Production/ PO No. client / supplier / participants supplier / participants OBI / inspection standards documents / date of inspection / place of inspection /
Product description / Art-NO. / order quantity / inspection(available) quantity / number of samples (sample size) / number of cartons(samples are taken from cartons) / total
DPI- Audit pasd / DPI-Audit particularly pasd / major failures / minor failures
Reasons/ remarks
生产/订单号客户/供应商/供应商参加者/参与者OBI/检验标准文件转业/检查日期/检查地点/产品说明/产品编号。夸张的词语 /订货量/检查(可用)数量/样本(样本容量)/纸箱的数目(样品是从箱)/总共
General /Documentation / order / conformity to article pass /specifications / production instructions / test instruction / certificates / instruction manual /
Check of relead components / component / reference NO.
This report consists of 11 pages
The inspection report reflects our finding at that time and place of inspection. This report does not relieve the ller /manufacture of their contractual liabilities or prejudice from buyer’s right for compensation for any apparent and/or hidden defects not detected during our random inspection or occurring thereafter. This is the end of the report
Guideline –Enclosure to DPI- Audit Report
Schematic description of production flow / purpo /
1. The production flows of audited company has to be schematically describe as a so called flow chart.
The flow chart should be annexed to the audit report.
2. definition / symbols(with exemplary description) / description / magazine / magazin mi- products / start:raw material / mi products / e.g./ silo / tank / open depot / magazine / ropebelt conveyor / transportation facilities internal transportation / e.g. /pipeline / ropebelt / vehicle / production facility /equipment productions steps/ e.g. /mixing /compression /welding/ varnishing / filling& packaging / visual check damages /test steps /e.g. /visual controlling /automatically weighing / inspection records / e.g. /inspection records/ storage of measuring data /EDP /e.g./automatic storage of measuring data / open depot /freilager / palletized storage/ END/ ENDE store &shipment/ e.g./ prepackaging/ high rack warehou /roofed open depot
指引,附文向DPI,审计报告的生产流程示意图说明/目的/ 1。该公司生产审核流动要图式描述为所谓的流程图。该流程图应附于审计报告。2。定义/符号(与示范介绍)/描述/杂志/
公司杂志半成品/开始:原料/半成品/例如/筒仓高中物理课件/箱/打开仓库/杂志/ ropebelt输送带/交通设施内部运输/例如/管道/ ropebelt /汽车/生产设备/设备制作的步骤/例如/计生证混合/压缩/焊接/光油/充填包装/目测损害赔偿/测试步骤/例如/视频控制/自动称重/检查记录/例如/检验记录/n开头的单词测量数据存储/电子数据处理/例如:/测量数据/打开仓库/免税区/托盘储存/结束/英德商店及装运/例如/预包装/高高架仓库/仓库屋顶打开自动存储
Production flow chart/ description/ raw material mi products / connected wire to lamp holder then through the wire to the support tube / asmbly the parts together/ asmbly the support tube and ceiling plate then connected wire to wire block / hi-pot check /hi-pot check / function / power on check / visual check / record measure data /packaging
Remarks or validation(c= critical n= new nn=not necessary etc),for detailed information u parate sheet
生产流程图/介绍/半成品原料/连接线与灯座,然后通过管的支持线/组装的部件一起/组装的支持和天花板板管然后连接线到线块/耐压检查/您好锅检查/功能/电源检查/目测/记录测量数据/包装备注或验证(三=关键n=新的 nn=没有必要等)的详细信息,使用不同的表,
List of ud measuring equipment / No./inventory-no./ equipment /range /accuracy/ calibration interval,data
/hi-pot tester/ power tester
Product verification /explanation of defects (AQL:CR /MA /MI)
Critical defects / sample size/ total defectives /maximum acceptable
Major defects /sample size/ sleeving was damaged (low voltage wire 12v)/ rust mark on ceiling plate/ total defectives maximum acceptable
Minor defects /poor plating on housing /lamp shade support was deformed / total defectives maximum acceptable
产品核查/缺陷的解释(合格质量水平:CR/MA/ MI)的关键缺陷/样本大小/最大可接受的主要缺陷/样本大小/套管总次品被损坏(12V的低电压电线)/防锈标志天花板板/最大总次
Data measurement/ transportation drop check on master carton /carton/ satisfactory/ refer to special attention point
transportation drop check on mailer box /overheat protection check (thermal fu / thermostat trip check ) /rub check on painting / electro-plating by water/ tape check on painting / electro-plating by 3M tape/power consumption input current at 230v 50Hz / samples /actual rating 三只小猪读后感
temperature on /barcode readability check / rotational speed (R.P.M.) / accuracy check /battery compartment fitness check /by using the following brand name and type of battery/ CE mark location :on / language check for packaging //against P.O. information to check the language /result/ N/A /satisfactory/ refer to defective on special checkpoint/against client’ photos to check the language/against photos in PR to check the language/against Euromate’s requirement(16 languages) to check the language/ actual language show on package(plea list the language ID)
数据测量/运输的主箱下降检查/箱/满意/是指特别注意点运输邮件的投递箱的检查/过热保护检查(温度保险丝/温控器行检查)/擦检查绘画/电水电镀/磁带检查油漆/电由3M胶带电镀/功耗,输入电流为230伏50赫兹/样本/实际评价温度/条码的可读性检查/转速(rpm)/精度检查/电池盒健身检查/使用下面的品牌名称和类型的电池/ CE标志的位置在/包装/ /对订单信息来检查语言的语言检查:/结果/ n /阿/满意/是指在特殊检查缺陷/对客户的照片检查语言/对公关照片检查语言/对Euromate的要求(16种语言)检查语言/封装的实际语言显示(请列出的语言ID)