dear sarah, i am te rribl so rr to te ll ou th at i amunable t o attend our bir thda par t next t hursda e vening.that isoing tothe fatthat m o unger br other su ddenl fe ll ill a nd as ta ken to a hospita l this m orning.i have t o go the re immed iatel an d take a re of hi m. as to ld b the dotor i n harge, it illtake aro und five das for him toreover a nd i hav e askedm boss f or a lea ve.i rea ll regre t that i annot g o to ele brate ou r birthd a person all andould mis s the pe rfet han e of enj oing mse lf ith a ll our o ld frien ds. i ha ve hon a small gift fo r ou and ill n d it toou tomor ro to sh o m best ishes.besides,pleagive m r egards t o our fr iends he n ou mee t them a t the pa rt. ordi all,li m ing 范文2 d iretions: suppos e ou ann ot e o ur ounge r brothe r off at the air port asexpetedfor some reason.rite aletter i n about100 ords to make an apol og to hi m. do no t sign o ur on na me at th e end of our let ter, usi ng “li m ing” ins tead. 【经典范文】dea r harlie,kindl e xu mefor m no t beingable toe ou o ff at th e airpor t this s aturda a s i have promise d. ho iish i ou ld havethe hane to shar e ith ou m perso nal feel ings and suggest ions bef ore ou a re XX! i hereb s end ou a gift to ish ougood luk. please forgivdi all,li m ing范文3 d iretions: ou ere unableto atten d mr. sm ith’s ex aminatio n on
int ernation al busin ess engl ish riti ng beaus e ou got sik tha t mornin g. ritea letter to expr ess thereasonsfor notbeing ab le to at tend itand apol ogize. r ite theletter i th no le ss than100 ords. do not sign ou r on nam e at end of theletter.u “ang hua” in stead. d o not ri te the a ddress.【经典范文】d ear mr.smith, i am inde ed ver s orr that i misse d the ex aminatio n on int ernation al busin ess engl ish riti ng ou ga ve lastfrida. i feel af ul about it andant ou t o kno ha t happen ed thatda. i
s uddenl f ell sikearl tha t mornin g and mparentshad to s end me t o the
英语Gl oria郭勿删 Help sb todo sth Do sthWith sth Aim atsth以。为目标,瞄准。 Aim to do S upport s b to dosth Seni or itize n In the a当道 B t he a顺便说一下 In thi s a Be X Xre of 意识到 Be unX Xre of M istake-m istook-m istakenS ignature签名Dista ne-dista nt Livin g standa rd The o lmpi gam es ____going to be held in beij ing. a.am b. i s. are d. be not onl…but= not on l… but…as ell h e is not onl a t eaher bu t also a soldier. Not on l _____a teaher but als o a sold ier. a.he is b. is he .he as他几乎不知道那件事。Hardldid he k no the t hing. I ant tokno thegirl hois in th e lassro om. 人发现了钢笔。 Theman ho i s in the hou f ound the pen hih is lost. 那个孩子参加了活动。Thehild hois in re d
partii pated in the ati vit hihas heldb us. Isa a gir l . I sa a girlho as in green.
1.finish d oing完成某事
长三i-a- u, b egin tododoingI spent3 uan on the pen. I spen t 3 uanin buing the pen. I paid 3 for t he pen.It ost m e 3 to b u the pe n.It too k me 3 d as to fi nd the p en.
3. unluk adj.不幸的 unLukil adv.不幸地
4.disadvan tage n.缺点
5. like v. 喜欢 dis like pre p. 像u nlike
6. beeager to do sth急于做某事 Isa a gir l runnin g. I saa girl h o as run ning. Sh e doesn’t ant to speak t o the bo ho is i n blue.
1、因未能践约赴宴致歉unable to keep ones pr omi de ar missnan, muh to m re gret i a s unable to keep m promi to at tend our birthda part la st satur da, oing to thefat that m littl e son as suddenl taken i ll earlthat da.hopingto e o u soon.t rul ours, tom 亲爱的南希小姐:
2、因迟复来信致歉beauof anr ing ones letterlatedear davi d: i am afraidthat ouill thin k me unp ardonabl neglige nt in no t having anred our let ter date d 7, dee mber soo ner, but hen i h ave told ou thereason,i trustou ill b e onvine d that t he negle t as exu sable. h en our l etter ar rived, i as just in hong kong. a s m fami l ould n ot forar d it tome durin g m abse ne, it h as been, therefo re, ling on m de sk until the mom ent heni took i t up. no the firs t thingi have t o hasten to do i s to rit e to outhe fe lines t o expres s m deep regret. i enjoe d man pl easant s ights du ring m t rip. i s hall bepleadto giveou an ao unt to o f them h en i e ou next. siner el ours, tom 亲爱的戴维:
3、因未能及时还书致歉unable to retu rn borro ed bookon
timed ear kate: exume for m long de laing in returni ng to ou
our“rob inson ru soe” hih i readthroughith grea t intere st.
i ha d finish ed readi ng the b ook andas about to retu rn it he n m ousi n ame to e me. never h aving se en the b ook, she as so i ntereste d in itthat i h ad to re tain itlonger.hoever,i hope t hat in v ie of th e additi onal del ight thu s afford ed b our book, o u ill ov erlook m neglige ne in no t return ing it s ooner.th anking o u againfor theloan. s inerel o urs, tom亲爱的凯特:我迟迟未能归还您的那本《鲁滨逊飘流记》,请原谅。该书我读得津津有味。读完后,正预备归还您时,我的表妹来访,见这本书也感兴趣,定要借去一读。为了让别人也能分享您那本书所给予的乐趣,我不能及时归还。我想再延迟些日子奉还,谅您不会介意的。再次感谢您的慷慨。
4、因遗失借书致歉beau o f losing a borro ed book dear fr ank: i a m terrib l sorr t o tell o u that i have lo st the v aluablebook ouere so k ind to l end me l ast eek.i readit everd a and in tended t o finish it next month.last nig ht hen i ame tom room,it as no here tobe found. i illtr to re over itas soonas possi ble. ifi fail t o find i t, i ill get a n e book f or ou. b ut i amafraid i t an nev er takethe plae of theold one. old boo ks are l ike oldfriends.one los t, the a n neverbe repla ed. theare onne ted ithherished assoiat ions hih the neones annever ha ve. andfor this irreove rable lo ss, i am to blam e. 贫的成语
i asso arele ss ith m things.this is a arnin g to meto be mo re arefu l in the future. ours tr ul, tom亲爱的弗兰克:
英语慰问信写作方法英语慰问信写作方法及范文慰问信(notes of smpathon illne ss, inju r and ma terial l oss)亲友生了病或受了伤,或由于火灾、水灾、被盗等不幸事件蒙受了损失,就应该写封信表示慰问。慰问信要写得真诚,要注意措辞。写慰问信时,一定要围绕一个中心,那就是使收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞。sampl e
1. dear s ir, thenes of o ur aiden t just r eahed me this
mo rning. i’m great l shoked to lear n that o u ere kn oked don b a aresterda.ho areou feeli ng toda?a littl e pakage from ro and m e ill re ah ou ada or to. e hope the sma ll thing ill int erest ou.sinerel ours, l i mingsa mple
dear j ohn, i a m shoked to hear that ou have avere
i nfluenza and noare in h ospital.i get t his nesfrom our motherand knoou mustbe abn t for ha lf a mon th fromthe lass es. do b e areful hile ou are ill. don’t orr abo ut our l esson an d i am i lling to help ou learn i t hen ou return.e are b est frie nds so i ill nev er alloou to fa ll behin d. ou a n ath te levision or list en to ra dio prog rams tohelp pas s the ti me and f orget ou r painshile oureuperat e. i dohope tha t i an s ee ou so on and b ring ousome fun n artoon s.if the re is an thing ou need me to do,just let me kno.e all m iss ou a nd shall be happ hen ouare bak. our tr ul, li m ing慰问信应写得真切,注意措辞,对轻病或者小损失,慰问信应写得轻松一些。相反,对严重病情或重大损失,信就应该写得深沉一些。慰问信写时应注意: