摘要 ..................................................................................................................................... I IV 第一章绪论.. (1)
汉字改革1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.2 国内外研究进展 (2)
1.3 研究内容 (4)
第二章数据与方法 (5)
2.1 数据介绍 (5)
2.1.1 AERONET (5)
2.1.2 MODIS (6)
2.1.3 MERRA-2 (7)
2.2 技术路线 (8)
第三章西亚AERONET站点气溶胶光学特性 (9)
3.1 光学厚度和波长指数 (9)
3.2 粒子体积谱 (11)
3.3 吸收性气溶胶光学厚度和单次散射反照率 (13)
3.4 各光学参数的逐年变化 (14)
3.5 光学厚度的日内变化 (16)
3.6 气溶胶类型 (17)
3.7 本章小结 (19)
第四章基于MODIS的西亚气溶胶光学特性分布特征 (21)
4.1 光学厚度时空分布特征 (21)
4.1.1 季节变化 (21)
4.1.2 月变化 (23)
4.1.3 年代际变化 (26)
4.1.4 逐年变化 (27)
关于交友的论述4.2 波长指数时空分布特征 (27)
4.2.1 季节变化 (27)
4.2.2 月变化 (28)
4.2.3 年代际变化 (29)
4.2.4 逐年变化 (30)
4.3 本章小结 (31)
第五章基于MERRA-2的西亚气溶胶质量浓度分布特征 (32)
5.1 地面沙尘气溶胶质量浓度 (32)
5.1.1 季节变化 (32)
5.1.2 逐年变化 (33)
5.2 地面黑碳气溶胶质量浓度 (35)
5.2.1 季节变化 (35)
5.2.2 逐年变化 (36)
5.3 地面有机碳气溶胶质量浓度 (38)
5.3.1 季节变化 (38)
5.3.2 逐年变化 (40)
5.4 地面硫酸盐气溶胶质量浓度 (42)
5.4.1 季节变化 (42)
5.4.2 逐年变化 (43)
5.5 地面总气溶胶质量浓度 (45)
5.5.1 季节变化 (45)
5.5.2 逐年变化 (46)中华孝道
5.6 本章小结 (48)
第六章总结与展望 (49)
6.1 主要结论 (49)
6.2 创新点 (50)
6.3 不足与展望 (50)湛江岭南师范学院
参考文献 (51)
致谢 (62)
作者简介 (63)
本文利用2010-2017年AERONET地面观测资料和2003-2018年MODIS和MERRA-2数据对西亚地区的气溶胶光学和质量浓度特性进行了研究。论文基于AERONET产品给出了西亚10个站点多个气溶胶光学特性的变化特征;利用MODIS和MERRA-2资料分析了西亚地区气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)、波长指数(α)和气溶胶质量浓度的时空变化。结果表明,西亚10个AERONET站点AOD、AAOD、α和SSA的平均值分别是0.245±0.094、0.030±0.006、0.889±0.247和0.918±0.016,其粒子谱均呈双峰分布。AOD总体为春夏季大,秋冬季小;α最小值和粗粒子峰值浓度均出现在春季。中东站点AAOD夏秋季大、冬春季小,SSA春夏季大、秋冬季小;环地中海站点AAOD 冬春季大、夏秋季小,SSA夏秋季大、冬春季小。就日内变化而言,西亚沙漠站点AOD 呈现出早晚高、中午低的特点。此外,中东站点AOD的日内差异普遍比环地中海明显。从年变化来看,TEP站年平均α显著下降。中东站点主要以沙尘(DD)和混合型气溶胶(MI)为主,而环地中海站点以生物质燃烧/城市工业型(BB/UI)和吸收型污染气溶胶(DP)为主。从MODIS的AOD来看,波斯湾、阿曼和红海是西亚各季节的AOD 高值区,其中夏季红海AOD最大。从MODIS的α来看,阿拉伯半岛中部为各季节α低值区,人口众多的地中海
The characteristic of aerosol optical properties and mass concentration over the West Asia are analyzed using 2010-2017 AERONET and 2003-2018 MODIS and MERRA-2 data. Bad on 10 AERONET sites over the West Asia, the variation characteristic of aerosol multiple properties are studied. The aerosol properties and mass concentration over the region also are studied using MODIS and MERRA-2. The results show that the average of aerosol optical depth (AOD), absorptio
n aerosol optical depth (AAOD), Ångström exponent (α) and single scattering albedo (SSA) at the West Asia sites are 0.245±0.094、0.030±0.006、0.889±0.247 and 0.918±0.016, respectively, and the VSD are bio-modal. In generally, higher AOD occur in in spring and summer, while lower AOD occur in autumn and winter. The minimum of α and peak concentration of coar particles are both found in spring.At the Middle East sites, higher AAOD occur in summer and autumn, while lower AAOD occur in winter and spring. Higher SSA are found in spring and summer, while lower SSA in autumn and winter. But at the Mediterranean sites, higher AAOD occur in winter and spring, while lower in summer and autumn. Higher SSA are found in summer and autumn, while lower in winter and spring. The diurnal variation of annual mean AOD at the Middle East sites is much obvious than tho at the Mediterranean sites. Among them, the AOD at dert sites is higher in morning and nightfall, while lower at noon. TEP site shows a remarkable decreasing trend of α in recent years. DD and MI are the two main aerosol types at Middle East sites, while BB/UI and DP are the two main aerosol types at Mediterranean Sites. From MODIS data, AOD over the Persian Gulf, Oman and Red Sea are higher during four asons. And the AOD over the Red Sea in summer are the highest. From MODIS data, α in the middle part of the Middle East is the lowest, while the north of the Mediterranean region is the highest during different asons. The area of low α gets to smaller from spring to winter, while the area of high α becomes wider from autumn to winter, especially wide
st in December. From 2003 to 2018, AOD over the West Asia is rising with annual increa of 0.004, while α is decreasing with annual decline of -0.011. It is related to increasing dust events. From MERRA-2 data, the
characteristics of surface total aerosol and dust aerosol mass concentration are similar, which is higher in spring and summer while lower in autumn and winter. The high values concentrate on the east and southeast of Arabian Peninsula. The black carbon is higher in autumn and winter, while lower in spring and summer. The high values focus on the Tehran (capital of Iran) and Baghdad (capital of Iraq). In general, the organic carbon is higher in summer and autumn, while lower in winter and spring. The high values focus on Basra in Iraq. The surface sulfate mass concentration is higher in summer and autumn, while lower in winter and spring. And its high values focus on Persian Gulf where petroleum industry is blooming. As to annual variation, black carbon and organic carbon both increa obviously while the trend of other type of aerosols are not obvious. The increa of black carbon and organic carbon might be attributed to the increasing u of fossil energy due to rapid growth of population.
Key words: West Asia, aerosol, AERONET, optical properties, aerosol mass concentration