Tower Bridge
护肤品排行榜 伦敦塔桥
面包的制作 Opened on the 30th June 1894, Tower Bridge is London’s most iconic bridge and something of a symbol for the city. It is often confud with London Bridge, which is a much more non-descript bridge! Between 2008 and 2012 the bridge underwent a lengthy face-lift, leaving it sparkling clean and freshly painted ahead of the Summer Olympics.
Golden Gate Bridge
描写灯笼的诗句 金门大桥
动漫神作 Perhaps the most iconic bridge in the USA, the Golden Gate Bridge connects the San Francisco peninsula to Marin County. It has also been named one of the Wonders of the Modern World. The bridge replaced a long-running ferry rvice, enabling travelers to remain in their vehicles when they crosd the strait. The construction of the Golden Gate Bridge began in 1933. It opened in 1937 and the festivities lasted a whole week.