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《2004 考研英语听力专项突破》录音文字      白洁 赵艳萍编著  CHOI制作
第一部分 基础训练
Unit One Practice of Numbers 数字训练
Numbers probably are ud more every day than any other kind of factual information. That’s one of
the reasons why they are included in the examination paper for post-graduate candidates. Immediate
recognition and understanding are necessary for good aural comprehension. However, many students have
difficulties dealing with numbers. Therefore we design ten lessons just to help them in some way to
overcome their difficulties. The ten lessons will provide practice of realistic u of numbers as you will find
them in your studies: page numbers, library classification numbers, dates, time and comparative statistics.
Lesson One Page numbers
Part One
Individual page numbers. Write down the following pages for reference work. Write each of the page
numbers on a parate line. The numbers will not be repeated. They will be read only once. Ready? Begin.
Page Number 52, Page Number 79, page Number 89, page Number 125, page Number 163, page
柠檬茶的做法Number 179, page Number 219, page Number 235, page Number 239, page Number 247, page Number
251, page Number 267, page Number 277, page Number 291 and page 305.
Part Two
Multiple page numbers. In this part as in the last part, the numbers will be read just once. Listen
carefully. Ready? Begin.
A freshman student has the following pages assigned for reading during the first two weeks of the
In the psychology class, the instructor asks him to read the following pages: page 69 to page 84, page
210 to 332, page 344 through 402, page 618 to page 624.
He also has a long assignment in biology class. The biology professor asks him to read page 15 to
page 19, page 30 through page 40, page 240 through 249, page 352 to page 375.
And last, the literature teacher gives him the following assignment. Page 97 to page 106, page 347
through page 401, page 409 to page 419 and page 514 to page 524.
Lesson Two Geographical Data
The biggest continent in the world is Asia. It covers 16 998 000 square miles.
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean with 64 186 300 square miles.
Which is the biggest island? It’s Greenland. It occupies an area of 840 000 square miles.
The Arabia Peninsula is the largest Peninsula and has an area of 1 000 000 square miles.
Do you know which is the largest dert? Yes, it’s the Sahara Dert in North Africa. It covers 3 320
000 square miles.
The biggest salty water lake is the Caspian Sea, which is 143 244 square miles large.
Lake Superior is the biggest fresh water lake and it covers a total area of 32 483 square miles.
The Smallest continent is Oceania, with an area of 2 966 000 square miles, and the smallest ocean is
the Arctic Ocean with 5 105 700 square miles.
You all know the world’s highest peak, don’t you? Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) is 29 028 feet above
a level. In contrast, the lowest altit
ude in the world is the Dead Sea, 1 312 feet below a level, or you
can say, -1 312 feet.
The deepest lake is Baykal in the U.S.S.R. The depth is 5 315 feet.
Mariana Trench near the Philippines is the deepest trench, with a depth of 36 198 feet.
The longest river in the world is the Nile in Africa. It is 4 145 miles long.
Lesson Three The Top Ten Largest Countries in the World
The former Soviet Union was the largest country in the world. It had a total area of 8 649 490 square
The cond largest country in land size is Canada, which covers an area of 3 831 033 square miles.
China, the third largest country, occupies a total area of 3 719 381 square miles.
Which is the fourth largest? It’s the United States. It covers 3 618 367 square miles.
The next largest on the line is Brazil, which is the largest country in South America. It occupies an
area of 3 286 470 square miles.
Australia is the sixth largest, covering a total area of 2 965 368 square miles.
The next, India, has a total area of 1 229 737 square miles.
Argentina ranks the eighth in its land size. It covers an area of 1 072 067 square miles.
Next comes Sudan, which is the largest country in Africa. It occupies a total area of 967 491 square
The last, Algeria covers an area of 919 951 square miles.
Lesson Four Address
No. 1: My new address is 3506 Market Street, San Francisco, California. Zip code: 92014.
My brother lives at 2100 Mission Street. Zip code: 92221.
My sister also lives in San Francisco. Her address is 3927, West 107th, San Francisco, California. Zip
code: 92304.
My cousins all live in Chicago. Fred’s address is 271 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Zip code:
My cousin Bob’s address is 400 Congress Street, Chicago, Illinois. Zip code: 60614.
My cousin Larry lives at 7632, 27th Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Zip code: 60609.
I have three uncles in Detroit. Uncle Ben lives at 2141 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. Zip
code: 48207.
Uncle George lives at 6274 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. Zip code: 48209.
Uncle Louis lives at 962 North 79, Detroit, Michigan. Zip code: 48203.
My parents live at 1227 Hanover Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Zip code: 21210.
Last year my parents lived at 4901 Fremont Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Zip code: 21214.
Before that their address was 7935 13th Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland. Zip code: 21220.
Lesson Five Statistical Data—Popular Magazines
Reader’s Digest is the most popular magazine sold in the United States. Its circulation per issue is 17
336 168.
TV Guide is the cond with a weekly sale of 12 718 141 copies.
McCall’s, a popular women magazine, lls 8 545 839 copies each month.
Family Circle lls 7 386 700 magazines per month.
Life, a weekly news magazine has a circulation of 7 354 615.
Better Homes and Gardens lls 7 275 726 per issue.
Women’s Day is another women’s magazine, lling 7 225 073 copies each month.
Ladies’ Home Journal lls 6 779 059 cop
ies each month.
Good Houkeeping has a circulation of 5 618 738 copies each issue.
National Geographic, a popular travel and nature magazine, distributes 5 607 457 copies each issue.
Playboy is a men’s magazine, lling 4 708 261 copies each issue.
Redbook, which again is a women’s magazine, has a circulation of 4 464 991.
Time, another weekly news magazine, lls 3 710 134 per issue.
American Home lls 3 536 013 each month.
Farm Journal is of cour a magazine for farmers. It has a circulation of 3 045 913.
American Legion magazine lls 2 523 356 copies each issue.
Boy’s Life is, as the title indicates, a magazine for boys. It has a monthly sale of 2 425 927 copies per
Lesson Six Library Classifications
好奇心议论文素材The call number for Russian grammar is 481.451*. Better photography, the call number is 671.31.
Shakespeare’s plays, the call number is 851.65. Crime in the streets is classified under the call number
330.49. Hinduism, call number 276.04. Greek Philosophy, call number 111.7. Human Genes, classified in
the sciences, call number 521.07. Paintings of El Greco in the 1700, call number 742.012. Roman
architecture, also in the 1700, call number 761.04. And last number 10, Fall of the Roman Empire,
classified in the history ction, all number 912.46.
Lesson Seven University and College Degrees by Fields of Specialization
Beginning with the field of agriculture, we find high domination of the filed by men with 6491 man
and 250 women earning bachelor degrees in agriculture.
Next in the field of architecture, we again find domination by men with 3 021 for men and 140 for
Turning to the biological sciences, we again find men dominating the field, 23 107 for men and 8 948
for women.
In the field of business and commerce, the difference is even greater. Men earned 73 165 degrees
while women earned 7 275 degrees.
In the field of education, men, 32 707, and women, 103 141. This is the first we find that’s dominated
by women.
The field of engineering, as you might expect, is dominated by men. The statistics report that 37 403
degrees were granted to men and only 211 to women.
In English and journalism, men earned 18 323 degrees and women earned 34 166 degrees, a cond
field in which women led.
In the area of fine and applied art, men 10 403, women, 15 152.
Turning to foreign languages and literature, we find another field dominated by women, men 5 321
degrees, women 14 201.
In the field of forestry, we find the widest difference yet. Men earned 1 569 degrees and women 17.
Only 17 women in the US earned degrees in the field of forestry.
一生无悔歌词Geography, men, 2 051 and women, 573.
Last, we come to the health professions. In the total for all health profession degrees, we find nearly
equal numbers of men and women. Men, 16 853 and women, 14 533. However, the picture is quite
different in the individual health fields. Dentistry, 3 395 m
en and only 53 women; medicine, 7 353 men and
only 634 women; nursing which includes public health nursing, 121 men and 9 066 women; and last,
pharmacy, 3 385 men and 640 women.
Lesson Eight Telephone Numbers
▲ The Miami’s area code is 305. The telephone number is 342-6067.
▲ The area code of Cleveland, Ohio is 216, and the telephone number is 911-1144.
▲ My new telephone number is 623-4043 and the area code of Detroit, Michigan is 313.
▲ Her number is 505-6653. New Orleans’ area code is 504.
▲ The office number is 610-1214. The area code of Boston, Massachutts is 617.
▲ The new telephone number is 632-1010 and Washington D.C. area code is 202.
▲ The travel Agency’s number is 211-4579 and New York City area code is 212.
▲ Dr. Brown’s number is 397-4231 and the area code of Tucson, Arizona is 602.
▲ The doctor’s number is 974-0012 and Philadelphia area code is 215.
▲ And the last, number 10, the bus station number is 864-3079. The area code of Seattle,
Washington state is 206.
Notice the difference between the area code of Washington D.C. 202 and the state of Washington with
the city Seattle. The area code for Seattle, Washington is 206. Don’t confu Washington D.C. with the
state of Washington.
Lesson Nine Time Tables
Greyhound Bus Schedule. The cities are Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, Cleveland and Indianapolis. You
will write arrivals from the cities on the blanks to the left. You will write departures to the cities on the
blanks to the right. Ready? Begin.
Arrivals from Chicago are at 6:,10: and 2: Two arrivals from the city Toledo:
8: and 4: Two arrivals from Detroit: 9: and 6: Two arrivals from Cleveland:
4: and 6: Last, one arrival from Indianapolis: at 5:
Now turn to the departures. Three departures to Chicago: 3:, 9: and 4: Two
departures to Toledo: 7: and 7: Only one departure to Detroit: at 8: Two departures to
Cleveland: 7: and 6: And last, one departure to Indianapolis: at 4:
Lesson Ten Emerging Nationalism
Let’s look first at countries of Caribbean America. The Independence day for the Barbados was
November 30, 1966. Cuba’s official date of independence was May 20, 1902. Dominican Republic gained
its independence on February 27, 1844. Haiti declared its independence on January 1, 1804. Jamaica’s
Independence Day was August 6, 1966. And last, Trinidad and Tobago: August 1, 1962.
Central America. The same date celebrated as Independence Day by the first 5 Central American
countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. And their date of independence is
September 15, 1821. Panama has the official independence date of November 3, 1903.
Now let’s turn to South America. Argentina celebrated its Independence Day as July 9, 1816. Bolivia
celebrates August 6, 1825 as its date of independence. Brazil, September
7, 1822. Chili, September 18,
1810. Colombia, July 20, 1810. Ecuador, August 10, 1809. Guyana, May 26, 1966. Paraguay, May 14, 1811.
Peru, July 28, 1821. Uruguay, August 25, 1825. And last in South America, Venezuela, July 5, 1811.红豆芋圆
Finally, let’s look at North America. Canada became a lf-governing dominion in the last year, 1867.
Mexico’s Independence Date was September 16, 1810. And last, the United States declared its
independence on July 4, 1776.
Unit Two Gap-filling Exercis 填空练习
Talk 1
You will hear a talk about Japan’s earliest history.
No one really knows where the people of Japan came from. They are said to have come from Siberia
or Korea.
By the end of the 400s, most of the people of Japan had a similar culture. Most spoke the same
language. The Japane had also become different from other Asian peoples. In this early time, the
Japane developed the idea of emperor. According to the Japane, he was descended from the goddess of
the sun. Therefore, the thought of the emperor as divine, meaning that he was like a god himlf. The
prent emperor of Japan is the direct descendant of the early emperors. The Japane emperors are the
oldest ruling family in the world. The early Japane also developed Shintoism. This is a religion in which
many things in nature are worshiped as gods.
The most important group in the society of old Japan was made up of the emperor and the nobles.
The people held much of the power of the empire. The next highest group were the samurai. The were
mighty warriors who defended the emperor. The sword of the samurai was the symbol of the power he
received from the emperor.滑鱼片
From about 600 to 900 A.D., the Japane tried to copy from China. The emperor, the nobles, and the
people thought everything Chine was wonderful. Japane art become similar to Chine art. The
Japane language was written with Chine characters.
诗歌配乐Today, Japane is written in a way that combines an alphabet with Chine characters. Each of the
main Japane characters stands for one syllable, or part of a word. There are 48 of the. In addition there
are thousands of special characters like Chine characters.
In the 500s A.D., Buddhism was brought to Japan. This Indian religion came to Japan through China
and Korea. Many great Buddhism temples were built in Japan. Some of the still stand.
Talk 2
You will hear a talk about burglary.
The figures for burglaries have rin alarmingly over the last few years and are now quite appalling.
Let me quote you a few statistics about break-ins.
A hou is burgled in Britain now about every two minutes, and over the past three years the number
of burglaries reported to the police has rin by approximately 50 000 to well over 400000 this year. The
西游记读后感结尾insurance companies report that last year alone houhold burglary loss ro by 27 percent over the
previous year to 138.2 million pounds, and I believe one or two companies are refusing t provide

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