gets into the dilemma between the childhood and the adulthood. He refus the traditions of school in which they just focus on educating people materialistically, but lacking depth. His loneliness and rebellion result from his conscious refusing of the fal conventions and phonies that surround him. However, no matter hoe repellent Holden is, he is not to overthrow society. So at the end of the novel, the red hunting hat can’t stop the pouring rain; Holden has the wet clothes. Holden must be inevitably going back under the help of Phoebe.
II. Holden’s Refusal of Growing up.
A. The Phony World in Holden’s Eyes
Adolescents are in marginal situation; it is, we may say so, a special period of human dev
elopment, a fascinating transitional period. Undoubtedly, adolescence undergoes many changes and bears much responsibility for their further development into adult world. But adolescence didn’t suit the changes quite well. Holden is in such a situation. He finds that the surroundings are a phony world. He can not understand the world and wants to prerve the innocence childhood. And then the nsitive adolescent is trapped in the dilemma between phony adulthood and the pure childhood, as well as between his inner innocence and the outside experience.
In this novel, we can easily find that one of the most frequently ud words in Holden’s remarks is “phony”. The schools are phony, the sponsors are phony, teachers are phony, and so are the students phony. “Phony” is a slang, which means unreal, pretended and not genuine. From this frequently ud word “phony”, it can not be difficult to find out that Holden keeps detecting lousy motives in the people. (Rui, 120)