小白角Entrust letter of import quarantine
_________China Inspection and Quarantine (CIQ) Bureau:
幼儿园安全事故We as authorizing party (Registration No./Organization Code ) guarantee the compliance with the relevant inspection and quarantine law and regulations in PRC, as well as the truth and consistency of the delegated inspection and quarantine affairs. Otherwi, we will take the responsibility of relevant law/regulation stipulated. The specific delegation is as below:
Now delegate_____________________________________ (Registration No. of CIQ _ ____________) as our authorized party to conduct the below inspection affairs for the above import/export goods:
□1.Conduct the CIQ procedure;
□2.Prepay the CIQ fee;
优美的古诗词□3.Contact and cooperate with the CIQ;
□4.Receive the CIQ certificate。
□5. Other affairs related to the CIQ:
怎么挑橙子Contact Person:___________________ Telephone:___________________
This entrustment will be validated to DD/MM/YYYY Authorizing Party (Stamp)
Confirmation statement of authorized party
Our company accepts this entrustment and guarantee to fulfill the below responsibility:
1. Verify the truth and completeness between the goods and documents provided by the authorizing party;
2. Conduct the CIQ with complying the relevant law and regulations;
3. Transfer the documents related to the authorized affairs to the authorizing party or other designated people in time;
4. Inform the follow-up inspection and supervision required by the CIQ to the authorizing party
If any violation of law or regulation occurs during the authorized affairs, we will take the responsibility which relevant law and regulation stipulated.
Contact Person: _____________
Authorized Party (Stamp)