
更新时间:2023-06-28 17:50:01 阅读: 评论:0

【摘 要】Ditch is one of the most important elements in modern agriculture, which has a great impact on agricultural production and ecological environment. Traditional ditches mainly focus on convenient traffic, economic and engineering cost, irrigation and drainage, but neglect the environment ecosystem. In order to coordinate the relationship of ecology, economy and sustainability, and realize the win-win situation of water conrvancy function and ecological function, proposing a new ecological detailed ditch is of great importance. Bad on the rearch materials and experimental results in domestic and overas, an ecological canal project was constructed in Lushan County of Sichuan Province with combination of the ction form, lining method, slope protection style, aquatic plant, ecological landscape, etc. This article puts forward suitable ecological detailed design principles, key technologies, and actual ditch design reference styles. With the consideration of functional requirements, such as production, life, ecology, landscape, etc.,
创意美术画some advanced, practical and new concepts with great significance were propod, which can be ud in practical engineering demonstration. Comprehensive evaluation of the ditch ecological effect showed that the final score of the ecological ditch treatment project was 84.65, and the grade was good, better than the ordinary ditch treatment project (the final score was 77.90, and the grade was middle). Although the ecological ditch treatment project had no significant difference in the economic and operational management as compared with the conventional ditch treatment project, it had good effect onthe removal of pollutants, water recycling and compliance rate. In conclusion, the ecological design of engineering ditch has good ecology, economy and sustainability. The following main achievements were obtained:1) Ecology: Slope and escape lanes were provided to facilitate the escapement of animals falling into the ditches; aquatic plants in the ditches can remove pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus and pesticides in the water body, and purify water quality; canal plants can slow down the water flow rate and reduce the temperature changes within the canal to promote crop growth; ecological corridor was t to strengthen the exchange of farmland and protect the integrity; water le
vel monitoring equipment was applied to improve the water utilization at a large extent. 2) Economy: The fine design of each ction greatly reduced the relevant project cost; aquatic plants purified water quality and reduced the cost of wage treatment. 3) Sustainability: This project integrated a ries of detailed designs, ensuring the function of traditional ditch irrigation and drainage, and reducing the impact on the environment, which maintained the original ecology of farmland system and improved the u of ditch sustainability.%以四川省芦山县生态沟渠工程建设项目为例,综合考虑渠道生产、生活、生态、景观等功能,从渠道的断面形式、衬砌方式、护坡样式、水生植物、生态景观化等方面进行研究,设计了一种新型的生态化精细灌排沟渠,介绍了构建该沟渠的设计原则和关键技术.对构建的生态化沟渠的综合效果评价结果表明:生态化沟渠处理方案的最终得分为84.65,等级属于良,优于普通沟渠处理方案(最终得分为77.90,等级属于中);虽然沟渠生态化处理工程在经济性及操作管理方面与普通沟渠处理方案没有显著差异,但在处理效果和废水回收利用方面表现出了一定的优势,如沟渠生态化设计对污染物的去除效果好,出水回收利用率及达标率较高.说明沟渠生态化工程设计具有良好的生态性、经济性和可持续性.
【作 者】杨洋;郭宗楼
【作者单位】浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,杭州 310058;浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院,杭州 310058
【正文语种】中 文
Summary Ditch is one of the most important elements in modern agriculture,which has a great impact on agricultural production and ecological environment.Traditional ditches mainly focus on convenient traffic,economic and engineering cost,irrigation and drainage,butneglectthe environmentecosystem.
In order to coordinate the relationship of ecology,economy and sustainability,and realize the win-win situation of water conrvancy function and ecological function,proposing a new ecological detailed ditch is of great importance.Bad on the rearch materials and experimentalresults in domestic and overas,an ecological canalproject was constructed in Lushan County of Sichuan Province with combination of the ction form,lining method,slope protection style,aquatic plant, ecologicallandscape,etc.This article puts forward suitable ecologicaldetailed design principles,key technologies,and actual ditch design reference styles.With the consideration of functionalrequirements,such as production,life,ecology,landscape, etc.,some advanced,practical and new concepts with great significance were propod,which can be ud in practical engineering demonstration.Comprehensive evaluation of the ditch ecological effect showed that the final score of the ecological ditch treatment project was 84.65,and the grade was good,better than the ordinary ditch treatment project(the finalscore was 77.90,and the grade was middle).Although the ecologicalditch treatmentprojecthad no significantdifference in the economic and operationalmanagementas compared with the c
onventionalditch treatmentproject,ithad good effectonthe removal of pollutants,water recycling and compliance rate.In conclusion,the ecological design of engineering ditch has good ecology,economy and sustainability.The following main achievements were obtained:
初中教案1)Ecology:Slope and escape lanes were provided to facilitate the escapementof animals falling into the ditches;aquatic plants in the ditches can remove pollutants such as nitrogen,phosphorus and pesticides in the water body,and purify water quality;canal plants can slow down the water flow rate and reduce the temperature changes within the canal to promote crop growth;ecological corridor was t to strengthen the exchange of farmland and protect the integrity;water level monitoring equipmentwas applied to improve the water utilization ata large extent.
大气污染防治行动计划2)Economy:The fine design of each ction greatly reduced the relevant project cost;aquatic plants purified water quality and reduced the costofwage treatment.
3)Sustainability:This projectintegrated a ries of detailed designs,ensuring the function o
f traditional ditch irrigation and drainage,and reducing the impact on the environment,which maintained the original ecology of farmland system and improved the u of ditch sustainability.
1.1 沟渠生态化设计原则
1.2 沟渠生态化设计要点
1)断面形式及缓坡设计:应当基于不同的工程区概况及输水规模,结合结构安全和生态化原则选取适当的断面。目前沟渠断面形式多运用矩形和梯形断面。缓坡设计不会因沟渠隔断原有生态系统,可形成连续的环境,以便于动物在水陆两域迁移,同时可减少渠道内水位高低变化带来的生态冲击[9-11]。参考叶艳妹等[4]的研究成果可以得出:当沟渠深度h≤30 cm时,可采用矩形断面;当30 cm<h≤50 cm时,可设计矩形断面或者坡度≤1∶0.85的缓坡(梯形断面),但应考虑在某些地段设计辅助设施如生态板以方便小青蛙跳出沟渠;当h>50 cm时,边坡最好设计为坡度≤1∶0.75的缓坡(梯形断面)。适当设计辅助设施以维持生态平衡,是解决当沟渠坡度不符合生态要求时的有效措施之一。

本文发布于:2023-06-28 17:50:01,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:沟渠   设计   生态   生态化   衬砌   护坡   农田   混凝土
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