三年级下册第三单元听说教学look at the kite
窗帘英语怎么读我今天执教的是新标准英语第十册 Module8 Unit2 I make the kite.一课。
一、教材分析:本课主要是Daming 用过去式来讲述他制作风筝的过程。
二、学情分析:在新标准英语第七册和第八册学生们已经学习过本课要用到的过去式动词,made, painted, cut, put, could。对一般过去时态有了知识基础。
1.基础目标:进一步复习made, drew, painted, cut, put, could.同时通过学习本课知识掌握strings, sticks, scissors, a piece of paper.这些单词和词组。
I .Warm-up
T: What did you learn from your Micro class video?
T: Great! You worked hard. Let’s watch the video together.
打印机工作原理1.T: Look, Daming made a kite for his cousin. Is it beautiful? Can you make a kite? How
to make it?
胃寒症状2. 学生用汉语说一说怎么样做风筝
3.T:Your suggestion is good. How did Daming make the kite? Let’s watch together.
4.T:Have you got it? Plea number the pictures. Which one is the first step? 学生将六副图片全部排列顺序。
5.T:Do you remember how to make the kite? Let’s make a kite together.
6.T:(教师出示一张画有龙的黄纸)I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper yesterday and I painted it. 出示单词卡片 a piece of paper 。(通过实物展示学生就非常容易理解词组的意思)
学生跟读学习单词,然后板书句子I drew a piece of paper. I painted it.
7. T: Who can do the next step? 一个学生演示 cut the paper 全班一起学习和读句子 。What did she/he do? 学生回答She/he cut the paper. 教师板书 cut the paper with scissors.出示单词卡片学习单词
8. T: 教师出示小棍,This is a stick. 出示两根小棍说two sticks. 出示单词卡片,学生学习单词。
打扮我9.T:Who can put the sticks on it. 一个学生演示,演示后教师问: What did you do? 学生回答 I put the sticks on it. 教师板书句子。学生跟读。
10. T: At last, what should we do? Who can try? 一个学生演示,教师出示strings实物和单词卡片,学生学习单词。教师板书句子I put the strings on it.
11. T: Look, a beautiful kite. What does Daming say when he finish it? 学生一起回答 I could fly my kite.
12. T: Super. You did good job. Plea listen and repeat.
III. Practice
1. Do the activity book. 每个小组选一个步骤来写
2. You can make a kite. Let’s e. How did Lingling make the Chine character fu? (学生看书先小组讨论一下,填空)
3. T:Today we know a lot. Look they made the newspaper. It’s fantastic isn’t it? Do you remember how did they make it? Let’s e.
4. They made the newspaper at school. We also made so many interesting things at school. Let’s enjoy. (教师播放多种图片)
5. T: You are clever children. Plea take out your workings. Discuss how you made it in your group. And then, write down the steps on the paper. Each one writes one step.