Passage 1
Satiric Literature1
Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness; its originality of perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead; it prents the familiar in a new form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes the conditions em foolish; harmful; or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are fal. Don Quixote makes chivalry em absurd; Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science; A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of the ideas is original. Chivalry was suspected before Cervantes2; humanists objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley3; and people were aware of famine before Swift4. It was not the originality of the idea that made the satires popular. It was the manner of expre
ssion;the satiric method; that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read becau they are aesthetically satisfying works of art; not becau they are morally wholesome or ethically instructive. They are stimulating and refreshing becau with commonn briskness5 they brush away illusions and condhand opinions6. With spontaneous irreverence; satire rearranges perspectives; scrambles familiar objects into incongruous juxtaposition; and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.
Satire exists becau there is need for it. It has lived becau readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus; an irreverent reminder that they live in a world of platitudinous thinking; cheap moralizing7; and foolish philosophy. Satire rves to prod people into an awareness of truth; though rarely to any action on behalf of truth. Satire tends to remind people that much of what they e; hear; and read in popular media is sanctimonious; ntimental; and only partially true. Life rembles in only a slight degree the popular image of it. Soldiers rarely hold the ideals that movies attribute to them; not do ordinary citizens devote their lives to unlfish rvice of humanity. Intelligent people know the things but tend to forget them when they do not hear them expresd8.
2.Cervantes: 塞万提斯1754-1616;西班牙伟大的作家、诗人、戏剧家..
3.Aldous Huxley:奥尔德斯·赫胥黎1825-1895;英国生物学家;作家..
4.Swift: 斯威夫特1667-1745;英国作家;擅长用讽刺和幽默揭露社会黑暗现象..
5.briskness:brisk意为keen or sharp in speech or manner..
6.condhand opinions:不可翻译为“二手的观点”;应该是“人云亦云的的观点”..
7.cheap moralizing:这里cheap意思不是“便宜的”;而是vulgar; contemptible; moralizing不是“道德”;而是“说教”..
8.when they do not hear them expresd:当直译不方便时;我们可用视点转移法:但是当周围人不谈起时
比较思想政治教育 或许讽刺文学最突出的特点是它耳目一新、视角独创..讽刺文学很少给人以原创的思想;但是它却将人们熟悉的事情以全新的形式展现出来..讽刺作家并不给人以新的哲学理念..他们所做的只是从某一视角来看待一些为人熟知的事情;在这一视角下;这些事情显得愚蠢不堪、充满危害而又矫揉造作..讽刺作品将我们从自鸣得意中震醒;让我们既愉快又惊诧地看到;我们从未质疑、全盘接受的价值观中;有很多都是错误的..《唐吉珂德》使得骑士精神显得荒谬可笑;《挑战新世界》嘲笑了科学的自诩;《一个小小的建议》则建议食用人肉;使饥饿问题戏剧化..这些思想中没有一条是原创的:在塞万提斯之前就有人怀疑骑士精神;在赫胥黎之前人文主义者就反对宣称纯科学的至高无上;在斯威夫特之前人们就已经意识到饥荒问题..并不是思想的独创而使得讽刺文学受人欢迎;而是它的表述方式、嘲讽方法使得它趣味横生、有娱乐性..人们阅读讽刺文学只是因为在美学上它是让人心满意足的艺术品;而不是因为它在道德上有益或伦理上的教益..它激人兴奋、爽人身心;因为它只是运用常理通识、辛言辣语;便将各种幻想和人云亦云的观点一扫而光..讽刺文学自心而来不拘谦恭;它重
房屋租赁合同范本打印Passage 2
春天的风American Folk Art
What we today call American folk art was; art of; by; and for ordinary; everyday1 “folks” who; with increasing prosperity and leisure; created a market for art of all kinds; and espe
cially for portraits. Citizens of prosperous; esntially middle-class republics—whether ancient Romans; venteenth-century Dutch burghers; or nineteenth-century Americans—have always shown a marked taste for portraiture. Starting in the late eighteenth century; the United States contained increasing number of such people; and of the artists who could meet their demands.