Finite amplitude side-band stability of a viscous film 期刊名称: Journal of Fluid Mechanics食品营养学
作者: S. P. Lin
年份: 2006年
期号: 第3期
关键词: CiteSeerX;citations;Finite amplitude side-band stability of a viscous film;S P Lin
摘要:The nonlinear stability of a viscous film flowing steadily down an inclined plane is investigated by the method of multiple scales. It is shown that the super-critically stable, finite amplitude, long, monochromatic wave obtained by Lin (1969, 1970, 1971) is stable to side-band disturbances under modal interaction if the
bandwidth is less in magnitude than to the ratio of the amplitude to the film
thickness. Near the upper branch of the linear neutral-stability curve where the
amplification rate ci is O(ε2), the nonlinear evolution of initially infinitesimal waves of
逆向投资>古风短句>对祖国说的话a finite bandwidth is shown to obey the Landau-Stuart equation, Near the lower
branch of the neutral curve, the nonlinear evolution is stronger. An equation is
derived for describing this strong nonlinear development of relatively long waves.英语字母手抄报
In practice,